View attachment 50159 After getting a small lecture from Master Kaio, Lumen gulped when he finished talking. This was a whole different game. Master Sanda would never train him like this, he knows there is a lot at stake but it seemed that some people take it too seriously. A couple thoughts went through the boys mind that kinda scared him a little when Master Kaio was talking; Lumen was hurt by those words. He knew he wasn’t weak or stupid and he did respect those who was here before them, but it looked like the master didn’t quite understand him as much as he originally thought. When the man started to walk over to one of the other chambers Lumen then whistled to Kosmo, who was comforting Qamar for a short period of time, to summon her. The dragon leaped onto his shoulder as the boy stood up and sneaked up the stairs and out of the basement. Arriving at the center area of the castle Lumen took a little breather from that while shaking his head from all the stuff that happened. “Well... that wasn’t pleasant at all... I think I’ve had enough ‘simulation’ training today. Time to speak with Master Aster.” The boy said to himself but also letting Kosmo hear his opinion. She chirped at him for a second as she looks around on where to go, which then got Lumen to do the same thing as he finally spoke the words. “Uh... Only problem is; which way do we go?”
View attachment 50158 When he saw first glance at Qamar getting knocked out by the Demon Tide, Lumen was just about to yell outward. “End the simulation-!” But before he could finish the boy was blindsided by the Heartless and skidded across the floor as he was knocked out. Coming to while shaking his head he saw his dragon friend Kosmo looking at him in relief as she nudged against his head. “Hey... it’s ok, I’m fine. But man did that hurt...” Lumen said to himself and Kosmo while shaking off, and sitting up in the crossed position. He then heard a voice which had him spooked, when looking up he saw Master Kaio talking and gulped for a second. Kosmo then jumped from Lumen over to Qamar to comfort her a little, hoping that she was okay. The boy then decided to give his input on the Master’s little advice, “It’s perfectly fine Master Kaio. I was still able to hold my own for a while, but I also like to think of others first. Besides, this is just training so it isn’t all that bad, and we got pretty far as well.” Trying to finish off on a good note while rubbing some of his scratches when he flew across the floor.
Staying quiet while process the information given, it was quite surprising to hear all of this. Sora and Riku were names he could recognize from both his studies and travels. When moving into the next chamber with everyone he also heard about seeing each other again, even he could feel the sudden change of the time stream when the boy was with Maui. “I’m sure the tides of fate won’t break us apart. The universe works in mysterious ways after all, if not we’ll figure something out.” Marx said with confidence to the group, he then started to get his mind thinking on how to be in contact when they’re tasks are done. But then also came the question about the other members, he was kinda worried about meeting more people. In fact he thought the SOS group was just the ones he had just met, this made the boy a little nervous. He then noticed a little black slime streak on his right arm, but when he made first contact it slithered away into his skin, so he thought it was just something of his imagination. Marx decided to move topics to something different, “So uh... What do you guys plan to exactly do when this is over? I can’t really think of anything or rather... go anywhere.” Finishing off with a scratch on the back of his neck a bit nervously. While he could go back to Altureon, it didn’t suit him well there. Aside from the sea and the life he had when he was young the boy felt that it wasn’t his right to go back, what with the people and all. December Attendance 24/30
A grin started to show as he looked and nodded unto the others, after wincing at the echo Marx talked to Kairi while they were heading to the first chamber. “You sure you want to come with us? I’m not saying you shouldn’t, it’s just we have a certain... bad luck sometimes that we often carry along. And we don’t want anyone getting hurt.” Trying to put it clean as possible, the masked boy wished that they wouldn’t run into any Heartless along the way or Kairi might be in big trouble. “Which way do you think your friends went? Left or right?” He asked the fourteen year old girl when they came at the cross section. Looking back and forth Marx wondered on where to go first. December Attendance 23/30
Sighing at the observations everyone made about the giant whale, the masked boy spoke out to the members about AJ’s question, “We’ll figure out how to get out later. Right now we should take a survey around the area, see if any of your friends are here.” Then Marx did a double take when hearing the red haired girl. Hearing the name of the beast kinda made it obvious since it’s monstrous in size, but something else struck him. The girls name; Kairi, felt familiar to him. If Marx could recall from his studies Kairi’s name is mentioned in the Princess of Hearts section. He couldn’t believe his eyes, she was a princess? Thinking that aside for the moment, Mr. Geppetto mentioned his son going missing as did Kairi’s about her friends. “In a sense, yes we did kinda leave to see other worlds, though some are not what we expected. Why don’t we help you find your friends, maybe we could find ours as well. What do you say guys? Or... maybe we could rest for a bit, entirely up to you.” Marx said to the group, hoping that they would tag along to his idea. He doesn’t want to jump the gun, but that lies on if the others will agree to the idea of going deeper into the beast. December Attendance 22/30
View attachment 50153 Smiling with delight at the sight of seeing Qamar happy, it made him smile. But then something felt wrong when he got whacked from his sitting position to see a enormous wave of Heartless appear. “Oh come on... can’t we play fair?” Lumen said in a disappointed tone as he got up while brushing off some bruises. Then he heard the girl speak to him about healing and spoke out with conformity, “You got it, I’ll do my best to help out.” Holding his weapon towards her, the boy casted a green flash of light for a brief moment then preformed a protection stance in case of a deadly attack. Lumen used Guard and Cura on Qamar!
