The boy grinned to see Maui swim around in his shark form, that was until he jumped up and turned into a giant whale. With quick reaction, Marx flipped backwards to a ledge on the mountain and covered himself with his cape. Once the splash occurred he jumped back down and walked over somewhat wet. “You can bet we can call on you for help, both you and the ocean.” The masked boy said to Maui and Moana. But something was still floating in his mind, something that Maui knew about that didn’t make sense. Looking upward to Maui; the demigod of the wind and sea, Marx spoke to him, “Maui, I know we never really got on good terms in the past on that island. I’m willing to turn that around, but something’s bugging me that I haven’t figured out. Before I changed back to human, I heard you said Moana was a princess of heart. I knew that already when I saw her for the first time. But what I wanna know is this: how do you know about princesses of heart? Only those who have traveled around the worlds would know, least to my knowledge.” The boy finished in a curious tone.
I’m autistic as well! Small world. No shame in hiding it man!
View attachment 50014 Before he could get further, Tinarah stopped him in his tracks. Perhaps it was slightly silly of him to go into a place that he hasn’t been before. He stopped so the other two could catch up, when they caught up he fixed his scarf and continued to walk with them. “Oh, really? That’s why he left? Huh, guess I’ll have to keep a close eye on Kosmo. Ain’t that right girl?” Lumen says as he pets the dragon on her forehead, until she looks up to see something flying up in the sky and follows it. “Well, guess she’s preoccupied for right now, anyway how bout that-” In mid sentence he started to smell some sweet aroma. He spoke out to Tinarah, “What’s that amazing smell?! It smells sooo good! That from the kitchen? If so, can ya take me there?” The boy knew the way there, he was just wanting to see what the reaction to the other two seeing if they were generous enough.
I’m a potato
I’m currently reading the Ranger’s Apprentice series. I love the different stories that each book tell and continue on through Will’s life. There are 12 books in all (I’m on book 10 at the moment), a couple are single adventure books, while the majority are continuous in different parts. Example: The Burning Bridge, Icebound Land and Battle of Skandia (Books 2-4) all tie into each other, while book 10 takes some story elements from book 7. It’s kinda complicated because book 7 takes place before book 5 but other than that it’s kinda interesting. My favorite book has to be Halt’s Peril, I won’t spoil it but the events are so heart wrenching, I almost cried (actually though). So I highly recommend taking a look, dear John Flanagan has made a true masterpiece.
View attachment 50013 While he was playing his lute he noticed the look on Tinarah’s and Chrys’ faces, it seems that they weren’t that much of the social people, but that didn’t bother him much. Lumen was, at most, a loose cannon about... a hundred percent at the time. He lives lively and loved meeting new people, with time, he’ll warm to their hearts as friends. What he also noticed is that he noticed Tinarah eyeing his lute so he decided to speak, “Oh? You like my lute? Yeah, my great grandfather passed it to me before he passed away. He was a simple jongleur, which is in other words a simple friendly traveler. I always loved to listen about his stories, songs, and he even had a pet dog named Shedo. She’s sweet. His dying wish was for me to see the world beyond, and tell his tale of exploring. I’m kinda rambling at this point, heh...” Then came the question of if Tinarah wanted to show them around, instantly Lumen put his lute away as Kosmo curled into the boys scarf like a hammock. “Why that would be wonderful! I’d love to see the castle and meet some of the others that are here. There... are others right? I’m just eager to meet new people, makes me feel known in the worlds.” He said with an energetic voice as he bolted up the stairs two steps at a time, until he got to the halfway point and turned to the two girls and spoke out, “I uh... also have to speak to the Council about something important. So once you show me around, maybe you could point me to where I can find them?” Lumen finished with some hesitation and curiosity in his voice, he wants to give the news about Master Varos and his presence as soon as possible, but that can wait. What he really wants right now is a lay of the land and people to meet.
View attachment 49978 After getting Tinarah’s attention, Kosmo started to fly around Lumen for the remainder of the time while they talked. The boy also bit his under lip and clenched his hands at the thought of saying it, but he eventually came to his senses and let go of the though and spoke out with a joyful voice. “Weeeell... I’m one of Master Sanda’s students... rather her last student... The name’s Lumen Hindell. And my flying friend here is Kosmo. We were all in battle, Heartless had swarmed the castle. Everyone was locked in combat, I was doing my best to keep up. Then I saw an opening where we could escape. I tried to find Master Sanda, but... she was overcomed by so many Heartless, I couldn’t reach her because they kept blocking the path. Then someone rescued me from the mess. He was able to get me out of their, however... I was the only one that made it out. We camped for a day in the outskirts, then he left on his glider and pointed me the direction here. Made a few hours ride, and here we are.” The boy then finished as he spread his hand out, and as if on cue Kosmo landed on his arm and crawled up back to his shoulder. Lumen smirked at this as he reached to his large satchel and pulled out a wooden lute with three strings, he plucked the instrument and continued on, “I also heard of the events that were going on, so I’m here to offer as much help as possible.” After he plucked the right tunes of his lute, he started to play a lovely melody as Kosmo danced a little bit to the song.
View attachment 49977 Noticing that there was a conversation going on, Lumen decided to wait until it was done. Seeing that a boy and girl left for some unknown reasons, the boy seemed to be angered while the girl went in a hurry for something. Then the older man gave Lumen a nod, and gave one back to him. Now feeling his legs are better, Lumen slid off from his stead as it disappeared in thin air as he made his way towards the girl named Tinarah; that the man was talking too when he accidentally eavesdropped. “Did I come in at a bad time? Sorry, I kinda was in a rush. Didn’t expect to get here sooner.” He said as Kosmo climbed up onto the young boys head looking at the girl while tilting her head, and scratching her ear like a dog.
View attachment 49976 “Then I wish you safe travels, Master Varos. I thank you once more for getting me here, I’ll give your regards to the other masters and the Council. And I’ll keep that in mind whenever I get hungry in the night.” Lumen said jokingly at the end. Seeing the man then summon his glider and fly off, Lumen spoke the words aloud, “Afíste tous drákous na sas kathodigísoun sto peproméno sas...” The boy then looks at Kosmo for a second as she tilts her head to him. “What? I’m just wishing him safe travels, that’s all.” He said to the autumn dragon as he turned his dragon glider to the direction Master Varos told him to go as he spoke aloud. “Now, let’s go see the Council and the rest of the students. Yah!” Lumen said when he whipped the reins on the dragon while it made a roaring neigh as it went on a full gallop sprint. It felt like the sunset was in front of them, as the castle was mere miles ahead, but soon enough Lumen spotted the fated fortress ahead. Eventually he brought his mount into a trot, as he saw others just outside, the boy thought he was the only one here besides the Council. But then again, Master Varos mentioned the events that were currently going on, and he certainly mentioned that students were in the courtyard. So he made his way towards them on his dragon glider with Kosmo perched on his shoulder. “Why hello there! I kinda didn’t expect seeing others here. Are you here to seek shelter as well?” Lumen said while resting on his mount as Kosmo looked at the group curiously from her perch. *Afíste tous drákous na sas kathodigísoun sto peproméno sas - Let the dragons guide you to your destiny
Watching the events in front of him, it was kinda funny and strange to say the least. But it wasn’t uncommon for Marx to see this kind of weirdness. I was a wolf for a very long time, stuck on an island with a large demigod man; who I had to fight off from eating me if he was planning to, and to find my own food. Marx thought to himself, and knowing from his travels he’d probably seen even weirder. After having his own fun in his thoughts, Marx walked over to the rest of the group to include his opinion, “Perhaps you could try something that could get you away easy when we get Te Ka. Birds are a good option, but if he can throw things at you, eventually you’ll get hit. Also, if he works with fire and earth powers, then like AJ said; use some sort of water creature so he won’t get you.” Pondering in his thoughts once more, an idea struck his mind, one Maui would use easily and spoke, “Try turning into a shark. They swim, have powerful teeth and are incredibly fast in the water so Te Ka would have to get off of land to get you.”
Perfect! Thank you so much! P.S. That is a funny bonus pic. XD
The first thing he remembered, was that he was in the midst of battle. Trying to find his master; Sanda, who watched over him since he embarked on his training with this legendary weapon many others had. The Keyblade. Now it seemed everything started to fall apart around him, struggling against the Heartless to find his trusted master. Until an cold hand took hold of his arm, not a Heartless, but rather another person. It was one of the other masters; Varos, who had pulled the young boy out of the frying pan of darkness. He then knew that it was too late to find his master. But she’d want him to get away, to find the Council with Varos. After being lost in his thoughts for a minute, Lumen came to his senses and listened to Varos’ words. Aching from the pain just a little bit, Lumen stretched his arm a bit while speaking to the master, “You’ve done all that you could Master Varos. I thank you greatfully.” Giving off a slight bow to him to ensure the comfort of the master. When the master mentioned Sanda, Lumen could still hear her voice in his memories. “She was... like a mother to me. She helped me when I struggled in training, when I was lonely, and even now when she protected not only me but her other students... She will have a proper memorial on Pyxisous.” While finishing his shortened speech, he got up and laid down his sleeping bag, laid down and toke a small nap. When he woke up, the boy stretched a bit still feeling the soreness in his legs. Lumen was shocked for a second when he felt a ruffle in his blue camouflage cloak, but was relieved when he saw a little orange head with horns pop up, leaf like scales and beady little eyes. It was Kosmo, his pet autumn dragon that he brought from his homeworld; Pyxisous, The World of Dragons. “Kosmo! By Alakies, you scared the dickens out of me!” The autumn dragon gave a little giggle and purred her head next to Lumen’s while being cuddled in the boys scarf. Slowly the boy then got up and walked over to Varos and spoke to him, “I think it’s time to move on. I’ll use my glider for the rest of the way, my legs are still healing from that battle.” Creating a small portal out of thin air, a horse sized White Dragon walks out over to the teenager. Lumen then hopped onto the back of the dragon and brought it into a canter around to Varos. “Would you like to ride with me Master?” The young boy asked kindly to Varos curiously. Spoiler: Lumen View attachment 49970 Spoiler: Kosmo View attachment 49971 Spoiler: Lumen’s Dragon Glider View attachment 49972
Henllo, I require your assistance with a character banner. Username: Rinzler Images (Please send original source) or describe what you're looking for: Shazam! The original artist be sixoflovers Character sheet (or description of character if it does not exist yet): Here ya go! Banner size: 500x400 Side, Horizonal, or L shaped: Horizontal Text (put N/A) if none: Lumen Hindell Colors: Green and black Details: Some green lightning effects, Eye of the Dragon Keyblade (found in Character Sheet) and a scale like effect coating the entire banner. Addons: Nah Discord/Skype (put N/A if you don't want to be contacted): Skype Method of Payment (Transfer/Likes): Transfer (Teach meh how) Would you like to see the process? (yes/no): Yeh
I concur with Kross on this one. Name: Lumen Hindell Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: In his glory! Keyblade: Eye of the Dragon Homeworld: Pyxisous: World of Dragons Master: Sanda Personality: Lumen is a kindhearted, optimistic glimmer of hope. He can be very clever when put in a pinch and undoubtedly smart. Though he can be annoying to be around for the first time, he will eventually warm into other people's hearts. Plus he loves music, and always has his lute with him wherever he goes. Other: Has a cute pet dragon named Kosmo, she’s been his best friend since he was born, more so like siblings. Lumen also has a medallion he’s had since he was born as well, given as a gift from the dragon elders of his world.
I say it was both. Savvy mates?
After fixing the sail for a bit, making sure nothing was wrong with the boat. Marx turned and walked towards AJ to answer his question, “I suppose I owe you all an explanation, huh. You see, I was out on an important mission to deliver these,” Pulling out a large crystal formed by smaller colorful crystals that fit in his palm. “To a sacred world so they won’t be used in the wrong hands.” The young boy said, as he paced around he looked out to the endless ocean. “I was on my way there until I got stuck on a different world entirely. Turns out the people there were in trouble, as Heartless showed up everywhere. I did what I could to protect everyone while they escaped, but for me, well something or rather someone was waiting for me on that world. A mysterious man with a dark cloak came to me, and wanted to issue a battle. At first I didn’t want to accept, but he said if I didn’t that he’d go destroy the ship that carried the people away. I... I had to accept that time. I couldn’t let those people die after what I did to protect them, but above all, I didn’t want my choice be the destruction of the people. So I battled him. One on one, no tricks, one weapon only. I had the upper hand and winning, until... Something inside me stopped. Everything around me started to slow down, but I don’t know what it was when I saw what was causing it. An orb of light and a voice. The voice told me to stop this and return to the task at hand, but again I didn’t, I couldn’t. But it didn’t mean the crystal, it meant something else. Then the orb disappeared without a trace, and time returned to normal. That cloaked warrior came at me slicing and slashing, and I couldn’t do anything because of what happened. I lost.” He said as he gripped his hand in defeat, turning around to the others he continued, “In the end, turns out he was a Dark Keyblade Wielder, and the terms of my defeat was banishment of myself and my Keyblade. What’s worse, he lied about those people. Apparently while we were battling, he sent Heartless to destroy that ship. He tricked me. And I fell for it. The man turned me into a wolf using dark magic, stripped me of my Keyblade as he cast it off world, and sent me down a dark abyss where I would never see the light of day again. But before I reached that inky abyss, that same light saved me. It sent me to a world where I would still hold my banishment, but nonetheless saved my life.” Lifting his head and looking at the group to finish the story, “When I came to, I was on an island. There I saw Maui, spending decades after decades with him, until you all came. And here we are.” Checking his body, making sure no wolf bits were left of him. “Lucky for me, that Wolf form didn’t really age me at all, so that’s good.” Marx finally said until asking another question, “But what about you guys? How did you get here? It’s rather odd seeing keybladers here of all places, were nearly at the edge of the universe. If my memory serves from the maps I have in my book.”
The young man looking around, guessing that some members of the group were undoubtedly confused about how this man came to be. It’s only rational, he thought to himself. Dusting himself off he walked over to his Keyblade and picked it up from the ground. “Good to have you back, old friend.” As he dismissed his weapon into thin air, Kaida made a statement about a wolf with a Keyblade. “Well, I’m glad that you don’t. Some special animals can be gifted with such things, rare but not uncommon. It’s a matter of perspective really.” He checked his jacket pocket and pulled out a small leather coated book, with writings that can’t be decrypted normally. Flipping to through the pages to make sure everything was intact. Closing the book while walking over towards the blonde haired girl, to answer two very important questions, “In my defense, I was aware of my actions around 50% of the time. Everything else was animal instinct. I’m... sorry for licking your face earlier, heh... And I for one agree with you, we should set sail for Te Fiti so we can fulfill the duty given to Moana and Maui.” Thinking he finished everything, he walked onto the boat until realizing he forgot a question, so he turned to Kaida and said with a chuckle, “Where are my manners? I believe we haven’t been properly introduced, my name is Marx; Keyblade Master of Twilight.” Finishing off with a bow gesture. Wolf has left the Party! View attachment 49962 Marx has joined the SOS!
Seeing as everything was going right for everyone, or rather most of them. The wolf walked over towards Moana to help her comfort the demigod but whimpered as Maui started to doubt himself. Then the remarkable happens. While Moana holds the giant fish hook to Maui it began to glow along with the stone heart in her necklace. At that moment, almost in sync, the crystals on the wolf’s back started to emit a golden glow, as he tilted his head in curiosity at them when talking about a sidekick. That was until Maui’s fish hook shined a bright light towards the White Beast. At first the wolf panicked for a second, closing it’s eyes to protect them from the blinding light. Then he started to feel some kind of warmth, fragments of light were all around him as they started coming off or onto the animal. Like shattered mirror pieces floating around him until a human figure of light remained around these shards, they all returned to the figure giving it colors and form. After that, the wolf was gone without a trace. Slowly standing up onto his two legs, the newly reborn human man stumbled for a second as he shook his head. On his head had a white wolf mask with a hood over it followed by a long gray cloak with rips and some gold, silver and crimson red design on the back. He looked down at his hands, as he observed his left hand which was covered by a large gold and blue arm gauntlet while his right arm didn’t and instead had a teal fingerless glove. He also had a purple shirt with a crimson red jacket underneath the cloak which was clipped to his shoulders. The man also wore a brown belt which was holding up a pair of olive green pants and wearing some multicolored shoes with a spike on the heel. He looked around at the others in confusion only saying one thing in a calm but strong voice, “I’m... normal again?”
Pray for Sora to be DLC! Also that adventure mode looks absolutely amazing, can’t wait to see what it’s got in store for us
Let’s rock!