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  1. Sabby

    Plums.. D:

    Sabby <3 : haha you can tell them. I'll make a thread
    Plums: And I'm okay. Just getting Book Club stuff together, and gonna finish some summer hoework. :B
    Sabby <3 : :/
    Plums: ...*homework
    Sabby <3 : LOL
    Sabby <3 : LOL
    Sabby <3 : hoework
    Sabby <3 : Oh god
    Plums: All my summertime *****es.
    Sabby <3 : XD

    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 22, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Sabby
    LOL Omg sup guize.

    It's like 8am in Hong Kong right now xD god i'm gonna be so effing jet lagged

    I miss my house.. and my bed
    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 8, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Sabby
    My flight to Hong Kong is in 8 hours and I'm just watching my ipod charge. lol God I need to finish packing,

    So sup with y'all?
    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 7, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sabby
    1. Please provide some background information about the game you are discussing. The point of the General Gaming Section is to express what games you enjoy and bring others in to talk about it. While making a thread please provide a few sentences about what the game is about. This is helping people who either are looking for new games to play and want to read what most of their peers think about it

    2. Please think before you post a thread. Make your first post clear so members do not post the first few replies asking what you meant. It can be frustrating for members to try and guess what the purpose of the thread is, plus it just fills the thread with spam. If it is so confusing, you may be asked to clarify what you mean and if it is a repeat pattern, threads will simply be closed to stop everyone from being bedazzled by bizarreness. Also, keep "text talk" to a minimum.

    3. Make sure you try and post the thread in the right section, please check that you are in the correct sections, such as the Square Enix sections and gaming help. If you are unsure ask a staff to help to out.

    4. Don’t spam. If you wish to discuss something else than what the current topic you are browsing in is about, feel free to create a new thread in the appropriate place. Keep topics on topic. Spam will get deleted and repeat offenses of it will get you a warning, so let's keep spam out!

    5. Minimum 3 sentences. This was added in recently, due to certain circumstances. If members are caught not posting at least 3 sentences, staff will most likely delete the post with a message. If you continue to do it a warning will be issued for spamming. Posts count here, so make the post worth it.

    6. Use the search button; it’s there for a reason. It is there to help you. If a staff member knows one was created previously they will close the most recent one or merge it.

    7. Bumping is allowed, to an extent. You may only bump old threads if you have something to contribute to the discussion of the topic. Duplicate posts will be deleted/closed. If you look closely after adding the title of the thread, it will recommend similar threads, which there more likely are, so please don’t post things without making sure, as this just causes problems.

    8. Problem threads. If a member notices that a thread needs close/moved etc, please just PM one of the staff members that is allocated to the section, S.Mod or Admin. Don’t post in the thread saying, ‘I’ll contact a Mod.’, it is an unnecessary post. Also, if you have complaints about the threads being closed or moved, please PM a Mod of this area, S.Mod or Admin (preferably the one who did the action if you know) to question why rather than opening a thread concerning that in this area.

    9. No flaming or harassment. Please be considerate to all posters here and realize that not everyone shares your points of view. Do not incite fights, flame members or harass people. This is a general rule around the forums and in here many topics are posted pertaining to theories, thoughts etc on the games. Be respectful.

    10. Read the sticky threads, they're also there for a reason. Before posting a thread asking a question about a release date or anything about the upcoming games, please refer to the sticky threads about the game. Often, people ask questions and those questions are answered in the thread itself (like the discussion threads). You can use the in-thread search to see if your question has been answered, and if not, then you can post it. Providing that it's a valid question, of course.

    11. No Console/game Wars. They aren’t going to take you anywhere with that kind of argument. Everyone has different views on gaming consoles and what they like. It is not your job to tell them otherwise. So no posts says “well maybe you should have bought an xbox/ps3/wii because they are better” or "Wow Halo sucks.. COD is way better". Your posts will be deleted and be considered as spam

    12. No Short term abbreviations. Please put the full name of the game in the title. In the thread itself knock yourself out with the short term names. There are games with the same acronyms such as GOW= God of War or Gears of War.

    That's all folks! Thanks for reading these rules and let's all follow them mutually and enjoy some quality chat together over the games.

    ~ The Staff
    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 4, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  5. Sabby
    Woooooooooooooooooo. Yeah. My moose and I are gonna stroll down in the forest with our maple syrup
    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 1, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Sabby

    I'm happy

    That you guys didn't break the site when I was gone all of yesterday.

    Unless you are good at hiding it from me >.>

    So what did really happen?
    Thread by: Sabby, Jun 29, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sabby

    Prom is today

    lol should i be excited ????
    Thread by: Sabby, Jun 28, 2011, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sabby

    Sup Biznatches <3

    For this episode and others coming up in the future, since there is some drought in the news we have decided to have some guests on our podcast.

    This episodes featured guest is our lovely yet British member Darkandroid

    That's right... this loveable British KHV veteran has decided to open his arms to anyone and give them a big hug (I think)

    How guests will work with the podcast is that we will allow questions from KHV members to ask the guest. We will get their views about KH and the future of the franchise.

    We will allow 2 questions per member so we can get through the all the questions.
    Let the interrogation of Darkandroid begin!

    You have till friday to submit your questions. Enjoy.

    -If you are wondering about the other questions to staff, we will get through them but it's hard to schedule all of us to get together.
    -for voice actors, we have emailed a couple of them and hopefully they will respond as soon a possible <3

    I'd like to say again to thank all of you guys that listen to the podcast because I honestly wouldn't have continued if there wasn't a large amount of people to listen to it :3 thank you so much guys. I love you all.

    ASK AWAY ... AND KEEP IT PG-13. <3
    Thread by: Sabby, Jun 26, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Sabby
    Truer words have never been said. >.>

    Today was crappy day.

    Let's just slap everyone who is a terrible friend
    Thread by: Sabby, Jun 24, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sabby

    Good news KHV

    I told my le mum that you guys exist and I talk to each and everyone of you. So she knows about this place and that I run a podcast.

    Now she thinks that I'm going to break the law by touching you all...

    ... On the shoulder and giving you a hug.
    So guys I am a big pedo ready to touch you all.... On the shoulder
    Thread by: Sabby, Jun 17, 2011, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sabby

    Bros, You may kill me now. lol

    I apologize for such the long wait. School was really keeping me busy and just certain issues was.. nevermind. xD Alright this was a killer to record but we did not go through all the questions. We went through a ton though. Thanks to you guys, the members for asking us fun and random questions. In this longer episode we have part of the big staff group you all fear and hide from. Sabby, Misty, Chev, Stardust, Mark, DPWolf and Mike had a blast of just laughing and enjoying each others company. (seriously.. there were too many laughs). Hope you guys enjoy it. The intro music was from the piano playing Wolfie and the flute blower Stardust covering Always on My Mind from the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack. Have fun listening.


    Again we always would love your comments, concerns, suggestions and critique. We also encourage for all of you to submit questions for our next podcast. (I know there was no outro music, bare with me. lol) Remember if you ask questions please keep it appropriate and look at the guideline thread here

    For the questions we did not answer, they will be answered in the next podcast. Again I am sorry for making you wait long. Hopefully soon the podcast will be consistant, and hopefully we have more episodes out during the summer because most of us are free as a bird.

    See you guys soon. <3
    Thread by: Sabby, May 29, 2011, 53 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Sabby
    This is what I saw two years ago


    Am I willing to see that again? XD
    Thread by: Sabby, May 23, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Sabby
    Pretty much we had to take pictures of still life with paper. I enjoyed taking pictures of these




    Thread by: Sabby, May 17, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Sabby
    Who needs umbrellas? Embrace the effing rain people. >: It's not gonna kill you. Well I was being a smart asian by not taking an umbrella with me. So I got soaked from the rain. -insert sexual humor with cats and rain-

    So I watched Bridesmaids and Fast Five. They were both pretty good :3 I enjoy me some car races and some hot dudes/chicks driving them like pros. <3 and girls being girls before a wedding. Some good ****. I love Jon Hamm.

    Anyways I see that KHV awards are coming up :3 I'm totally a shoe in for biggest **** and best sammich maker.

    Have a good day.
    Thread by: Sabby, May 14, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Sabby
    My hotmail has been breached by the pron police. So if you want you can delete the old msn that I have and if you still want me on your msn then PM me and I'll give you my new email. D:
    Thread by: Sabby, May 7, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sabby


    [no one cares... this thread will get ignored]

    [​IMG] ... but i do.

    Sucks when you know no one cares.

    Ain't life grand? It really isn't.
    Thread by: Sabby, May 2, 2011, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Sabby
    [Mom is watching Twilight on TV]

    Thread by: Sabby, Apr 30, 2011, 84 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Sabby


    I'm play halo reach.

    u mad?
    Thread by: Sabby, Apr 22, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Sabby
    ..... tempted... but I dunno.

    There was a bomb threat at school again. But they are making us go back at 2pm.
    Thread by: Sabby, Apr 20, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Sabby


    Why, why is it so hard to convince ASIAN parents to let their children go to New York by themselves? D: whyyyy. D:
    Thread by: Sabby, Apr 7, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone