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  1. SoraUchiha

    No-I dont think there is a present and if there is you would never be able to state "this is the Present" because it would have passed by the time the statement is done-You think of saying it in the future and as you do so it is broken into the tences-What you are to say in the in the future and what you have already said is in the past and what you are saying that second couldnt be in the presnt because it is to dragged on (Even if you say it quickly) and even if there was a present it would be too small,almost unexistant.
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 21, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. SoraUchiha

    Oli Sykes

    Oliver Sykes-One of the most contraversial figures in rock history.Front man of Screamo band Bring me the Horizon and the brain of the majorly famous Drop Dead clothing company,He has made mistakes people hate him for though,Take a look.

    Wikipedia:Bring Me The Horizon

    While on tour in the United Kingdom allegations were made against vocalist Oliver Sykes that he urinated upon and then assaulted a female fan after a gig at Nottingham Rock City when she allegedly refused his sexual advances. Sykes was subsequently charged with urinating on the fan, but not with physical assault. Online Music Zine Drowned In Sound claimed that Bring Me The Horizon were banned from Nottingham Rock City. However the band's label Visible Noise denied these rumors and the band subsequently played Nottingham Rock City on 1 December 2007.
    On 13 April, Sykes appeared in Nottingham Magistrates Court on a charge of common assault relating to the alleged urination incident, to which he pleaded not guilty. The case was adjourned until early May. On 3 May 2007 Sykes attended Nottingham Magistrates court for the second time and confirmed his not guilty plea. The case was adjourned again until 17 September. Due to lack of evidence, all charges against Sykes were dropped.
    On the band's newest album, Suicide Season, the song "No Need for Introductions, I've Read About Girls Like You on the Backs of Toilet Doors", a lyric in the middle of the song implies Sykes's displeasure with this incident. The relevant lyrics reads "and after everything you put me through, I should've ****ing pissed on you."

    Wow-What do you think about that??
    Thread by: SoraUchiha, Jun 21, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: Music
  3. SoraUchiha

    Power Grid

    There probably be Mass Suicide and everyone in comas will die, and Im sorry to say but the economy might collaspse,there would be no such thing as law and by the time power is back on its feet eerything will be hopelessly ruined.
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 21, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  4. SoraUchiha
    Okay-Settle our disagreement? Walking home and a gang spit abuse at me and thats a disagreement that can be settled through talking? HaHa! And being the bigger person would make me look and feel smaller dont ya think??
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 21, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  5. SoraUchiha
  6. SoraUchiha
  7. SoraUchiha
    It has happened in the past and It didnt end well for me because those guys where quite literely 5 years older than me (and on both occasions there were 5 of then and I was 12) and these guys are still older than me but I could take them if it came to that
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 20, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  8. SoraUchiha
    I was Nomintated?? OMG!!
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 20, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. SoraUchiha
  10. SoraUchiha
    Oh yeah-I have this one whrer pens have to be arranged as most to least ink (Right to left) -_-
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 19, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  11. SoraUchiha
    Um,That has happened once or twice by seperate gangs-i know its a bit of a bad idea but believe it or not I can take them and seriously hurt most of them-Its just a matter of Do or Dont.
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 19, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  12. SoraUchiha
    Science-Its a bit more convincing than "God Rules all,God Created All,Simple As" dont ya think???
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 18, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  13. SoraUchiha
    Okay-I know this girl,Nichole-She is Crazy Sporty and could take down any guy and any guy would full force punch her in the arm in the name of fun and she wont think anything of it,She would Probably hit him back and they would both laugh-What about her?
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 18, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  14. SoraUchiha
  15. SoraUchiha
    Okays-Simple question-Why dont people not accept the Weird and Wonderful with open arms rather than Bullying them into a big black hole??? I've gone through this all my life and it crossed my mind just now,Just this very second-Why do people call us "Freaks" and how come they arnt the ones who are the freaks??how come they arnt classed as the weirdos?? Why is it like a witch-hunt?? Your thoughts please.
    Thread by: SoraUchiha, Jun 18, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: Discussion
  16. SoraUchiha
    (True ^^)

    Yes,Im nobody so Im not included in your "We all"

    Im being forced to listen to "N-Dubz" -_-
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 18, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  17. SoraUchiha
    Okay-Anyone who knows me knows that I have been ganged up on on more than one occasion and I try to put on hard skin or whatever,Okay,There is this guy-He is roughly my age-Maybe a little older-Who only seems so say anything to me when he is with a group of people,I walked past him the other day and he was trying to look away from me,I smiled Smugly because at that moment I knew he was just a cowardly little prick-Anyways,I Walked past the 'gang' he is in and the usual "Gay Emo" stuff is said and he was the main one saying the stuff,I just thought Wow-He is too afraid to say things when He is alone but in a gang he is the main one to try to insult in an attempt to be accepted...Now Im wondering what to do-Wait to see him alone and start a fight which I could totally win or Grin and Bare it and continueously be insulted by a stupid gang??
    Thread by: SoraUchiha, Jun 18, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  18. SoraUchiha

    I want to have a mojor in Phsycology when I go to collage.
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 18, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  19. SoraUchiha
    Okay-Basically-What is your OCD? Some people have them,An OCD is a psychological disorder an Example would be that You are a Germaphob,You like things to be or set in a specific number or Order,Otherwise it doesnt feel right or Someone with a certain drive to collerct certain items.

    My OCDs are
    1.The volume of the TV MP3 Player,Phone ect.must be at an even number.
    2.When Im making coffe the beans absolutely have to go in before sugar.
    3.I have to take out the "Ink,Not Mink" ads out of any magizine im reading.
    4.The room im in has to be clean when im watching a movie!
    and there are others but I cant think of them until they come up ^^

    So Yeah,Tell yours and Discuss Yours-The stranger the Better!!!

    EDIT:It isnt was bad as wikipedia makes it sounds XP
    Thread by: SoraUchiha, Jun 18, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: Discussion
  20. SoraUchiha
    And a questionable boy-Me!!
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Jun 18, 2010 in forum: Forum Families