View attachment 50151 The boy felt so lucky to be out of the way but once again gasped at the sight of Qamar getting hurt. Luckily she shook it off and joined to his side and directed him on what to do which is the best part he likes; working together. “You got it!” The boy said enthusiastically as he moved to his position. While Qamar attacked, Lumen did as well at the same time she as he did whilst yelling out, “Final Strike!” Finishing with a final thrust of energy at the Demon Tower. Once he got to the ground he put one knee on the ground to get a breather as he used all his leftover energy focused on that attack. “Man... I’m burnt out... phew...” Lumen said while exalting out and taking a seat on the ground as he looked at the girl. He asked her with curiosity, “Does this every get easier? Because I don’t think I like how these things are designed...” Then the boy stretched a bit from that battle making sure he didn’t sprain anything. Lumen Attacked and used Chaos Blade!
When AJ mentioned the fact that all of them get split up, it made the masked boy sad, but it does make sense. If there are multiple people in one group the best idea for them was to do more tasks at once. But then Marx felt something wrong, so he quickly put his hand into the water: it was rapidly moving. Then by surprise he turned to see the dark shadow that had fallen mysteriously on their vessel and looking at an enormous mouth eating them. “Hang on!” He said, but before he could grab something he and everyone fell off and down the mouth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the boy came to, he shook his head slightly while fixing his mask. Feeling he had a massive headache Marx got up slowly while drying himself off and talking aloud, “I don’t mind the water at all, but please let this stop. I’d rather do it intentionally.” Helping Stratos and Kaida up, he brought his attention to the new girl and the old man. “We’re all ok, luckily no one was injured really. But who are you? And where are we? The boy said to their visitors as he checked his pockets and book to make sure they weren’t broken or damaged. December Attendance 21/30
He breathed in the sweet salty breeze of the ocean while looking around and manning the raft. Every so often he would make a few adjustments to the sail, turning the mast, rotating the rudder a few times, you name it; he was all over on this. But then Marx brought his attention to the others who were talking about what animals their friends would be like. To be honest; there is a part of him that resembles a wolf, but he feels like something else. Pondering a for a bit about what he would be most like besides a wolf, while still resembling the Twilight Master he is. While working he asked to the group, “Well... What’s your friend like?” Speaking while he was working, Marx didn’t mind sailing the raft, in fact he enjoys it so much he made himself do it. December Attendance 20/30
Giving a nod of affirmation to the others and seeing that everyone was on, Marx stretched a bit and loosened up. “Here we go...” He told himself as the boy started to pushed the raft into the water. Once it started to go farther into the ocean, he jumped onto the vessel and opened the sail as the wind pushed them out to sea. Yelling out with pride he said, “And we’re off!” The first few waves were a little bumpy due to them just setting off but later on it got smoother as they went farther and farther away from Te Fiti. Marx waved his goodbye to the island and continued to Man the raft with his knowledge of sailing guiding the way. December Attendance 19/30
And to all!
Marx started to listen on what everyone answered to AJ’s question; their homeworld. The masked boy was thinking for a while as the others spoke, he’d rather not talk about it but at the same time he longed for the days when everything was right. “My world... was a sheer thing of beauty. It was called Altureon; The Great Tree. First glance it may not seem much but on the surface, oh it was magnificent. I grew up on the Islands of Wakoaki so I always traveled from time to time with my family. Sometimes we traveled to the other branches like the Mountain Civilizations of Halry, to the Neverending Colonies of Verjoe by the base of the trunk and last the Capital City of Ramid in the canopy of the tree. Flora and Fauna were both natural and mythical, many of us respected their wildlife while being able to cope with our own technological cities and expansions. And last the heart of the world was known as the Silica Pearl; but in most cultures it was also called The Mother Stone, it gives all life to the world. If it were to be corrupted, broken or missing, who knows what would happen.” Feeling he’s said enough, Marx sat down for a second and looked at his book for a bit. Not writing, just thinking about some of the visions.
View attachment 50140 Grunting a little from the attack which luckily wasn’t too painful. The boy then shook off the few wounds and stretched a bit then answering the girls question, “It’s.... okay I guess. Still messes with my senses a little. I just don’t like the fact we’re facing an enemy who isn’t really here.” Lumen waited for Qamar to finish her assault, as soon she returned to his side the boy bolted onward to the Heartless while tucking into rolls as it tries to hit him. Then he leaps up into the air and slashes it with all he’s got. Once he runs out of energy, Lumen moves back to Qamar while taking a breather. “Man... That took a lot out of me...” Taking a few seconds to regain his energy, he got back in battle stance ready for whatever is thrown at them. Lumen used Dodge Roll and Ars Solum!
Looking and hearing that most of the members were ready to set sail as well seeing Kaida move to the raft and pulling a piece of wood she had in her bag, it was time to move onward. Marx felt bad for the girl, being scared of water like this. He then walked over to the raft and yelled out to the others, “Alright then! Everyone hop on, we’re off to wherever the wind takes us!” Then waiting for everyone to get on so he could push off the raft into the open sea. It’s been a while since he sailed like this, let’s see if he’s got his groove back. December Attendance 18/30
When he heard about that being a Twilight Master seemed so serious, Marx was kinda taken back a bit. “No, no. That’s not what I meant really... Believe it or not the large majority of people survive when they try to bond with Twilight. It can just be a rough process to do. Some people may lose things if they don’t succeed, but others can actually perish though it’s really rare for it to happen.” He tried to say to Kel to assure that not as many lives are lost than he thinks. Then he heard about swimming and thought it might be time to ask the group an important question, “So speaking of which, are you guys ready to set sail? It might be a long journey, but I know we’ll be ok.” As he took a big sigh, Marx put his hands on his hips being ready to show his skills at sailing. December Attendance 17/30
View attachment 50138 Seeing the Demon Tower bounce off of Qamar’s reflega the boy jumped for joy at a second. But in a brief moment, he got rammed by the enemy and tumbled backward in result. “Gah!” Lumen yelled in slight bit of pain from the hit, as he slowly got up the boy dusted himself off and looked over at the opponent while moving to Qamar’s side. Performing a protection ability, Lumen looked over to the girl seeing a look on her face and asked her with concern, “Hey, Qamar? By curiosity did you want to ask me something?” Lumen used Guard!
Hearing from the others that they would be fine with talking to him about what happened. To be honest, not many talked to Marx like that before one thing; The Keyblade. Ever since then, he's kept to himself for so long, forgetting what it felt like to be cared for. Then memories resurfaced from his mind. Spoiler: 14 Years Ago... “Come on Brother!” Said an young boy that was holding a wood sword against another boy who was around two years younger than him. He was wearing a blue tunic with a red blanket for a cape as his auburn hair blew in the wind with brown eyes. When he clashed weapons with the younger boy that kid was wearing a white tunic with a purple vest having shining gold hair and bright Amber eyes. He was slightly unsure about fighting this older boy, having a worried look but not backing down on a fight, and toughened up giving his all in the battle. Continuously moving on the grass that they were on as the fought, and eventually the younger boy slipped when he tried going to fight the older boy, but instead of clashing blades he fell straight into some mud. Getting up with the help of his brother, the two of them moved over to a medium sized hut as a woman wearing a orange robe with blue eyes, and long auburn braided hair stood by the door. She looked at the two with a smile as the woman shook her head as she spoke, “You boys... Let's get inside and get you cleaned up.” “A true fighter shows his scars!” The little boy said while his older sibling ran in leaving the adult and child were still talking. “However, some warriors need to be cleaned.” The woman said as she picked up the little muddy boy while talking. “You need to be more careful my child.” “I wanna be ready when I explore the world! One day, they'll hear the tales of 'Marx the All Knowing'!” He said with confidence. The mother gave a chuckle and set him by the bathroom and spoke to the messy kid, “Well 'Marx the All Knowing', you should know that your still dirty. Off to the bath with you.” Giggling while walking the boy smiled genially at the woman. Coming back to reality, Marx shoke his head to hear Kel ask him about what a Twilight Master was. “Well... To put it simply; its a Master who has experience with both Light and Darkness. There are very few out there who have this ability: while everyone could become one, Twilight is a difficult thing to master. Relying on Light is obvious, but to realize you must also master Darkness it can be a hard thing to get just right in between the two. Some people are born with it, as others... Perish... From the process, because how devastating it can be on a person. I'm lucky to be alive.” The boy said to the question. He looked at Kaida for a second, thinking about something interesting that he'd like to see happen sometime in the future. Then he stood up finishing his fruit and picking up a stone as he threw it across the water. It skipped about eight to nine times then sank into the ocean. December Attendance 16/30
He was lost in thought for a little bit as the others talked for a bit. Thinking about the journey he has taken to this moment, it's been a long rough struggling road, but maybe it isn't over yet. Marx's original plan was to get off this world, finish what he started and then... Nothing. Now however, he wanted to be a part of something greater than his own mission, a deed that would hopefully echo throughout all of time. Bringing him out of thought, the voices of Kel and Kaida both spoke to him, and wondering if he was alright. "Hm? Oh, yeah. I'm... I'm fine... Just kinda got lost in thought for a bit." Marx said nonchalantly while trying to cover it up, then looking at his hand shaking and stopped it. And then he looked back up to the others with comfort as he put on a smile and moved to Kel's question, "The raft is in tip top shape, don't worry. I was just grabbing some fruits, adjusting the boat and examined the crystal a bit. Nothing that is of any concern." Marx then looked out to the ocean once more and closed his eyes for a second. It's so beautiful... He thought, then opening again to see the sun glimmer on the water feeling more relaxed. December Attendance 15/30
Moving his hands across the ancient lettering on the crystal, Marx noticed that it was a day by day note taking process. Seemed to have been written by the Master of Masters, because it talks about someone’s students. While studying the boy could picture the Master and his pupils together. “mArX...” A dark voice echoed in the back of the boys mind. He looked around to find where the mysterious voice came from, in which he couldn’t find because everyone were over by the beachside. Then Marx heard it again, “oH mArX... i’M dOwN hErE...” Looking downward at the crystal seeing his reflection. Until something creepy happen; his face began deforming and shifting into a strange black inky face that almost seemed like a Heartless, but wasn’t. Once it finished the face was a monster with dozens of teeth, large red marks for eyes and flowing horns on its head. It slowly opened its mouth and gnashed at the masked boy which made him drop the crystal in fear. Breathing heavily, and moving slowly to the crystal, he picked it up to look at himself once more; it was just him this time. Shaking his head in discomfort, Marx put crystal away and grabbed some fruits from the raft and walked over to the other members. “Hey guys, thought I’d get you guys some food. You looked famished after taking down Te Ka.” Marx said the the group as he tossed a fruit to each of them. He sat down on the sand next to the water, seeing it rise and fall on the beach then looking at the endless ocean as he ate a pear with one hand while the other shaked a little in a worrisome way. December Attendance 14/30
View attachment 50132 He hopped he wouldn’t get hurt, but unexpectedly the boy heared a yell from Qamar and looked over. She seemed worried for him and got flung over. Lumen gasped at this and ran over to her. “Here let me help you.” He said to her after she attacked the Heartless. Giving a green glow from his weapon, the boy pointed and covered her for a brief period. Turning to the enemy, Lumen ran over and started slashing and finished with jumping off of the Demon Tower and dived straight down at the Heartless. He then landed back over to the girl, doing a roll then standing himself upward to speak. “Oof... That one hit a mark. Are you ok Qamar?” Lumen Attacked, used Cura on Qamar and used Sky Dive!