Why is your tounge like that? AND IM GOING TO STEAL YOUR ICE CREAM, IT'S BLUE
I lol'd hard for some reason But that's a different story and reason
I voted for FaWolf I think they're cute
oh when he has to shower and chibi-chibi takes the towel off
oh god it's pretty hilarious
he can never cheer up... unless he's stuck in the matrix, but he'll only crack a smile
Yes I do remember that
I have, yes
your silly you do know emment is a model... a underwear model, he was in my friend magazine and I noticed him and I lol'd
cats are nice hahahahaa, I don't like anyone in twilight...except Alice
trying to call people
like...edward? Cause that's stalking
I was snorting with you I remember that
oh god... Kingdom Hearts=/=Iron Man just no
I am sleeping all unproteced like
usually the percentage does stand for number of kills I think and the number stands for how many points you gained from the story, I think.
if I let you it won't be rape... butokdon'ttellanyone
I'm going to get a bunch more likeatnyafwhichwillbeawesome
herro there noise
Mind you, there is two other stories to go. And lol, you REALLY can't wait for the english port? /poor way to waste money.