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  1. Rinzler

    Seeing the beam of light then shoot out to the goddesses heart which locked the world, the boy dismissed his weapon then looked back to the others. Smirking when Maui decided to join them and redeem himself by helping, and perhaps Marx could do so as well. He walked over to the goddess hand and claimed the keyblade, swinging it a couple times to get a feel for it, and once he did the boy let it disappear. Turning his head to see the raft appear and turned back to the large island woman. "Thank you, your gift is most appreciated." Marx said as he bowed once more and said his goodbye to Moana after giving a hug, "Thank you Moana. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here as myself once more. Be careful, darkness is hunting all around, and get home safely." Then he walked over to the new raft given as he started to prep it up. Checking the sail, ropes, mast, and padding. Everything seems to be in order, though just in case the masked boy went over to some bushes and trees to gather fruits if they were going to get hungry. Bringing back a bundle of different fruits into a storage area on the raft, and doing a final check on the vessel. "There, we're all set." Marx said to himself while sitting down and observing at the new conjoined crystals while he waited.

    December Attendance 13/20
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Rinzler
    View attachment 50127

    Lumen was smiling as well when he returned to the girls side, only for her to back up and sprint to the enemy again. Once Qamar landed by the boy again, he was impressed by her actions and it was almost similar to what he did minus the lightning. So it was his turn to go for a test run, it was almost like they were showing off each one another. Might as well let it play out. “Cool, time for me to go then.” Lumen said, ready to attack the tower of shadowy darkness. Feeling he had an idea in mind, but wasn’t ready yet. So the boy ran up to the enemy and hacked and slashed once more but to a more lesser degree, and once he was done Lumen rolled back to Qamar’s side whilst firing a faint glow, stopping the time on the Heartless. Then he got into a defensive stance, putting his arms and Keyblade in a protective position, and waited for the tower to strike.

    Lumen Attacked and used Stopara!
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Rinzler

    Still looking out to the ocean, Marx wondered if he could guide the others to safety. It has been quite a while since he was at sea, in which he answered to the others. “In a sense; yes I can. I was actually the captain of my ship back on my homeworld, so I knew what I was doing. Though I’d rather not talk about what I actually did when I sailed the seas...” Scratching his head nervously. Hopefully he wouldn’t go through that kind of life again, but if given the chance he would definitely do it again. Then he heard AJ talking about a way off, and in all honesty the masked boy didn’t know how either. However he remembered that Maui and Moana were talking to each other with Te Fiti, so he walked over to them. “Te Fiti! Forgive me for asking, but do you know how to get us off to our mission? It is urgent we must be going soon.” Marx said as kindly possible. Feeling a faint glow in his hand, his Keyblade summoned at will and started to glow at the tip of the blade.

    December Attendance 12/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Rinzler

    He felt really sorry for the group, forgetting someone who they knew for a long time, only to forget them in the end. Hearing from Kaida, who wasn’t actually the leader, spoke to him about joining and sticking her hand out to him. “Glad I can be of service. I’ll do my best to help and give what information I can, and I know quite a bit.” Marx said as he shook the girls hand in confirmation. He then continued as he looked out to the ocean, “Also, I am an excellent sailor if I say so myself. I can guide us to where we’re going next, and I see no other way out of this world let alone off of Te Fiti. That is, if your ready?” Turning back to the others waiting for an answer from them. It seemed that this group could potentially fulfill another task of his, but that will come to pass if he makes the right choice.

    December Attendance 11/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Rinzler
    View attachment 50123

    At first sight he was terrified from the ever expanding darkness, but was able to cope for a bit. Qamar saw how frightened he was and showed him how it was done. Seeing her Keyblade appear from darkness, Lumen thought about it for a second. Then he saw the eyes glow, he never realized it before until now. He had a little smirk on his face at the thought. Realizing that Qamar attacked already, it was his turn. “Ok... Focus, think...” The boy said as he was looking around, in which he couldn’t see a thing, so he tried something different. Putting his hand on the ground Lumen closed his eyes and started to get a picture of his opponent. Then opening his eyes he summoned his weapon swiftly into his hand as he held it backhanded. Sidestepping as quick as he could, Lumen jumped up, midair dashed over to the Demon Tower, and started to slash it over and over again. Once he did enough, the boy flipped backward and raised his Keyblade up to bring down a bolt of lightning onto the tower. Landing uneasy he then got back up into stance and stood next to Qamar and spoke, “How’s that? I’ve had some decent training overall.”

    Lumen used Ars Solum and Thundara!
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Rinzler

    Hikaru. That was someone that Kaida couldn't remember, until AJ figured it out with Kel agreeing. Apparently looking inside his heart was the key. Marx thought for a second, and realized he could do something similar to that. Doing a double take on the name, Marx could have sworn he heard that name before, maybe in a book? The boy couldn't recall where. Knowing the feeling of either being forgotten or cast out was not uncommon to him, being unique had its downfall, even for Marx. Perhaps he won't be as troubled if he joins these people, they seem nice, helpful, and certainly heard of the SOS group before. Giving a smirk to the group, he stepped into the conversation. "If your gonna need to know what your up against, you'll need my help. My journal has helpful information about this fight. Plus, who often hears of a Twilight Master. What do ya say, am I in?" Finishing off with some cockiness in his voice, knowing that he can be a big amount to them. But that depends on wether or not they'll take him into the circle, Marx hoped he wasn't wrong about this.

    December Attendence 10/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Rinzler
    View attachment 50073

    “Yeah, there were tons of Heartless swarming our castle. Many of the students were overwhelmed by them, I was able to hold my own until Master Varos appeared." Lumen stated to Qamar, though he wished he was able to assist his fellow students. He patted his chest a couple times on his medallion that he was wearing underneath, hoping that it would aid him in this fight.

    The boy gave a nod of agreement to Qamar and replied to her,
    "Same here." Looking around to see nothing so far, Lumen was kinda confused to his own means. "How does this thing start?" He yelled out, wondering if the masters outside could hear them.
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Rinzler

    Once he had gotten the crystal, the teen examined it to get better detail. It glowed very brightly with a clear grey color and a boomerag-like design. “Thank you Kaida.” Marx said while pulling out the other six crystals. Seeing their individual colors soon gleam with reflective details, he placed the crystal in between the yellow and orange ones. Then something remarkable happens. The grey crystal seemed to had an immense amount of energy inside, because the energy was spreading to the other crystals as they glowed in harmony. Fascinated by this, Marx inspected it a bit more, “Extraordinary... so that’s what happens when their brought together.” Holding it in front of him like a stone tablet, he tapped the middle purple crystal and a bright light shined for a second as the crystals changed into clear ones showing an ancient text. “Hmm... I can read this, but it will take time to decipher some of the messages.” Marx said while examining the clear tablet, once he finished looking for the time being, he put it away. Looking over to the group, he also answered Kel’s question. “No doubt about it. Either two things can happen. One; The Seekers of Darkness can use the Seven Princesses of Heart to summon Kingdom Hearts, or two; same thing but with the Seven Guardians of Light. Either way there’s no escaping destiny. I should know.” Looking off to the ocean for a bit then muttering to himself, “I’ve tried...” Apparently everyone brought their attention to Kaida, who seemed to be quite distracted or distant about something. “Kaida? Are you okay, is something the matter?” Marx said kindly to the blonde girl. Hopefully she would tell them what’s on her mind.

    December Attendance 9/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Rinzler
    View attachment 50069

    The boy nodded his head when Qamar said she’d like to hear more of his music. It always brought a smile to others faces when times become grim, people need to see that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel waiting for us to reach out and achieve it. Then it was time. On their way to the Mirage Arena, the girl told him not to be so down. It wasn’t until she mentioned that smiles look good on a bard, that Lumen blushed at the compliment. That came out of nowhere and the young adult didn’t even realize it, but he did like the complement. “Thanks. I’ll be sure to see Master Aster afterwards.” He said in response.

    Walking in with Qamar and bowing to the Masters before him, the boy presented himself to them.
    “Forgive me for running off, I just needed time to think about some things.” Then following Qamar, Lumen looked on the screen to see what she found. In no way shape and form did he know how to work with high technology, but when it came to certain things like steampunk he was mediocre at it and didn’t dislike it as much. “Sure, let’s go with it. I was fighting Heartless earlier when Master Varos rescued and guided me here.” Lumen said as his dragon then burrowed into his scarf, preparing for the worst to happen.
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Rinzler

    Given a couple questions, Marx did a two in one in terms of the crystals. “These represent the Seven Guardians because these used to belong with the Foretellers. If you don’t know already, they were Keyblade Masters and students to the Master of Masters. Each of the five; Ira, Invi, Aced, Gula and Ava, were given a union for new Keyblade wielders to join. But then a traitor was among them and eventually everything fell apart... and thus the First Keyblade War was born. No one was victorious on that day. The five masters had special Keyblades that represented elements, but they also carried unique crystals to enhance them; giving more power or learning new abilities. But your probably wondering, ‘What about the other two’? The Master had one as well, plus another student named Luxu, who had a different task given to from his mentor when given his crystal. Now... how I got these crystals were from my mentors; The Overseers. Similar to the Foretellers with the masks and whatnot, but they were charged with protecting the crystals when they passed away. One of them was lost, so they only gave me six. In short, they each represent the Master and his students. I made it my job to find that last one. And I believe that one is the crystal that Kaida has.” The boy finished with putting his book away and standing up, he then stretched a bit while waiting. “The Seven Guardians are definitely among us. Even though I haven’t met the others apparently, only seven of us will be the chosen few to be the Guardians to stop the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness. It is a prophecy that must be fulfilled, whatever the cost.” He said to AJ, Kaida, Kel and Stratos. He was told of this once he started his journey, making it known to find the Seven Guardians. Being one of the newest amongst the group, he doubt himself would be a Guardian.

    December Attendance 8/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Rinzler
    Kosmo saw the reaction on the boys face, he was giving a slight blush when she commented on his singing and music. She giggled at this, thinking that the two were really cute together though they couldn’t admit it. “Heh... T-Thank you... it is kinda dark, even for me. But I normally sing that on my off time alone. I don’t want anyone thinking that I’m a dark brooding person, because I’m not. I’m a cheerful fellow. The only reason I played that is because it reminds me of the hard times I had without my mother back home. Even though someone falls to darkness, you gotta keep moving, never let go of light but also accept the darkness.” Lumen said giving insight to the song, it was really dark even for a sweet melody. He then continued on for a second. “If you’d like, I could sing another, more cheerful, song next time. I’ve got plenty more of them down.” As Kosmo nudged her head next to Qamar as she petting the dragon. The boy then brought his attention to the girl once again when she asked about where his opinion lied in terms of darkness, because some of the members of the group were from the Realm of Darkness apparently. So he gave his thoughts to her with pride and kindness, "From what I've heard about what the Light Chaser is up to, I think it's wrong. Don't get me wrong, darkness is scary and bad at times, but it is important to the Realms. Without it; we wouldn't rest or see the stars and moon in the night sky. And the fact that if he succeeds, everyone who were born in the Realm of Darkness; would be killed. That's genocide. I don't want anyone, innocent or not, killed because their born from there. It's inhuman. That's another reason why I came out here, to give freedom to all, regardless of where the came from. Light or Dark, it doesn't matter. I still care." He then got up and set his lute away and walked over as Kosmo jumped off from the girls head and landed on Lumens shoulder. Giving a bright appearance to Qamar, he asked her with curiosity once more, "So, are we gonna head to the Mirage Arena? Or see Master Aster? Perhaps something else, any of those is fine."
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Rinzler
    Being lost in thought Qamar’s new friend felt a little tug on his heart. But he didn’t know why, and then he figured it out. Chuckling at the insignificant thought he had, Lumen brought his attention back to Qamar and Kosmo. “Your right. It’s just... I kinda also came out here to find freedom, not just for my homeworld and every world, but for me as well. However... there must always be rules to keep things in balance. Even though I’m now here, we’re given deeds to make sure we don’t do something wrong. But I’ve always been a freelancer, I explore, learn, practice, and understand the things around me.” The boy spoke wisely and truthfully. He then walked over to a ledge that was near the front of the castle, Kosmo looked at him sorrowfully. She knew about his mother, but this was different. All that Lumen wants is one thing only; is to be free. Lifting his head to the girl, he continued on, “That’s... another reason why I ran off. A simulation will only do you so much in the end, I understand that you could do, train, and use the simulation how you want. But then it starts to mess with your head. Thinking what is part of reality and what’s not. Me? I like to train in the real world, where I’m not bound to the laws of a machine and free to make my own actions and mistakes.” When talking, Lumen remembered a he used to sing back on his homeworld. So he pulled out his lute and started to play a tune and sang with a sweet voice.

    “Deep in the Dark, I felt the fire flicker
    Ignite the flame and give us light
    My Cursed mark and hollow heart grow sicker
    Out of the shadow cometh light

    Kill me I'd like to see you try
    You take my life I fail to die the fires fade
    Now close your eyes
    And sing my undead lullaby
    The night will fall and swallow light
    To fill my dark hollow inside
    And yet my death is all but nigh
    Sing my undead lullaby

    Keep the fire bright I can see your breath
    As the cold creeps in you are beyond death
    Take a leap of faith unless you're scared to try
    Now brace yourself for me and prepare to die

    In a barren land where the dead will walk and the dragons fly
    Blood across the sand good intentions crumble as the demons rise
    Welcome to my own hell a place I know well there's nothing like
    Hope you came prepared because this is where Angels come to die

    Bloodstains of the fallen
    Plague this trail you're walking
    A warning to be harkened
    He eyes of fate are always watching
    A desecrated grave forgotten
    A seed of evil in the garden
    Now rise up from your coffin
    Submit your self unto the darkness

    Darkness is falling
    Grim reapers calling
    Shadows are coming to life
    I must rekindle the embers that dwindle
    From ashes and cinder will I rise”

    Lumen sighed and then looked up at Qamar with a faint smile, Kosmo purred next to the girl to the song. He waited for her reaction, hopefully it was good.

    OOC: Song Lumen Sings
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Rinzler
    *slams down the door*

    ITS-A ME!
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 10, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  14. Rinzler
    Kosmo was moving her tail slowly back and forth behind Qamar’s head as she listened to the two. She thought the two were cute together, being a little older than Lumen she knew this kind of thing that humans do. Interested enough the boy asked her, “Huh, well that seems kinda strange, it does sound interesting enough. I mean there are foggy areas in my world but this seems different. It’s ok, I don’t need to know every single detail.” Tapping his foot about Master Aster, and hearing about her student who she still mourns for seems like he could help her. “I’d be glad to be her student and hopefully help her.” He looked around in wonder and just thought to himself. Lumen never knew his life would take him here; a place where people train to fight a bigger foe. Sighing then turning his smile to a frown, the boy resulted into a saddened state for unknown reasons. Kosmo tilted her head at this as she saw him, so she made Qamar bring her attention to this in which maybe she can ask why.
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Rinzler

    Marx looked confused at AJ when he mentioned about writing notes, and that there was a book for everything they’ve done. Apparently there is someone named Dreamer who made it? Somewhere in the back of his mind, that name clicked on thinking about it, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. “No, it’s not for that. Your... kinda close though. This book was entrusted to me from an old friend who is deceased. He told me to trust the book, understand it, and write down what’s important. Imagine a journal, but it’s able to tap into your thoughts. However, unlike a journal it’s somewhat in a way ‘sentient’. It is then passed down to those whoever the predecessor chose, I was obviously chosen.” Marx explained explicitly and somewhat complicated. His life before the Keyblade were always an adventure, but it died down in the end as he grew older. “I’ve heard of No Heart, there are rumors about who he is: some say he’s just an empty body of darkness, some speak he’s Nobody, and a very few say; which I agree with, he’s someone not of this time and come to alter history.” Giving insight to the rest of the group. The boy considered not telling the group about his mission when AJ mentioned about all of them having the same mission as them, however he spoke out with clarity along with a chuckle, “Before I was on that island, my mission was to deliver these crystals to where I was taking them; a sacred area where they won’t land in the wrong hands. These crystals represent the Seven Guardians of Light, though I’m missing one. I... kinda have been looking for it ever since.” Marx was pondering on a thought for a minute or two about the crystals. Then an idea popped into his head. He remember when the boy was a wolf, he saw a light next to Kaida; a crystal. Lifting his head with realization Marx turned to the blonde girl and spoke with curiosity, “Kaida. May I see that crystal you have? I’ve got an idea I wanna try.” He hoped to get the crystal so the boy can test his thought.

    December Attendance 7/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Rinzler

    While the boy was writing in his book, he heard AJ speak about relaxing a bit. Sighing in a little bit of relief the masked wielder kept writing in his book with leather padding as the cover. It has multiple designs engrgraved on the front, wether it was a heartless symbol, a key, star or heart. Marx then brought his attention to Kel when he asked about his book, “It is indeed important to me, just as is these crystals and my mission.” Continuing to write in his book, Marx kept thinking about things that were unknown to him.

    Decamber Attendance 6/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Rinzler
    Not a drawing actually. If you’d like to know more, message me on Skype
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 9, 2018 in forum: Art Shop
  18. Rinzler
    Avast! I have a request to make for good old Marx’ Pirate Outfit.
    Username: Rinzler
    Images (Please send original source) or describe what you're looking for: Aye! (Note: it be the bottom right one and it must have an armored left arm)
    Character sheet (or description of character if it does not exist yet): Marx
    Banner size: However it comes out
    Side, Horizonal, or L shaped: N/A
    Text (put N/A) if none: Captain Owain Sableheart
    Colors: White and Purple
    Details: Here are a few things I’d like; Flag with a Sable in the background, Change the hair to silver, smirk to frown, a Dark Wolf Mask but the eye areas are golden
    Addons: Nope, Zilch, Nada
    Discord/Skype (put N/A if you don't want to be contacted): Skype
    Method of Payment (Transfer/Likes): Transfer
    Would you like to see the process? (yes/no): Yeh
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 9, 2018 in forum: Art Shop
  19. Rinzler
    He hummed a little bit while thinking, hearing that it was fine for Lumen to overtake on the conversation and listening to Qamar’s side of her story. “I’m sorry for you. You never asked for any of that, nor did anyone, nobody should go through something like that. Might I ask, where are you from?” The boy said with sincerity. Knowing the pain of losing his own mother, Qamar was now one of the few people he could understand and relate to. But he smiled again when he heard that others had helped the girl over the years, as did Kosmo when she saw him smiling brighter than ever. It’s been a while since she’s seen him smile like that, when they were back on his homeworld to be exact. Then something caught the teens interest; Master Aster. Qamar mentioned that the woman recently lost a student, and even help her? Lumen then asked the girl curiously, “Master Aster? She’s a member of the Council right? I don’t understand, how can I help her? I’m just new here and I haven’t even gotten my room yet.” If we’re getting rooms, the boy thought. Kosmo then climbed on top of Qamar’s head and laid down, drooping her tail and head as she just slowly moved her wings up and down with bliss.
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Rinzler

    After Marx was bowing down to Te Fiti for a little bit, he did a double take when Kel asked why we should bow, so he enlightened him, “It’s just respect Kel, she made all life on this world. Plus she’s a goddess, it’d be rude to not respect a goddess.” He sighed and shook his head in disappointment to him. Looking over at the group and Te Fiti, Marx pulled out his book again then his charcoal pencil and started to write again. Then he popped his head again to hear AJ’s statement. “Your right, there should be a keyhole around here somewhere.” Marx looked around while writing in his book every now and then.

    December Attendance 5/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Dec 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena