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  1. Rayku
    How is everyone so far

    I doubt anyone remembers me, unless they follow me on Tumblr or have me on Facebook

    But yeah, how is everyone?
    Thread by: Rayku, Sep 4, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Rayku
    I think maybe I shouldn't come back for visits to the site...

    I just seem to find these threads all the time when I check in
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Rayku
    I hate to agree with the above statement, but it's true. They also failed in this aspect, over hyping the damn game to death. Square made it seem like it was going to revolutionize the whole series with it's greatness and game changing system of battling.

    But they fall way far from their goal. It's bad that it needs more than a few tweaks, it needs to be fixed overall.

    And I'm not excited for XIII-2, I mean I really want to find out what happens but they added a new guy out of the blue, and Serah is now a new protagonist? Why though? They haven't gave a good enough reason to do the sequel in my eyes.
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Rayku
    Obviously, I liked FFXIII, just look at my signature. It isn't my FAVORITE, but I did like it. But they could've done so much to it to make it a greater game. I think my two most favorites are (lol surprise) Fang and Vanille. I just really really love their relationship in the game, and even if they did great with it, wished they expanded it more.

    Oh, and I don't like Hope. BUT, I will defend him, because he does have a reason for his actions within the game. He watched his mother die right in front of him, and literally a few hours later was a walking timebomb to become a monster he most hated. And whoever says his fight against his summon is stupid, that is bullcrap.

    Hope is "The Castle" of the team, if you don't notice. He can deal a world of hurt if you use him correctly. He can also take a lot of damage (in and out of battle) he had to deal with all the stuff going on with him and his family while trying to save the freaking world

    And he's only a teenager.
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Rayku

    I would also say Catherine but that has a good fanbase
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 8, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Rayku
    What is Jailbreak about?
    Post by: Rayku, Jul 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Rayku
    I see, well I personally took it this way:

    Homestuck does have nerd humor, I did get that, of course. And I did like the "interactive" moments of it. I just don't get all the humor, it's unfunny, and it does seem to me it's forced

    Considering, the fans that I do get along with seem and explain the emotional investment they put into it stems from the storytelling, and I did try a few more times, but I couldn't connect to it.

    It also doesn't help that one side of the Homestuck fandom makes it seem like a "Cool Kids" club and if you don't embrace it, they must harass you and treat you lower then them.

    That's just me, with my interactions though.
    Post by: Rayku, Jul 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Rayku
    I forgot to mention I have tried, multiple times. I just don't get the humor, and some (AND I MEAN SOME) of the fanbase is a bit...rude and forceful when trying to gain new fans
    Post by: Rayku, Jul 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Rayku
    I tried reading it before but I just can't get the appeal of it.

    Though most of the fanart is nice.
    Thread by: Rayku, Jul 4, 2011, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Rayku
    Hm, well as a film series, it could've been better, all films have room to be better

    But from what I'VE seen is people are quick to judge this third film because of the second one (which was indeed bad)

    I have been hearing that *gasp* it's good? And has a story? Oh man I'm
    Blown away right now.

    Even if the previous films might of lived up to expectations, give it a try before you label it horrible.

    I hate Micheal Bay as much as the next person by the way
    Post by: Rayku, Jul 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Rayku
    I agree with this, so much.
    Post by: Rayku, May 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Rayku
    Well, sorry for the misunderstanding. But, I do go outside though. A lot actually...

    I miss you too ;~; I think I have you on FB, Tumblr and MSN right?
    Post by: Rayku, May 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Rayku
    omgz tumblr famous
    Post by: Rayku, May 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Rayku
    Oh, books? I love them

    I finished all my books that I have with me currently

    and considering it's 10:10pm at night in New York City I don't think it's "safe" to go alone outside.

    Thanks for asking, though

    Pretty much what she said

    Also, I need your url Haley for Tumblr

    Oh hey Rissy! How are you?
    Post by: Rayku, May 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Rayku
    Yes, Yes it does ._.

    At least Tumblr is fun....
    This place is just.....yeah

    You want to die, right?
    Post by: Rayku, May 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Rayku
    I guessing since Tumblr is down, and everywhere else kinda sucks right now....

    I come to the last place where I think it would be at least better

    nope, not at all
    Thread by: Rayku, May 14, 2011, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Rayku
    Hmm, well I did speak to you a few times and from what I know you're a nice person.

    I've been just focusing on college apps and school in general, so I forget to come here now and again.

    You seem like an overall nice person

    My favorite novel currently is "It's kind of a funny story" and it's very close with "The Valley of The Dolls"

    My favorite song right now would be "Jar of Hearts" and "Government Hooker"
    Post by: Rayku, Mar 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Rayku
    Oh hi Fayt! Um, I guess it's fine..the living life.
    Though right now it's being taken over by Pokemon White currently.

    Your friend should be Charmander, it's not that hard to do,

    First time meeting: He seems ok...
    Now: Dude, you better be coming to NY or I will kill you

    (It's been so long that I haven't been here that I forgot the URL, and doing this from an IPod)
    Post by: Rayku, Mar 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Rayku
    I did that last year

    I will never do that **** again, I just wanted to get a coat...

    I almost got run over by a crowd of people.
    Post by: Rayku, Nov 25, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Rayku
    I know, right? Gosh, I'm more like a hooker
    Post by: Rayku, Nov 25, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone