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  1. Sabby

    This thread..

    Is me just asking for a hug?

    can i haz?
    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 12, 2012, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Sabby
    so here is stuff.




    And I'm putting dis here cuz i canz. <3


    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 12, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Sabby
    [ Note: You guys, I am serious about this, PAY ATTENTION to the 50 question limit. ]

    Aaand for this week's spotlight we have Trigger, otherwise known as Axis

    As usual, there are some rules I need to go over before we can start. PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THEM, ESPECIALLY THE QUESTION LIMITS, as it's easy to go over the limitations without thinking! Note that the Staff/Prem QT limitations are a bit different than that of normal QT:

    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. This is still on KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed.

    4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight.

    5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote.

    And now that you have READ THE RULES, you may ask away!~

    Sabby still doesn't know what she is doing. Enjoy.
    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 5, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: The Playground
  4. Sabby
    Vote plox

    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 3, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Playground
  5. Sabby

    What's up? Thank you to your lovely members who participated in these mini-sodes. The summer mini-series runs till the end of August, if you want to know more about it click here.

    The second episodes includes your lovely members: PaW, Wingly (Aqua 101), Anti Sora, Excasr, Dr_Wigglz

    Entertainment Central, your slice of the entertainment industry at large, about all your favourite entertainment topics, from manga and books, to games and movies, we even have al little bit on Kingdom Hearts even!
    Note: This was recorded a good few months ago, before the release of KH3D, and sorry for any outdated stuff! : P

    Intro: Put Your Hands Up - Gangstagrass
    Mammago's - Beyong Good and Evil OST
    Psychedelic Souljam - Soul Eater OST
    Derezzed - Daft Punk
    Gymnpodie No 3 - Erik Satie
    Dearly Beloved - Kingdom Hearts BBS OST
    Simple and Clean (Rock Version) - Utada Hikari
    If You Still Believe (Main Theme) - The Legend of Dragoon OST
    Teardrop - Massive Attack
    Pirates of the Carribean Theme Song
    Dig A Little Deeper - The Princess and The Frog OST
    Outro: Momm Sed - Puscifer
    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 22, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  6. Sabby

    Two podcasts in one week! BLASPHEMY!

    We know that E3 ended a couple weeks ago but in the podcast Sabby, Forsaken, Clawtooth, Peace-and-War and special guest Libregkd decided to talk about what happened at E3 and they judged each conference by grade. We had a fun time talking about the best parts about E3 and the worst. Enjoy the episode!

    Just to let everyone know, the Mini Series is still going on, you can still get into groups and make your own podcasts.

    Intro song
    Artist: Baths
    Title: Animals
    Album: Cerulean

    Background song 1
    Artist: Utada Hikaru
    Title: Sanctuary (voice of the future mix)
    Album: N/A

    Background song 2
    Artist: Villalobos
    Title: Fizheuer Zieheuer
    Album: N/A

    Background song 3
    Artist: Amiina
    Title: Sexfaldur
    Album: Kurr

    Outro song
    Artist: Paolo Nutini
    Title: Rewind
    Album: These Streets

    Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Sabby know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here.
    Thread by: Sabby, Jun 28, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  7. Sabby
    He was like "i'mma sleep on the couch tonight" and I'm like "....." because I want to play video games.

    If many of you don't know.. my dad doesn't live with me and he visits once a year or once every two years from Hong Kong. He's here for two weeks and it's kinda awks because I think he's going to go all super asian parent on me and tell me if I play video games, I'll be dishonoring my family. Then he'll be deported back to Hong Kong and spend the rest of my life in a library.

    So... to game or not to game. hmmmm.
    Thread by: Sabby, Jun 1, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sabby
    If you have not been up to date, the Mark of Mastery edition was announced and now ready for pre-order. I was looking through the little guide of what games were coming out for the summer at a Eb Games/Gamestop where I work. They had a description of Dream Drop Distance with a little intro of the game and what the Mark of Mastery Edition has in it.

    Thread by: Sabby, May 23, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Sabby
    Assistant PR of Square Enix NA (SquareEnixEmily) was able to tweet out a post about a new interview on GameTrailer. Just an explanation of the game plus some hints towards KH3.

    <div style="background-color:#000000;width:520px;"><div style="padding:4px;"><embed src="" width="512" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="." flashVars=""></embed><p style="text-align:left;background-color:#FFFFFF;padding:4px;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">Get More: <a href=""></a>, <a href="">Kingdom Hearts 3D - Behind the Game Interview</a>, <a href="">PC Games</a>, <a href="">PlayStation 3</a>, <a href="">Xbox 360</a></p></div></div>​

    Thread by: Sabby, May 23, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Sabby
    Thanks to your favourite member Krowley, we have a screenshot of what seems to be a fan messaging Ben Diskin about a role as Young Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. If you do not know who Ben Diskin is, some of his roles were in Avatar: The Last Airbender as Hahn and has used his voice as additional characters in Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2.


    EDIT: This has now officially been confirmed. Ben Disken has announced he will be the voice of Young Master Xehanort.

    Thread by: Sabby, May 18, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Sabby
    Thank you for members: Axel91 & Thunderbandit. We get to see the KH3D English trailers with the lovely voice actors you love and know from the Kingdom Hearts Series.

    It was updated on their North American site.


    You can download the video by clicking here.
    Thread by: Sabby, May 14, 2012, 35 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Sabby

    E3 2012

    Might as well start a thread about this. When the time comes please post your thoughts and comments in here. I will try to provide streaming links for the conferences.
    What is everyone one hoping for? Who do you think will stand out the most at E3?
    *Rockstar and Blizzard are not attending this year.

    Here is the full list of Exhibitors: HERE

    Source: Facebook

    Sony opens a mini-site for the livestream of their conference and coverage :
    Thread by: Sabby, May 12, 2012, 112 replies, in forum: Gaming
  13. Sabby
    If you haven't seen Mike's update then look here

    Just to keep updated, thanks to SQEX they have translated the interview for the Famitsu Weekly.

    Just a reminder there are spoilers in these interviews.

    Thread by: Sabby, May 12, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Sabby
    KH3D Ultimania is out, SQEX and Goldplanner worked super hard to get this translated, so kudos to them. The updated information gives us Tetsuya Nomura's interview in the book as well as detailing hidden plots within the game. There is also some news about what's next for the Kingdom Hearts series.

    *Please note that there are spoilers in these interviews and if you have remained spoil-free from this game then I suggest not scrolling down :)

    The Director Interview
    Scenario Mysteries
    Thread by: Sabby, May 12, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Sabby
    Gaming magazine GameInformer has an interview that is worth reading, featuring Tetsuya Nomura. The newest issue of the magazine should be in stores now, if you want to pick up a copy. It talks about a mix of the Kingdom Hearts games with some Final Fantasy as well.

    Source: KHinsider
    Thread by: Sabby, May 7, 2012, 25 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Sabby
    KHV Summer Mini Series

    So this will be the thread where if you want to join in the mini series but have no group, members here will post who need people to join in the podcast.

    To the people who are asking members to join your group, make sure you edit the first post to gather all the members.

    Anything else, just post here.

    -Sabby <3
    Thread by: Sabby, May 1, 2012, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Sabby

    Hello KHVidans, ​
    It’s a special time of the year; it’s (almost) summer break! Which means school is over (or almost over) for many of you, and I’m pretty sure most of you will be on KHV during the break. It’s a very special time for the KH-Vids Podcast. It’s been over a year since it first started and now we are trying our best to get many of the members involved. Wait no further because I present, the Summer Mini Series! ​


    What is it?

    The mini series is a summer project for all members to become involved with the KH-Vids podcasts. Members in a group of 4 or 5 have the control to make their own podcast episode and I would post it on KHV titled as an episode for the mini series. It is a community project for everyone to try and take part, so everyone can see the members we have here on KHV. The initial time frame for the mini series is from May to August. Since this is a BETA, the mini series will run from May to July. (If it gets enough community involvement, I’ll extend the time frame). This does not cut out the episodes that the KH-Vids Staff provides, but is a way to get members to become more active with the community and communicate with each other.​

    What do you need?

    You will need:
    • A group (Min.: 3, Max.: 4-5)
    • KH-Vids members
    • Skype or another method of voice calling
    • Skype recorder
    • A program to edit the audio
    • Microphones
    • A good attitude


    Topics can range from anything in particular but you must remember that you are recording for people to listen to. Do not pick a very narrow topic that does not seem to have a ton of interest among your fellow members. However, you must run it by me or another staff member with the topic you wish to talk about.


    These are the following rules for the mini series:
    • This is open to all members, which include premiums and staff.
    • The members are in control of their own episode: getting a group together, recording, editing, and submitting it to me.
    • Each episode should be no more that 45 minutes. If this occurs, I will ask you to cut it down until it reaches 45minutes.
    • Make sure the format of the podcast is MP3
    • There will be no vulgar language, swearing must be kept to a minimum
    • No sexual jokes, racial jokes, offensive terms are to be said on the podcast.
    • No bashing of other members or fan sites (we are not here to trash talk).
    • One member is allowed to be in the podcast once. Twice, if the group is mixed up. (E.g.: Member 1 made an episode with group 1. Member 1 cannot be in another podcast with members from group 1 to create a new episode)
    • No having inside jokes that no one will really understand, you’re recording for an audience.
    • If you podcast has spoilers, please mention it in the description when submitting
    • Try and stay on topic. Off topic is not terribly bad but always try to re-route to the original idea
    • Last but not least, have some fun with it. :)


    You may feel free to handle adding music and editing to the podcast yourselves, however, if you need any assistance, please send the Podcast file (along with your song choices) to Chevalier via PM.​


    Before you start your podcast, one person from your group needs to message Sabby or another staff member about your topic and the members in the group.This is used in case your fellow members thought of the same topic as your group. Once they have given the okay you may record. When you finish recording and edited your podcast, upload it to either mediafire or another file sharing site. You may send it through email ( or PM Sabby. To make sure I have received your PM/Email, I will reply back so you will know. In the email/PM please provide:
    • Members in the group
    • Podcast file
    • Description of what your podcast is about

    If you have any questions post them below and I will help clarify. Other than that, have fun and enjoy.
    Here is the thread if you need help finding a group :

    -Sabby <3
    Thread by: Sabby, May 1, 2012, 43 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  18. Sabby

    Sorry for the delay everyone but thank you once again for the questions you asked the voice actor of Zexion/Ienzo. In the lovely podcast we have Sabby, Clawtooth, Ienzo and the lovely Vincent Corazza today talking about his career, his life and about his role in Kingdom Hearts.

    Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Sabby know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here.

    *the mini series will be up soon, so stayed tuned
    Thread by: Sabby, Apr 29, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. Sabby
    don't care what your username is now.. you are forever my Mongee!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

    Thread by: Sabby, Apr 19, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Sabby
    With Misty and Evilman tied at 6053 posts.

    who will win?
    Thread by: Sabby, Apr 18, 2012, 83 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone