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  1. Rinzler
    View attachment 50216

    Lumen had stayed quiet through the majority of the meeting, when it came to things like these, he wasn’t one to lead into a conversation. But he was trying to think of which group to go with; either with Tinarah and a Chrono to they’re homeworld or to the Orphic Coast with Torrin and Qamar. He heard that Chrono and Tinarah’s world was filled with technology which scared him half to death. But when he heard Qamar was going to the Orphic Coast, his decision was straightforward. “I would also like to assist on going to the Orphic Coast. Though I am not one of the Seven, my heart is full of light and I wish to help as much as I can. Plus, I would like to see what the Realm of Darkness is like.” Lumen finally spoke as Kosmo was resting in his scarf. Smiling at Qamar, he wondered what it would be like for her to return home even though she wasn’t out much often.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 25, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Rinzler

    Looking around while Kel and Marx were walking along the labyrinth that they were stuck in, he heard the boy speak out randomly about the silence that was going off for a while now. Then turning his head back to where the group was supposed to be, Marx must have thought that they went into another direction. “Seems they took a wrong turn... But we can’t let that stop us, they’ll find there way back. Come on.” He said waving his hand over issuing Kel to follow. Seeing a glimmer of light from the corner of his eye, Marx turned to the left seeing a faint light for a minute and headed into that direction.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 20, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Rinzler
    View attachment 50211

    He was enjoying the peace and quiet, well except for the rain. Lumen started to preform all kinds of kick flips, stances, movements and more. He felt just as free as the storm, allowing him to be focused entirely.

    Startled by a voice, he turned to see Master Aster standing in a pocket of air. Lumen sighed before stretching a bit.
    “Well I like the rain, makes me feel good.” Saying off with a smirk as he started to walk over. But was given another surprise when he saw Qamar up here, and smiled at her brightly as he spoke. “Yeah, I suppose I should get myself properly ready. I’m drenched as a mop.” Grabbing her hand, Lumen then followed Qamar down the roof as he got dried off and headed off to where the meeting was with his friend.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 19, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Rinzler

    “I’m glad that you have friends who come back to you.” Marx said to Kel while smiling. But then he started to frown when looking off to the side. He then said to himself in a low whisper, “Wish I had friends like that.....” Moving left to the next chamber, the masked boy suddenly winced a bit at some pain in which he held his right arm for a moment. Shaking his head a bit trying to regain his strength.

    December Attendance 30/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 15, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Rinzler

    Nodding to Kel, Marx followed him and the others not knowing that Kaida and Kairi went left. “Kel. I’m wondering something, you have met other wielders along the way right? When they go missing, do you think they fall to darkness?” He asked the boy curiously. Recalling a few times that if you couldn’t travel far enough, you’d fall into darkness or worse. But Marx didn’t want to push buttons on him, just hoping that he would assume on what happens.

    December Attendance 29/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 14, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Rinzler

    Answering his question, Kel then asked another one as Marx sighed at the next question while he tried to think. “Well, one place for certain was a place called Radient Garden. The rest I can’t really recall.” He answers while moving to the next area. But then stopped to look at Kel again and spoke, “Why do you ask?”

    December Attendance 28/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 13, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Rinzler
    View attachment 50203

    “Sorry to hear Torrin. Hope you get a better one.” Lumen said wholeheartedly. He was a little surprised to hear Qamar sing a little bit when she said good morning. Kosmo peeked her head up from his shoulder and glided to the girl who whistled to the dragon. Shaking his head in disappointment, Lumen then went off to get his breakfast. ‘In hindsight, maybe I shouldn’t have taught Qamar to do that...’ he thought jokingly while grabbing breakfast; having an assortment of turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, laktes and orange juice. The boy then moved off to the dining table to eat his food. Once finished he walked to Qamar after she was talking to Aria for a moment to speak with her. “Hey, I’m going to the roof to do my meditative technique. Kosmo best stay with you because she kinda part fire and it’s bad for her. She’s an omnivore, so she’ll eat anything.” Waving off to her and leaving the room, Lumen stepped outside to feel the rain pouring and let a big sigh of satisfaction take over him. Quickly he jumped and parkoured to the top and started his session. Closing his eyes he began to do some movements related that to tai chi, but differently he added a form fighting technique to it. Feeling the rain fall on him, it felt nice despite getting wet a bit.

    Kosmo was happy to be with Qamar for the time being. When the girl set her on the bed, she began to insulate heat for a moment but not much. Opening her eyes with surprise when scooped up and put in Qamar’s collar for the time being, she saddened with disappointment about Take but it made sense to her at least. When fed her food, Kosmo chirped happily doing some dances every so often. Then came the question of if Lumen talked about her, she nodded of course. Seems lately apart from training, battling and being around the others, Lumen spoke of Qamar almost often.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 12, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Rinzler

    Looking at the path given, they could only go right like there wasn’t a choice. Sometimes Marx didn’t mind mazes but this was overdoing it. Hearing Kel’s question the masked boy stopped moving to answer his question, “Well... On Altureon I sailed the seas quite often and visited many places on my own. I don’t much recall the places I went with my family that much. As for my own travels with the Keyblade... In total I’ve traveled to around four to five worlds before getting banished. That’s really it.” Marx finished with a shrug. He did want to explore more, but he has his own questions that need to be answered in the future. The boy will get his chance, eventually.

    December Attendance 27/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 11, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Rinzler
    View attachment 50201

    It was a lengthy time of training, only two weeks had past and it felt like two months to him. Lumen trained almost every single day except for a few. He speant the majority of time bonding with the other students but mainly with Qamar for the most part. Glad that she was able to oversee his training, he was given guidance from Master Aster and started to also take advice from her as well. Meeting an elder bard was nice to see, knowing some new song and some interesting stories too.


    Waking up in the early morning, Lumen tapped Kosmo who was by his bedside and gave a little glow for a second as she woke and talked to her.
    “Mornin’ girl. Come on, I think there might be a good breakfast this morning.” Kosmo stretched and jumped to the boys shoulder, who had showered and put on his normal attire with his scarf around his neck and lute in hand. Heading down the stairs, Lumen looked outside to see it was raining and jumped for joy to see it. He was planning to try a new meditation technique he’s wanted to test for a while now. Arriving to the entrance hall, he saw Qamar, Torrin and Aria, so he walked over to them. “Morning guys! How was your sleep?” He said giving a energetic look on his face.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 10, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Rinzler
    View attachment 50172

    Feeling the melodies in the air, Lumen hummed softly to the tune of his own lute. He was shocked by a flash of light that just occurred outside and checked it out for a second. “Wonder what that was about...” The boy spoke aloud as he went back to his room and set his lute by his dresser. After that he walked back downstairs to join Qamar and Chrys on their training.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 9, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Rinzler
    View attachment 50169

    The boy chuckled with glee when he heard that he was given permission. “Thank you master. I shall head you advice.” Lumen said as he gave a bow and headed back upstairs with Kosmo following behind. Once he reached his room that he picked by Qamar’s, he started to unpack from his satchel. Some things that were taken out were: a spare blanket, a notebook that his mother gave him, an old flute given by his father and last a picture of Lumen, his mother and father behind a cabin of some kind. The mother had a bright smile with auburn hair and sky blue eyes, while the father gave a smirk having black hair and brown eyes. Lumen seemed to be at the age of nine in this picture having those same dark blue eyes and that similar wavy brown hair with that same optimistic smile of his. Setting it on his bedside, Kosmo sat next to it as the boy then started to play his lute sitting at his bed with his eyes closed regaining that same peace once more.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 7, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Rinzler

    After hearing that everyone decided to go in the same direction, Marx had no problem with that as long as they got to where they had to head to. Even though that this place was a labyrinth. “Yeah, it also seems a bit... otherworldly. Nothing from what I could recall on my travels, least I don’t think.” The masked boy said with conformity while looking around at the odd stomach of the beast. As he was looking, Marx’s shadow started to grow in size to a inky hulking monster but when he felt something was wrong and turned around; his shadow was the same. Swearing he felt something strange, he continued to look where the group was headed to next.

    December Attendance 26/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 6, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Rinzler
    View attachment 50168

    When Lumen and Qamar were at the door, he winced a little bit when the girl gripped on the boys wrist tightly. Though he didn’t show it kinda hurt a bit, he’d have to be careful when she gets angered. After she spoke and let go of his hand, Lumen stretched it a bit to get his blood flowing again but it wasn’t a problem for him. “I understand that, but don’t let one fatal flaw bring you down. Otherwise you won’t get past it let alone overcome it.” The boy said giving advice for her, but she was also right about some parts of that session. Working together is vitally important however Lumen still felt insulted by Master Kaio’s comment about him being stupid and weak. He knew his own strength and he wasn’t be brought down by it.

    He followed the girl into the room with a bow and leaned back on the wall as he listened to the conversation at hand. The boy was proud of her to admit that she’d needed more training. Though it wasn’t a big surprise, but still an unexpected one, that Qamar said that she’d work with Lumen again. Smirking at this he spoke out,
    “I’d like to train with you again.” Kosmo finally landed on the boys shoulder as he caressed her little head for a while. “However I wish not to train right this second, kinda still exhausted and drained from that last battle. Didn’t expect it to be so challenging. With permission may I go set up my stuff in my room?” Lumen spoke kindly to the master as Qamar was talking to Chrys.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 6, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Rinzler
  15. Rinzler
    View attachment 50166

    As he played his lute a bit, the boy closed his eyes and just listened to the wind, the strings and everything around him. He smiled to himself until bringing his attention to Qamar. “Well... Kosmo is a Seasonall. They’re four pigmy species of dragons that resemble each season. Kosmo is a Fall Seasonall, and shes twenty two in dragon years so she won’t really grow much bigger. However, rare Seasonall’s can grow up to the size of say... a full grown dog. Nothing too big but nothing too small.” Lumen spoke on giving a little definition about his little companion.

    However the boy gave a little sigh himself when he was given the answer to his question; Qamar was right, it would be rude of them to disrespect the masters. Lumen smiled and spoke,
    “Your right, I suppose we should-!” But before he could finish those words the girl grabbed him by the wrist and took him to the basement. He had chills on his spine when he saw the Mirage Arena once again, but was surprised by how Qamar switched so seriously in a manner of seconds. Kosmo followed quickly behind after she fell off of the boys head, gliding down with them.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 4, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Rinzler
    View attachment 50165

    Hearing Qamar’s words were kinda shocking to his ears, hopefully they wouldn’t go back to the masters lectures then he heard the girl saying they should leave, but it was given to them already. When Master Aster brought her eyes onto Qamar, this didn’t seem good. He was aware of her previous student had passed away, but didn’t want to replace him. Lumen would never do something that selfish or low. Hearing that she needed to get back to work the boy nodded slowly while keeping a smile on his face. But when it came to Master Aster speaking of what Qamar was up to, somehow she knew? Then came a leaving message for the boy that she couldn’t replace his master and went back into her room without another word. Leaving a sigh of disappointment Lumen spoke to Qamar, “I guess we should get going then... Come on Kosmo.” Saying while he headed down the stairs, but she was flying for a second looking at the masters door then she glided down to the boy.

    When they reached the bottom Lumen waited for the girl to follow and leaned on a pillar thinking for a bit.
    “Sooo... we’re not going back to the basement, are we? I don’t think I can stand another lecture for Masters Thyella and Kaio let alone handle it. Anywhere else we could go?” He said hopefully to Qamar. For a bit the boy looked at where Master Aster’s room was and kept thinking. ‘I promise, I’m not gonna give up on you master. I swear it.’ Originally thinking to himself then he pulled out his lute and started to play a little as Kosmo was resting on Lumen’s head.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 4, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Rinzler
    View attachment 50163

    When he saw Master Aster, the boy was smiling and bowed when she mentioned his name. “Yup! That’s me! And this here is Kosmo.” Lumen said to his dragon friend who gave a delightful chirp to the woman. He then looked at Qamar when the master mentioned her name then turned back to reply about their approach to her, “Well, we finished kinda early... in not a good way.” Shaking his head from Master Kaio’s commentary early and continued. “But that’s not the point. I heard you may need a student, since my master is not here anymore... I was wondering if... you could be my new master?” ‘More so hoping than wondering’ Lumen thought, and she seemed just as nice as Master Sanda. It would also seem she is very stressed, the boy could clearly tell from the look on her face. But he kept a spring of luck in his smile towards her as Kosmo looked at Qamar for a second and back.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Rinzler
    View attachment 50162

    Seeing that Kosmo was thoroughly enjoying herself was heartwarming, so he just let her be for the time being. The dragon was chirping and purring at an uncontainable level, when she stopped Kosmo was sad for a second before returning to Lumen as he gave a little fruity treat. “Sweet, that’s good to know. Onward!” The boy said with enthusiasm while following Qamar throughout the castle seeing more of the kitchen and library. Last was the bedrooms, which to his surprise, was happy to see. Now remembering he had all his stuff in his satchel, Lumen could finally find a place to rest. When it came to picking which one, Qamar introduced her room then indicated that there was one across from her and asked if he already had one. Stumbling on his words a bit, he quickly reassured her, “N-No. I don’t actually have a room yet... Since you offered I might as well take it while it’s still here.” He walked in and set his satchel and lute down by his bedside finally being able to not carry that stuff around.

    Lumen quickly followed Qamar after that to Master Aster’s room, Kosmo kept up as she flew along the duo and landed on the boys head when they reached their destination. He moved her to his shoulder and gave her a pat on the head as he looked to the girl.
    “Sure, you can stay. I don’t mind for anyone to tag along.” Lumen spoke gleefully. Taking a deep breath, the boy then knocked on Master Aster’s door, hoping that she would answer.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Rinzler

    Marx was thinking about that question in which he fell behind, but eventually caught up to the others in the second chamber. “Sorry guys, just thinking bout what I said a second ago.” Seeing that they came at a crossroad, it was difficult to know which way went where. But knowing that there were six of them meant they could search faster, so he gave his ideal on this. “I suggest we split up, three go left and three go right. We’ll cover more ground that way. I’m heading left.” Walking over to the next chamber, Marx waited for whoever was coming with catch up.

    December Attendance 25/30
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Rinzler
    View attachment 50160

    Still looking around on where he should go, Lumen searched at either the stairs or hallways, this castle messed with his mind a bit; despite Master Varos’ directions. Kosmo was also looking around to help the boy when she heard a familiar whistle to Lumen’s, but she knew the boy didn’t whistle it because she was on his shoulder. Turning her little head back the dragon chirped with glee to see Qamar walking to them, so she leaped out and glided to the girl like with Lumen before. Wondering where she went, Lumen looked over to see her on Qamar and gave a smile of delight to see her with Kosmo. “Heh... Yeah, I actually might, given my certain circumstance.” Lumen said to tag along with the joke which made him chuckle a bit. Then he scratched the back of his head and asked the girl, “I’m just trying to find where Master Aster is. And I’m to guess you know these halls better than I do.” He wondered if he wouldn’t be surprised by her every now and then, though the boy knew that wasn’t gonna happen. Kosmo was nestled up by Qamar giving more affection, she was happy to make another person happy besides Lumen, though she wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the boy.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 2, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena