View attachment 50054 He laughed when Qamar mentioned a 'help mode' as a joke, after laughing he shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't mind anyone's help. You are just fine, don't worry." What he didn't expect was when she kissed his dragon friend. Kosmo blushed and giggled a little when Qamar kissed her nose and put her back on her shoulder and returned to her perched position. The dragon also agreed with the girl about this, she wanted the best for Lumen even if it was to face his own fears. When the girl then spoke about his world he thought about them and not letting them down, though the boy hoped it wouldn't take him this far. "Actually, my home is still thriving. It has yet to be touched by darkness. See the dragon elders have a special technical defense system that if the world is almost consumed, the elders have the ability to warp the world to a different location. Only down side is that they can only use it so much without running out of power, so if they aren't careful, the world will meet its demise with time." Lumen said with hope, wondering that his home is holding strong. He was lost in thought for a couple moments when Qamar asked what his own Master like, and kindly answered to her while they walked, "I don't mind much really. Master Sanda... Was like a mother to me. My own mom died when I was a young boy, with my dad working so hard and my little sister just adopted, life was kinda hard. Especially with the Regnum Rouges out and about. When I was at my home in the hills of Ligna Forests, I was helping my dad with the farm. We did our best to stay away from cities as best as possible, towns were fine though, but that's about it. Anyway, my dad was chopping some wood while I was plowing the fields, then I hear my fathers voice calling for me. Setting my tools down, I ran out to the front of our cabin and I see someone with him. It was a woman in a cloak. She was talking to my dad about something, after that my dad walks to me and tells me that I have to go with her. I didn't understand why, then my father said I have a special gift in me; a gift that could help my homeworld. So I started to pack as many clothes as I could, tools I would need, my lute, scarf, and my lucky compass in case I got lost. Kosmo hopped on my shoulder after I exited the house, she has stuck by my side since I was born. After that, the woman opened a portal, and that was the last I ever saw of my old life. Through the portal we arrived in front of a castle, she then took off her hood to reveal she had shiny black hair and silver-like eyes. Introduced herself as Master Sanda. Then she taught me to wield a keyblade, fight, and how to help those who are in need." Sighing at the end, looking at Qamar then chuckled a little bit with shaking his head. "Sorry, didn't mean to drown you with my story." Lumen said, scratching the back of his head with his hand as he smiled at her.
A big fat.... B O I ? ! ? !
View attachment 50050 While playing his lute, the boy thought about the girls name; Qamar, sounded strong and it appeared she was indeed that. Lumen then spoke to Qamar’s statment about dragons, “Yeah? Well where I come from, dragons thrive everywhere. They made peace with our people and have worked together for decades. I could invite you one day, it’s absolutly gorgeous to see.” Kosmo chirped at the idea, it would seem that she is already liking Qamar. It would make sense since she hasn’t had many in the past, so this made her happy. He chuckled at this, then shrugged a bit when she mentioned about Torrin and Chrys then spoke with no bother in his voice, “Eh, it’s no biggy, I understand if you guys have had past experience with her, but don’t let that stop you from being friends with her. I didn’t really know and I trust her even still.” And then came the topic once again about the Mirage Arena. His face saddened in disappointment when she spoke of this and about training by himself. Then came the sympathy part, still strumming his lute he listened carefully. Lumens face came to a shock when Qamar requested to help him, he looked up a bit to see a hand given to him. “I’m not guessing that there’s no way of getting out of this or changing your mind?” He spoke then sighing as he put his lute away and took Qamar’s hand in confirmation as he continued, “Fine, but I’m warning you now that it will take a while. I trust that you’ll help me, even though I’m kinda a coward half the time. You think you can do it?” Lumen questioned her while at the same time, Kosmo looked at the two with curioustiy.
The seasaw won!
View attachment 50047 Humming while he trained the boy started to feel more focused and, well free. Not being bound to the laws of a simulation, but to the free will of moving on his own accord. While he was busy, Lumen heard another voice which kinda startled him, so much that he accidentally threw his wooden sword upward into the air while preforming a uppercut with the blade. “Yikes!” The boy yelped in surprise. He quickly jumped on top of one of the dummies, leapt upward and caught the sword with a roll to break his fall. Sighing in relief he the dropped his wood sword then dismissed his Keyblade, and looked over to see the girl from earlier; the one who helped and compimented him on standing against Torrin. He gave out a friendly tone towards her, “Oh! Hey there. I thought I was the only one out here,” he chuckled until he heard about the Mirage Arena and continued while stretching, “I uh... Well, needed to talk to someone. Everyone started to get busy, and I had something important to ask. So I ran off. And I am aware that the arena took so long to make, it’s just... not my place to train, that’s all.” Trying to cover it up and not sound stupid or ridiculous. Looking over at Kosmo, she was introduced by the girl when she came in. She gave her a little smile back towards the girl by offering her to smell and a scratch on the chin, Kosmo then jumped out to her arm and started to crawl down it. Kosmo eventually moved to the girls left shoulder and purred her own head next to hers. Lumen smiled at this finally seeing someone else liking his friend. He then answered to the girl once more, “Why yes, my name is indeed Lumen; Lumen Hindell to be exact. And I’m glad you like Kosmo, it seems she likes you too.” Chuckling at the end. he looked at Kosmo, who was a happy little dragon, then back to the girl. “Thanks for helping me earlier, I wasn’t wanting anyone who I just met get hurt. Also, if I may ask, what’s your name?” Lumen asked curiously to her as he took the time to sit down and play his lute a bit.
The battle was overwhelming, but they did it. Marx was very impressed with the group being able to hold their own while helping at the same time. When he saw Moana walking to Te Ka at first he almost panicked, why would she do that in the first place? He thought about it and it made sense, so he watched as it played out to the end. While smiling on his face as Te Ka quickly turned to Te Fiti, Marx knew there was more than meets the eye with both the girl and the demon monster. Upon hearing the others, the masked boy spoke out with wisdom, “Your quite right AJ. It would appear that Te Fiti had been Te Ka the entire time, ever since the heart was removed from her.” He then turned to see the large island woman and kneeled down with a bow. “It would be wise of you all to bow, your in the presence of a Goddess, please show her our gratitude.” Bringing attention to the others, he had heard a little bit of the stories of Te Fiti; Goddess of Life in this world. December Attendence 4/30
View attachment 50041 Sighing in relief and safety, Lumen relaxed a little bit when Master Gero said that there were training grounds outside. But what he didn’t expect was the follow up. He realized that technology was a big fear, not able to get over it at this rate and has to suddenly face it? A part of him scared him half to death, however it made sense to the boy as he nodded slowly to the Master. Kosmo then hopped onto the teens arm as he smiled at this while returning a friendly smile to Master Gero for him to speak, “I understand master. I’ll... do my best to overcome this hurdle. For now though, I think I’m going to the training grounds at the moment. Until I’m ready to use the Mirage Arena, I will definitely keep this in mind though. Thank you for your wisdom, Master Gero.” Finishing off with a bow towards him, Lumen walked out of the room with the directions that the man gave him, he eventually found his way to the training grounds. Upon entry, the boy took a deep breath of fresh air and decided to practice with some dummies, and on command he summoned his Keyblade in one hand then picked up a wooden sword in the other. Kosmo perched on the edge of the Weapons rack while watching the boy spar on some dummies that he set around the area. Hacking and slashing around with both weapons as Lumen spun, threw, or even flipped them towards the dummies.
Jumping and flipping around, Marx was lucky this time round. The boy had to think quick, he then had a thought. Stopping on one of the rocks, he then yelled out to the lava monster, “Hey! Te Ka!” Leaping up into the air once again Marx summoned another water orb and blasted it to Te Ka’s face. Upon landing he tumbled a little, now at a kneeled position. Marx used Balloon December Attendence 3/30
View attachment 50039 The boy smiled with kindness as Master Gero wasn’t really thanking him, but rather apologizing. He was kinda shocked by this and so spoke to the older man in a kind gesture, “It’s what my Master would’ve wanted. She looked after us, always being selfless, and something that I’ve grown prone to. What matters is that you at least saved someone. If you could decide who lives and who dies... that would make you a monster...” Lumen wasn’t just kind, Master Sanda taught some wisdom into him. Thinking before doing. When Master Gero stood up and asked the boy, his dragon looked at him as the boy was really nervous. “Well... I uh... Well...” He started to stutter with thoughts and memories flowing through his head like a hurricane, and seeing that he needed help, Kosmo jumped down from his head onto the table. She looked at him with a little smile which she hoped would comfort him. Lumen took a deep breath and started over, “I-I was wondering if I could train somewhere else than the ‘Mirage Arena’? But it isn’t the students or that I’m claustrophobic. It’s just... I’m not a big fan of this technological stuff. Just a place outdoors would do perfectly for me, a nice sense of freedom and comfort that’s all.” He shrugged a bit at the end, really hoping that he would get his request. Petting his dragon friend as she purred to this, waiting for a potential answer.
Te Ka kept throw more lava balls, that annoyed him. As he was moving from area to area, Marx accidentally dropped the conjoined crystals. He gasped as he made his way to grab them, while in the process getting hit by one of the lava balls as he grabbed the crystals, and at the same time, falling into the water. Climbing up the rock wet once again, Marx pulled out one of his spare potions he had before coming here. Drinking it then throwing it aside while joining the others, Marx got back in stance with his Keyblade in one hand and his book in the other. Marx used a Hi-Potion December Attendance 2/30
For a quick second, he felt like he’d lost his life. Breathing heavily out of the water, Marx made his way to a new piece of land while getting the water out of his clothes once more. “I’m getting quite tired of being a wet dog.” He said annoyed as he felt a boost of energy from Stratos while turning to him. “Thanks Stratos, I’ll continue it from here.” Marx said while whipping out his book as it levitated above his hand, muttering some words until he lifted his Keyblade up to point at the monsters head while feeling the water behind him. He spun in a circle as he guided the water to Te Ka giving a devastating blow. Marx used Tidal Wave December Attendance: 1/30
View attachment 50036 After hearing about his response about the Mirage Arena, Lumen gulped at this. Then came the end of the meeting, everyone started to follow Master Kidemonas downstairs to the basement. He had realized it was much bigger then he realized, seeing technology almost everywhere. This; kinda scared him. Feeling the ruffle in his scarf, Kosmo peeked her head to look around and then finally back at the boy. He looked... frightened. Then he spoke out to the group, “Hey, uh... I’ll be right back. I gotta go do something real quick...” After that, he bolted upstairs and out of the basement to get a breather. The teenager was breathing heavily for a couple minutes, having a couple memories from home that were bad. Kosmo broke him out of that trance as he looked at his best friend and smiled to her. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I just need to see someone.” He said while reclaiming his composure as he made his way through the halls of the castle and back to where Master Gero was. Lumen hesitated at first but took a couple breathers and walked into the room while speaking out to the Master with a little cough, “M-Master Gero? My name is Lumen Hindell, and this is Kosmo,” presenting the dragon on his shoulder as she jumped on the boys head while he continued nervously, “First I wanted to say... thank you and Master Varos for saving me... I never thought I’d be chosen to join such a group as this. I... came to ask about something that I hope you could help me with. Do you mind if I ask?” Finishing off with a nervous chuckle. He was talking to the leader of the Council, The Master of Masters, from what he’s heard from the other students when he was with his master. Lumen just hoped that he could help him with his issue.
The boy nodded to the group as they set sail for Te Fiti, and boy was he in for a surprise. He remembered the face of the giant demon from his dreams, this was it; Te Ka. Seeing that the others were engaged in battle, Marx hopped from one rock to the other getting as close as he could. Summoning his Keyblade the boy spun it around and pointed at the head of the beast as he locked onto it, waiting for the right moment. When it turned its head towards him, Marx jumped and fired a large water orb into its face. He then backflipped to another rock, restaining his battle stance and waiting for the next move. Marx used Ballon
While Marx was writing his his book, he sighed as he shook his head in disappointment when Maui spoke of him. When it came to the question of being ready to fight Te Ka, Marx hesitated at first. In order to fix everything that has occurred so far, they had to deliver the Heart to Te Fiti, and that meant getting past Te Ka. But since everyone helped him get back to how he was, might as well return the favor. The boy closed his book and walked over to Maui as he helped with setting the boat up. “I’m ready, the question is SoS members; are you?” He said to the rest of the group, now with pure determination. Marx was finally gonna leave his banishment.
View attachment 50031 “M-Master Torrin?!” Lumen said once again with shock, once Qamar entered sorta vouching for Lumen. Not to mention appraising his actions, which made him blush a little as he let his Keyblade disappear. “T-Thanks...” The boy said kindly to Qamar. Then came the point of not continuing, no matter what happens he will not let any of his fellow wielders to be slain by their own. After all, that’s how the Light Chaser got to today. He moved over to the side to see the others talk a bit, and that was when Master Selene came into the room and made him jump. Apparently there was a meeting called, so the boy followed the others to where all the masters were while Kosmo hid in his scarf unseen as he entered the room. He had been quiet for the majority of the meeting when hearing about him and Kal, who was the one that stormed about facing head on to battle, Lumen still wondered around the walls of his mind feeling depressed about his master. That was when he heard two unheard words that had been put together. Mirage Arena. Apparently it was a simulation place to train for everyone, then the boy spoke up about the arena, “While I do like the thought of being in a simulation to train... I’m afraid I’ll have to pass on this arena, I don’t think this will be the best way for me to train. Especially if it’s in a cramped basement with tons of other students.” He wasn’t claustrophobic, unsociable or anything. It’s just Lumen prefers to be outside when training, gives him a bit more freedom. However, the thought from Master Selene of using it to relax wasn’t that bad of an idea at all, Lumen might even use it for his own reasons. He remained quiet for another period of time while Kosmo shuffled in his scarf, the boy calmed her down by slipping in a little grape he grabbed from the kitchen and gave it to the autumn dragon. She returned to her normal calm state when Lume heard something about armor, which got his mind thinking as he pulled out an object. He had received an odd medallion when he arrived with Master Sanda, it was silver with a little jade circular gem in the middle and strange writings along the rim of the disc. “Where do we go to get our armor? I’m still kinda trying to find out where everything is.” Lumen said as he fiddled with the medallion in his hands, waiting for someone to answer.
