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  1. Rinzler
    View attachment 50298

    Lumen was just about to protest with his finger held up, but stopped to realize that Qamar was undoubtedly right and closed his mouth then lowered his finger. Kosmo here couldn’t help but giggle at this. “Oh hush you.” He spoke to his dragon friend with a blush on his face. Looking at Qamar, it seemed she was hellbent on getting this done. No matter what. It was only then once she broke the silence of saying how she came by the blade. “I see. Did you steal the blade for your own purpose or something else?” Asking as they passed the many houses until reaching the one they were looking for. Giving a wolf whistle, the boy was amazed how pristine the outside was almost as if it was imaginary. Upon reaching the call box he spoke a bit bluntly. “Whoa. Well if he’s a general, of course he’d live in a place like this.” Then he tapped his foot a bit as they waited for an answer, but got spooked when hearing a man’s voice behind them and answered. “We’re uh... looking for the owner of this household. A general, we think?” Turning to Qamar he shrugged a bit before looking back at the man.
    Post by: Rinzler, May 4, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Rinzler
    View attachment 50282

    After exploring the blacksmith area and being called to move on, Lumen stayed a bit quiet as he listened thoroughly when they arrived at the library but got a bit side tracked when he decided to look through some books. He was very intrigued by a lot of them and Kosmo flew around him to explore the area until returning to him. “You know, I wish my mother could see me now... Right Kosmo?” Saying to his scaled friend who gave a chirp and nod. Once done Lumen then headed back to the group to listen in on what was going on. Listening to the last bits of Torrin and Quinna’s conversation he noticed everyone going they’re separate ways and Qamar’s voice speaking out. “Gah!” He exclaimed when she pulled on his scarf and pulled him to their next location, Lumen kept his scarf over his coat for a few reasons but mainly because he had his communication device on it. “Didn’t have to pull on me, heh. You know this place is amazing. People don’t really understand what the Realm of Darkness is really like. This is proof that people thrive here! And it’s imperative that we stop the Light Chaser.” The boy said with enthusiasm as they walked while Kosmo flew right next to him and landed on his shoulder.
    Post by: Rinzler, Apr 22, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Rinzler

    Focusing on the task at hand, Marx soon docked the boat and tied it onto a noose so that it wouldn’t float away. Then he turned his attention to Luna and nodded to Luna’s remark about getting proper clothes. “Might as well. Go on at get situated.” He gestured as he moved over to lean on some boxes while looking around. Deciding to finally speak up after a while since Luna left, the boy looked to Beuce. “So you wield a double sided Keyblade, huh? Never seen that before. But then again this whole adventure is an interesting experience altogether.” Asking him while moving over to shake Steel’s shoulder until Luna came back with a new look. Marx smirked and nodded to her to confirm with it, but then realized he hadn’t really tell himself to the other members and decided to speak. “I suppose I should properly introduce myself. I’m-” Before he was able to talk, Marx heard a man running over towards them and turned to see him. It was a pirate, no doubt, though he seemed a bit of crazy. Tilting his head for a moment at his muttering the boy was surprised to hear the pirate, who called himself Captain Jack Sparrow, mentioning about the Keyblade Beuce had. With a slight bit of hesitation, Marx finally gave into the weight of the world. “Well then, what a coincidence we have here. Captain Marx Sableheart at yours.” To counteract the man’s introduction, his posture went a bit to the side with one hand on his hip and the other to his hat then giving a bow towards him. Standing back up he raised a brow to him about the keyblade. “What might you be so interested in our weapons of choice for. More importantly, how do you know of them?”
    Post by: Rinzler, Apr 11, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Rinzler

    Marx stopped briefly to wave to Jiminy with a smirk on his face. “I’ll certainly need that Jiminy, thank you.” He confirmed with the cricket before running back to the boats. But before he could board on a particular one, he was flung into the air and landed on the same boat he arrived here with, only difference was that it was repaired. Sliding up against the mast with Steel he held on trying to steer the raft out of the whales mouth and took a rest as they reached a rift.


    Coming to, Marx sat up and gave a groan while holding his head, only what should have been his hood was a hat instead. And where his mask was currently was replaced with a blindfold. Slowly standing up he took a look at himself to notice his clothes changed. This isn’t where I think it is, is it? The boy thought to himself until turning to hear voices that were talking. Luna and Beuce were talking to each other for quite a while since he had been out as Steel was still sleeping. And somehow Beuce made a makeshift curtain with his cape? That was new.
    “Judging from our new outfits, I think I know where we are. From personal experiences that is.” Explaining to the two as he examined the raft they were on, which was decently intact. Once he was done, Marx started to steer the raft into the direction they were heading to. Looking into view he saw a island up ahead and turned to the others. “Land ho guys. Let’s find out where we are and how to get to Olympus.” He spoke with confidence keeping course to the island.
    Post by: Rinzler, Apr 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Rinzler

    Marx eventually noticed the mice that showed up from three of the members and walked over to listen in on the conversation. “Then we need to make sure that no other princesses are captured. That is one of our top priorities.” He concluded with the group and mice while looking around until he turned to the Destiny Island trio and set his hand on Sora’s shoulder to reassure him about this. “You have your tasks, we have ours. It’s important for you, Riku and Kairi to help Gepetto and Pinocchio and even others. Maybe we’ll meet again. The sky’s the limit after all.” Letting his hand drop, Marx felt a rumble throughout the area as he maintained balance and groaned. “Great... Lets get a move on people!” Yelling out to everyone in urgency as he started to make his way back to the boats.
    Post by: Rinzler, Mar 30, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Rinzler

    Finally the battle was over, and Marx spun his blade until it disappeared. Giving a sigh of relief he eventually sat down and took a breather. Seeing that Sora, Riku and Kairi were together at last made him remind of his siblings and him. Which led him to feel a warmth inside of his chest when seeing Kaida and made his way over to see what was wrong, but sadly his chance to make one of his friends feel better was taken from one of the other members who knew her. This made sadened him a little and turned away to lean on the wall - whale - whatever it was. Pulling out the conjoined crystal he observed his reflection to see a boy hiding in a mask with a hood. Marx was trapped by his own scars. Both physically and mentally. “As if I could fit in...” Muttering to himself while he closed his eyes.
    Post by: Rinzler, Mar 19, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Rinzler

    Marx used Hi-Potion on Riku!
    Post by: Rinzler, Mar 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Rinzler
    View attachment 50243

    “Well... My name is Lumen Hindell.” He explained to Nora first thing as he took his hood off and followed the group. The rest of the time being Lumen was just quiet and listening from Nora and Torrin talking to when King Joch arrived and gave a bow to him. Wanting to say something about the Light Chaser, but he didn’t choose to because the others summed it up pretty well. As they were given the option to explore, Lumen put his hands behind his head and looked to Qamar. “If it’s alright, mind if I come along as well?” Asking curiously with a smile on his face and Kosmo coming onto his shoulder adding a chirp to him.
    Post by: Rinzler, Mar 4, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Rinzler

    Marx used Blizzaga!
    Post by: Rinzler, Mar 1, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Rinzler

    Mark used Firaga!
    Post by: Rinzler, Feb 24, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Rinzler

    Marx eventually found his way with the others to save Kairi and Pinocchio. He followed silently with Ignis to help Kairi, even though he just met her, something in him made him trust Ignis instantly. As everyone started to place they’re attacks in, Marx thought he’d go on a strategic route. Summoning his Keyblade along with five explosives he sent them on they’re way to the target.

    Marx used Minega!
    Post by: Rinzler, Feb 20, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Rinzler
    View attachment 50237

    He was finishing with the Heartless around the area as spun his blade round and round to hit and of the dark creatures in range of him. Doing a flip over a Neoshadow and slicing it, Lumen had returned to his defensive stance to protect Taran and Eilonwy. Kosmo did a little bit of help as well, as she set some of the Heartless aflame for the boy from his shoulder. “That should do it.” Speaking confidently to Qamar, but what happened next shocked him. Lumen then noticed the guards changing sides seeing as they pointed they’re blades over at the four, from the sight of this made Kosmo scurry into his coat to hide in. Being shocked at the betrayal made him stay in his defensive stance until he heard Torrin and noticing Qamar to surrender. Lumen gave a sad sigh at this and spoke aloud, “Okay...” He then stood upright while dismissing his weapon and kept his eyes open.
    Post by: Rinzler, Feb 17, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Rinzler
    View attachment 50236

    Lumen continued to slice and dice the Neoshadows that were around them. Hearing Qamar say that there was light in her heart made him smile and pushed even harder on fighting the enemies. He then pulled off a one slash strike moving at incredible speed at each Heartless while getting back next to Qamar. “Man, this is some good workout.” Lumen joked as the pair fought off them off while keeping Eilonwy and Taran safe. But he stopped for a moment when seeing a mysterious Keyblader fighting off some of the Heartless until leaving them. He looked to Qamar really quick to ask curiously, “Who was that?” Eventually he saw the guards helping and got back into the fray of the fight.
    Post by: Rinzler, Feb 12, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Rinzler

    Noticing AJ came over to talk with him, Marx shrugged a bit before looking at him. “Sorry, just thinking to myself... You shouldn’t worry about me really...” He said to the blonde haired boy as they walked. When they reached Kairi, the ground rumbled as he rolled his eyes and ended up back in the mouth with the rest of the group. Marx held his head for a second until recovering from the fall. For a while he stepped away from the group and thought to himself for a bit.
    Post by: Rinzler, Feb 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Rinzler
    View attachment 50230

    “That’s good to know at least.” He said with a smile to Boreas as they were getting closer to they’re destination, but the thought of joy left his mind when hearing screaming and Heartless spawning around. Then he heard Torrin giving orders to him and Qamar to protect Taran and Elilony, “Got it!” Nodding at the command then going by they’re sides while summoning his Keyblade backhanded in battle stance while fending off the Heartless that attacked them.
    Post by: Rinzler, Feb 7, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Rinzler
    View attachment 50228

    Lumen was humming while they made they’re way to the castle up ahead, while doing so he was playing the lute to what Enzo was saying earlier and gave a smirk as Kosmo was peacefully sleeping. “I suppose we just don’t because he’s our friend. It’s more so personal.” He said while finishing off one of his tunes and smiled to Qamar before looking to Torrin again. “So we’re on the search for some sort of material for armor if I recall right? What are we looking for exactly?” The boy asked curiously with his hand behind his back.
    Post by: Rinzler, Feb 5, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Rinzler

    Marx was silent for quite a while, letting when they met up with Kaida’s group and eventually seeing Kairi and Pinocchio get captured. Then following Ignis and the others straight forward to the next chamber, Marx drooped his head to see others talking. “Wish I could have friends like them...” He muttered to himself in sadness. But then he realized all that’s happened to him, Marx couldn’t fit in anywhere. Perhaps it would be better if he was just alone...
    Post by: Rinzler, Feb 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Rinzler
    View attachment 50222

    Lumen was excited to see the coats given, they looked cool for protective wear. “Sweet!” He exclaimed while getting it on and checked himself out. Kosmo woke up and moved to the hood making herself at home while curled which made Lumen smile. “There’s no need to not be silly. It’s more fun that way.” Lumen said as he smirked and looked to Qamar. “You ready to head off to you homeworld?”
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 31, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Rinzler

    Marx raised an eyebrow behind his mask as he looked at Kel in confusion. “I take it you know each other?” He asked curiously while standing there with his arms crossed intrigued by this before speaking again. “Well, I’m Marx. What was your name, Ignis was it?” Eventually holding his arm out towards the girl to give her a shake.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 28, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Rinzler

    Marx eventually nodded until coming upon a small wooden boy as he knelt down to him. “Trust us. My name is Marx, and this is Kel. Your father has been very worried about you, there are monsters roaming around so we best get you back to him. Come on.” He said while leaving the area they were in and remembered where they came from. Realizing the two went left, his instinct told him to go over right on they’re way back to Geppetto.
    Post by: Rinzler, Jan 25, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena