Username:SoraUchiha Name:Spencer White Age:15 Grade:Freshman Bio:After moving 3 times in the last two years Spencer is a bit of a loner who lives in books-Is bullied and has been bullied (Things he cant even mention,Has burned deformed Chest and Legs as a result....).Can read peoples emotion and body langage Has a strong romantic side that is only seen by only his lover. Apperance- guy brown hair/Bella-m-swan/animeguy.jpg?o=7 Likes:Psychology,Litreture and the Night Dislikes:The Loud,The Ignorant and the Irritable Gender:Male Personality- Doesnt have tranceparent Emotions but is open when well known. Is Socially Awlkward and preferes to sink into the backround as opposed to stand out.Would state a lot information on a certain topic that is irrelivent but interesting such as statistics and past events. Nice or Bully:Nice-Tends to be bullied. Color for character:LightBrown
Not until now-I'll check it out ^^
*Bloody Mouth-Face Palm* So did you hear About Stephine Meyers new book??
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella Okay-Who is excited? But I think that Brees arrival in Eclipse was a bit...Out of the blue. I mean-She comes along all of the sudden and changed the whole story line xD What do you think just out of curiosity?
Haha and the thing is that you know I would..Bruno! xD
Okay-Most people know them-Show offs or Attention Seekers-some may even know a Narcissist. Personally-I hate them! Honestly,I understand someone who is proud of their ability or whatever but honestly,Trying to show it off whenever they can is just annoying! I know how people can asert ability a little too strongly without realising it-Such as Me-I use words that are too long at times and I'd often babble on about a topic,Stateing statistics,phsycological effects and typical situations on said topics and so on and some people get the impression that im trying to sound smarter than them when Im really not. Im really talking about someone doing a handstand and kart wheel in front of a load of people when its really unnessecery ect. So what you thinking 'bout Show off and Attention Seekers???
I decided to start the Patricia Cornwell series but if finding rather boring so I kinda stoppped...I wanna read Body Languge:For Dummies but I cant find it anywhere!!! phsycology needs will go unfulfilled!! XP Oh and Handling With The Undead by that Swedish dude that wrote Let The Right One In. ^^
*SpongeBobSquarePants Rainbow Forehead Imagination Expression* Imaginationn!! xD did you hear about Mandys road trip??
xD I couldnt sit through that!! I'd rather chew broken glass than stay in a car with my family for two days!! =p
Oh-Theres something wrong with my computer-I cant hear a thing (Even with Earphones) so...Muted isnt fun xD
With her Happy B-Day!!-Was the trip one of those long drawnout 4 hour drives where you get bored sh!tless?
Wisconsin? Why?...Where?...How? xD
xD oh my gosh-I was just watching that!!! Awesome!!
Hi Sweetheart Whats up??
What the **** is up with your hair cut?!? xD
Whats happening?
...Yeah *Hugs* It was just a little upsetting,You know? Well My current Avi is nominated for Best Avatar so I have a little hope at leset.
Have you actually listened (Or read) The stuff Oli Sykes Writes?? haha That line is innocent compared to ther stuff xD There are stuff like the Clip on Fringe incident* that raised a lot of contravercy about being a wanna be Emo and how the fasion is faked. *On one of Bring me the Horizons first gigs Oli's clip on fringe flew off while preforming. He wore a clip on fringe because back then his hair was short and he didnt want the image to be changed into something..Not Emo.
Grr...mmm..well okay whatevs hope you and jaden get it.
Patricia Cormell,I started to read her first book:Post-Mortom and I actually found it boring-The entire series was passed down to me and now I have a load of books ill probably never read 0_o anywhoo,What do you think of the Patrica Cornwell Series??