View attachment 50028 While looking for food, Lumen then heard Kal walk out in frustration, Torrin was right though but at the same time, So was Kal. They needed to make haste to save the worlds, however must be prepared for it, one can’t go blindly in unprepared to fight. Otherwise you’ll lose. Then Kosmo gave out a startling screech as Lumen also heard a Keyblade being summoned, he looked over confronting Chrys. The boy panicked when he heard Torrin talk to the girl, so he decided to step in. He hurried over towards the two and blocked Torrin’s path with his arms opened up. “No way Torrin! Don’t you lay a hand on her! I don’t care what she’s done, and maybe it’s real bad. But it’s never too late to change. So if you wanna hurt her, you gonna need to go through me.” The young boy said with confidence while Kosmo sorta helped by getting in a fighting position. Lumen didn’t care if Chrys was working with the Light Chaser at one point, he wasn’t gonna let one of his friends get hurt nonetheless. From learning with Master Sanda the boy learned to be kind to one another, even when people have done bad things, everyone makes mistakes, it’s just natural. In case of emergency, Lumen summoned his Keyblade if a fight was going to occur. He doubt Torrin was gonna hurt him in this scenario, the teen was new after all.
View attachment 50022 The young boy waved to the others that Torrin had mentioned, and agreed with his greeter. Being a newcomer to the group, and the fact he didn’t know much on what to do with helping everyone; Lumen would need a little bit more training with the members. “Well, that girl seems really nice.” He said kindly, the boy then looked around until doing a double take when Torrin mentioned Gero, and his title as he spoke out, “T-That was Master Gero?! The Master of Masters?! I didn’t know that was him!” Lumen was both surprised yet shocked by what he heard, that was the leader of the Council. Then the teenage boy heard a small screech as he turned to the doorway when Kosmo flew in and perched onto his shoulder, as she purred while nudging her head next to her owner. “This is Kosmo, my best friend from home by the way. You guys have some sort of meals here? I’m kinda parched from my way here, Master Varos left me a couple miles away from the castle.” The boy said while he was looking around the kitchen for food, he felt like he could eat a full blown horse after that ride.
I’m making a last minute purchase/preparations before boss battle. Buying Mystic Chain for 500 munny Munny left: 1,000 Equiping Black Mage
Marx was confused by what he said, this was news to his ears. In all of his training and travels, he had never known about this information. “So... what your telling me that Princesses of Heart; aren’t just born with pure hearts, but passed down by other princesses? That... is surprising to hear. But the fact that they’ve been here forever doesn’t surprise me, nor does the fact that there also must be Seven Guardians of Light to protect the princesses.” The boy said as he turned to Maui as he passed to the boat, he did a double take when the demigod said he smelled like wet dog. He got peeved by this and spoke out in an obvious tone, “Well it’s not my fault that I was stuck in that form! And I tried to clean myself as best I could on that island, I didn’t see you helping me get clean.” Then came the question that he wasn’t expecting of all: his mask. Still little flustered by Maui when he said the boy smelled, Marx thought of explaining a little bit. “Well the ‘rags’ as you put it are my normal clothes, I kinda got them ripped a little during my last encounter before I got here. As for the mask, that is none of your business to know.” He said as he walked a little distance away from the group, sat on a rock and pulled out a piece of wood that had a burnt charcoal point on the end then grabbed his small book and started to write on a blank page as he waited for the rest of the group.
View attachment 50017 Lumen was taken aback by the amount of people in the room, he didn’t know that there were more than he expected. After seeing Tinarah go, he spotted an older figure that stood out from the rest of the group. He eyed one cup of beautifully made hot chocolate and picked it up for a sip, it satisfied the young boys stomach with delight. “This is amazing! I give credit to whoever made this!” The boy was simply enjoying his cup of hot coco as he gave a nod to Aria as she left the kitchen. Then Lumen decided to make his presence known to the others and spoke, “Hello everyone! My name is Lumen Hindell, I was one of Master Sanda’s students. I got here not too long ago, can’t wait to be working with you all!” The boy said in a cheery voice, he always worked well in groups, but can be a loose cannon if cooped up for too long. He stepped more inward to the kitchen, looking around, and continued to speak in a curious voice to the group, “Also, who was it that just left? The older figure and the girl?” He wanted to make as many friends as possible, regardless of how they act.