Once the keybladers took off on their gliders, the wolf finally felt free from the island, though he felt he left something or someone behind there, but he couldn’t put his paw on it... Looking out to the sea, it was more beautiful than he could see on that pile of rocks, the sky, the birds, even the fish were swimming and jumping from the shining ocean. As soon when he saw Moana jump, he shook his head in disappointment. When the group caught up with Maui, the wolf jumped off of the glider while standing next to Moana. The two were having a debate, when the wolf saw the Heart of Te Fiti, he was in terror, but at the same time in grace. He also growled at the mention of Te Ka, strange enough he had a few nightmare where he saw a enormous demon the size of an island, smoke forming all around him, and burning lava that never stopped anything in its path, perhaps that’s what Moana meant. Tilting his head at Maui when Moana mentions if he was a hero or not, and then he jumped for joy as they were going to put the Heart back. Sitting down on the front of the canoe, he looked at his reflection in the water, feeling quite depressed with those glowing blue eyes, hoping that his wish could come true if they finds Te Fiti.
KH SOS Owain “Marx” Sableheart Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GcO1ibLHAQ
It wasn’t long until the Wolf stopped barking, turning to AJ, he looks at him and then sees the glider. The wolf made a look that said, “Why didn’t you do this before?” Nonetheless, the beast jumped onto the gliding vessel then made himself accounted for and comfortable. He issued a bark saying that he’s ready to go.
Catching the fruit in his mouth, he gnawed on it and eventually ate the fruit. All he’s had were fruit and even some fish, which he scavenges himself from time to time. Maui and the wolf had a... interesting relationship with each other, they didn’t really hate one another but had arguments no doubt, even though the wolf couldn’t speak. The beast was paying attention to the group 50% of the time during Maui’s and Moana’s rant. Until, Maui got his attention, his ears perked up. The large man ran off across the island at an incredible speed, the wolf followed close behind Moana to catch up. It barked, howled and whimpered until Maui was out of listening range. Laying on the white sand of the island, the animal whimpered to himself. He heard Moana speaking to the other keybladers about how to follow Maui, an idea stuck the wolf’s mind, it stood up and started to bark to the ocean, appearing it lost its mind but the wolf knew what he was doing.
The world is made up of both Light and Darkness, you can’t have one without the other.
As the animal nodded, it jumped down from the rock and sat next to Kel. This Wolf was indeed intelligent, perhaps unlike any that had ever been seen. He nugged his fluffy head against the boys leg, the beast seemed to have a unknown, strange connection to him and the others that arrived.
The Wolf shook his head to answer the question as he rubbed against Moana’s leg, feeling the warmth of her skin. Then he moved over to Kel then bit a little into his clothing and pulled him a bit with his mouth, trying to show him something. He let go and jumped onto a rock and barked loudly that could be heard on the other side, while at the same time, showing Moana and Kel a number of tally marks in the shape of a giant hook.
As the White Wolf was inspecting the two blonde kids, he then heard a yell of some sort then left away and into the rocks. He sniffed all around trying to get a sense of where it came from, though the island was small, the Wolf’s senses detected someone else as he was searching. He came across two people; the first was a teenage girl with black hair, light brown skin and a necklace. What was strange about her was that he felt a strong pull of light coming from girl, something that was warm and comforting. The second person was another teenager, this time a boy with blue hair, greenish and cyan clothing and similarly aged to the two teens back with the Maui. The Wolf went over to introduce himself as he walked to the two and sat down in front of them, looking at them with curiosity.
Strange for a smash character, however unique.
Henllo, it is I, Mr. Poopybutt!
Cool, thx!
Try it now.
Hmmm, hold on a minute, I thought it did. Lemme fix that.
As the three were talking, Maui mentioned something about a wolf. Strange enough, one was hiding behind a rock watching and listening to them, it was very unique; having white fur and a long tail, but having aquamarine shards forming out from his fur near his head. It was also lengthy, almost unlike any wolf known. The wolf slithered past the large man who he had know for a long while, even he couldn’t remember the length of time. The creature then started to greet the two newcomers, sniffing around them, observing their looks, even licking the blonde girl on the cheek showing some form of affection. It then sat down looking at them curiously, wondering how they got here in the first place. Spoiler: The Wolf https://www.deviantart.com/nukerooster/art/The-Shaman-538581980
Congrats Firekeyblade!
I can see this being very interesting: World of Gray by CG5 Original | Instrumental
I dig this! It’s slightly similar to the band; Skillet, that I love listening to.
Yeah, some people are joining daily, not a lot but at least some. I myself am new and is slightly scared of the news. So far I love this site and hope to continue being here in the long run.
Ok, got it
This NEEEEDS to be done and the theme of KH SOS! However, I couldn’t find the instrumental, if someone can that would be awesome. You Are the Key (Inspired by “Kingdom Hearts”) by Tara St. Michel Original