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  1. Rinzler
    Good job!
    Post by: Rinzler, Nov 2, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  2. Rinzler
    The Wolf was ready to finish the crab until he was grabbed by Maui and blasted out of the Realm of Monsters with the rest of the group. He tumbled on to the sandy surface of the beach as he dropped the Keyblade he had. Least he got one wish fulfilled so far. The animal stood up as he shook off all the sand from his fur and went to grab his weapon and joined along with the others. While he was standing listening in on the conversation the wolf felt some sort of turmoil in him, as he listened on he swore he heard something else. Shaking the feeling off once he heard about continuing the quest, the beast smirked as he got some recognition out of Maui knowing he that he didn’t just stand their chasing his tail. But it came to the decision if this mission was a curse, the wolf felt sympathy for Maui. First thing the wolf wanted was to leave, but being around the group made him understand that this world has to be fixed. The White Beast sat down in pride in front of Maui, ready to take on whatever comes their way.
    Post by: Rinzler, Nov 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Rinzler
    That’s good because you’ll be Halloween, and that makes it even more spooky.
    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 30, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  4. Rinzler
    Shoot! I forgot! I'll be sure to do my vote!
    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 29, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  5. Rinzler
    Ok, I’m gonna use the majority of my crowns and munny right now (slightly regretting this but why not XP).

    HP (Health): 90 + 150 CR = 100
    MP (Magic): 8 + 50 CR = 9
    Strength: 16 + 40 CR = 20
    Speed: 9 + 60 CR = 15
    Defense: 15 + 50 CR = 20
    Magic: 24 + 60 CR = 30
    Resistance: 15 + 50 CR = 20
    Max AP: 42 AP + 30 CR = 45

    Phoenix Down, Ballon Letter, Elixir, Mega Ether, 2 Hi-Potion and a Ultra Potion = 4,500 Munny

    CR Left: 31
    Munny Left: 1,000
    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 28, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  6. Rinzler
  7. Rinzler
    Profile Post

    I am a smol potato :3

    I am a smol potato :3
    Status Update by Rinzler, Oct 23, 2018
  8. Rinzler
    After being shaken around like a rag doll, the wolf loosens his grip with his teeth and falls onto the sandy floor, groaning and whining a little. Slowly the animal got up, shook its head, and got back into the action as if nothing happened. His number one instinct was running to the Keyblade that he broke off, dashing under the large crab while the other keybladers were distracting him, the wolf gripped the handle of the Keyblade with his mouth and instantly felt a surge of power overflowing in him. Ready to fight, the White Beast ran towards two of the large crab legs and struck them with his weapon, hitting both five times. Then again on two others, repeating the process until he had a brilliant thought as he was fighting, he than ran underneath the giant crab and aimed the Keyblade upward to his stomach as he fired a burst of Firaga at the underbelly the crustacean. As he saw the keybladers busy attacking the front, the wolf knew that some crustaceans had soft underbellies, after being on that island for so long he learned a few things, so he used that to his advantage and used a slew of striking along the belly but eventually Tamatoa was going to suspect this, so the beast moved as fast as he could. Doing a dash roll out of the way to join the others, he added a striking blast of Thundaga unto one of the eyes of the monster. Now in battle stance with the rest of the group, listening to their conversation, he joined in by firing another burst of Firaga to one of the legs of the crab. He continuously went round and round the enormous crab, hitting him as many times as possible on the legs, to add by annoying the monster, he went on top of the crab and started kicking tons of gold and shiny objects off. He threw in a Blizzaga for more effect as more and more valuable items fell off his back, at the same time, this was the most fun the wolf had since… well ever since he was put on that island. That was until he was shaken off by the angered crab, having a bad stance from where he was, the White Beast was thrown off easily. Looking that the crab wasn’t happy, the wolf tried to dodge as many hits from the crab as possible, lucky for him he was small and agile and kept leaping from area to area. But then the crab started to predict his movements and eventually got closer and closer every time the beast would out run him. The charade ended by Tamatoa hitting the little animal when he was in mid-air, knocking a little bit of wind out of him made him immobile for a few seconds. The crustacean grabbed the White Beast by the tail and looked at him hungry as the large monster started to dangle the animal while it struggled in a panic.

    Words: 506
    EXP: 100
    Total EXP: 200

    Tamatoa: 598 BP
    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Rinzler
    Slithering in the shadows, the wolf saw Moana meet up with Kaida doing the same kind of idea, at this point he was confused. Then he felt the earth shake beneth him as the pile of jewels, gold and keyblades rose upward, the crab was the pile with everything on his back. Seeing Moana and Kaida get picked up, along with AJ getting hit with sand, the White Beast took action. Jumping from object to object in the cavern, the animal was at a long ledge that was at height with the enormous monster crab. Taking a couple paces backward, the wolf bolted forward and leaped onto the shiny shell back. Pulling himself up, the wolf saw the shining white Keyblade next to the giant hook and ran toward it. He gripped his mouth onto the Keyblade handle as he felt a surge of energy coming from it while trying to pull it out. Until seeing the crab just about to eat Kaida, the wolf panicked and pulled the Keyblade out but falling onto the ground in the process. When Kel went straight for the crabs eye, the White Beast joined as well running toward the head. Scratching on the neck of the crab as he jumped to the claw that held Kaida, bitting down on it hoping he would release her.
    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Rinzler
    Profile Post Comment

    Happ B-Day cstar!

    Happ B-Day cstar!
    Profile Post Comment by Rinzler, Oct 18, 2018
  11. Rinzler
  12. Rinzler
    Once the wolf landed onto the ground, he was separated from the group momentarily. Shaking off the pain, he heard a growl coming from the shadows, this shook him down to the very bones. Turning around to face the origin of the growl, was the darkness of a Black Panther, with eyes that glowed crimson red menacingly, a strange substance that made up the fur and with every step the cat took a cloud of shadow formed. The White wolf growled in defense and tried to attack the panther, but it was too fast for the beast, and counterattacked from the side that pained him down. With the wolf struggling, the dark cat bit it’s fangs into the animals neck as it yelped in pain as a voice spoke out, “Now, WE are ONCE again... REUNITED...” As suddenly the White Beast regained its strength to stand, the black panther was gone, not a trace from whence it came.

    Shaking and stumbling off from the deadly encounter, he joined with the others to see treasures, Keyblades and a giant hook in the cave. One Keyblade in particular he saw next to the giant fish hook, was of a bright white Keyblade with a wolf at the hilt along having a crescent blade at the top of the sword. He whimpered as he saw it, then seeing Kaida walk in trying to get the crabs attention. He shook his head in disappointment from this, until he saw that shard again that the blonde girl had as she held it up. This gave the White Beast a thought, he grew the crystals on his back longer until he smashed his back against the wall, shattering some of crystals off his back and tossing them next to Kaida. After that, he ran into the shadows, sneaking, waiting for the right moment to strike to go for the prize.

    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Rinzler
    I prefer a chilly cheese dog. SONIC has some good hot dogs.

    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 13, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Rinzler
    Did someone say... THIS IS HALLOWEEN?! (No that isn’t my song XP)
    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 9, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  15. Rinzler
    Once the group had reached the mountain, a strange essence stirred within wolf, it felt like he as butterfly’s in his stomach mixed with form of nausea. The climb for the furry friend was the simplest out of the bunch, all he had to do was jump ledge to ledge and almost as fast as Maui, he made it to the top. He looked from the top of the mountain and saw the horizon, to him, it was beautiful. When he turned his attention to Maui and seeing the door to the Realm of Monsters, he had that mixed butterfly nauseating feeling again. In the back of the wolf’s mind, a voice echoed to him, Jump in... and seek your destiny...” The White Beast shivered at this, feeling the darkness where it originated, but also feeling a strong light down at the bottom of the entrance. Knowing he would have to do it sooner or later, the animal took about five paces backward, then sprinted for the entrance, and dove right in, feeling that he was falling forever. Down, down, down
    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Rinzler
    Little update on Marx: So I switched his story up a bit, he never trained in the Dark Margin, but rather in a sacred valley on his world Altureon. Another add on is his design, he first gets a purple wolf mask then gets a white version later on.

    And one last thing, I’ve given Marx three theme songs; a normal theme, a dark theme and a light theme. Here they are:

    That’s bout it for now, just a little bit of info and design, asks are always opened if you wanna know more bout him.
    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 7, 2018 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  17. Rinzler
    I don’t know if I’m late to the party, but how about this song:

    This Is Halloween: Original | Instrumental
    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 6, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  18. Rinzler
    Congrats burnitup! I kinda expected mine to not do good this time round. Oh well, good job regardless!
    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 6, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  19. Rinzler
    Profile Post Comment

    WiLl yOu bE GetTIng tHE GaME???

    WiLl yOu bE GetTIng tHE GaME???
    Profile Post Comment by Rinzler, Oct 1, 2018
  20. Rinzler
    Still looking at his reflection in sadness, the wolf was wondering what the others would think of him once his wish comes true. He then looked up to the faint stars that appeared in the sky as the day slowly turned to night, thinking, where would he be accepted?

    Then, his heart skipped a beat, he shrugged it off first, but it happens again when his crystals glowed shortly and stopped once he turned to the Keybladers. Until he saw it, a small grey looking crystal that Kaida pulled out of her bag. He also realized Kaida was wet, so the wolf wrapped his body around her to keep the girl warm as he stared at the crystal in curiousity, slightly trapped by its gaze and shine. Along with that, the crystals on his back emitted a faint glow, in the rhythm of a heart beat, something oddly familiar to him that he couldn't think on.
    Post by: Rinzler, Oct 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena