He nodded-"Uh-Huh..." He played with his ear lope for a second and then sighed. "...Yeah but the note....I think everyone was the right to be on edge..." He was clearly worrying "...Im actually quite.." He shifted his weigt from one leg to another nervously "...scared."
Oh-Probably just wait for two more people ^^
He nodded before he answerd "Yeah..." His hand still traced the back of his neck. He bit his lip so it almost drew blood. "Yeah." he repeted,more secure. He dropped his hand from his neck to brush his hair out of his eyes "...Im just...Its just...that man-who died-Nobody will tell me about it...They dont want to worry me..." he sighed and then looked up at Hannah through baby blue worrying eyes...
Cool and accepted. ^^ Brilliant and your in =]
He smiled "Sure." He rubbed his neck as if to make sure it was screwn on tight so his head wouldnt fall off...Calm Down,Im here,Im medicated and not crazy...He reminded himself with a click of his tounge and a following smile.
He nodded and popped th leaves into his mouth-He could taste the metallic taste of mint through his nose-He made sure it ws nothing but mush before he swallowed. After a few moments he nodded..."...Hannah,What would I do without you?" he smiled,thanking-His sence had returned...Normal...For Now. "Thanks...You need Help with the-Um..." he looked down at the herbs..
"Hannah!" Neil exclaimed-He fast walked up to her-He put his hands on her shoulders "Em...Do you have...Do you have..Do..." he stuttered but then went silent and thought..."Do-Do you have t-the herbs I need?" he asked as if explaining the question to himself..."That I need for..." he thought really hard,Trying to calm himself-"My Herbs.Do you have them?" he asked slowly,Releived he got his question across....With his medication he wouldnt be like this...
Neil sat in the sand-His hands cupped his ears and he rocked back and forward-He blinked forcfully and was breathing harshly...I need my medicine...He got up in search for Hannah,Who had the Herbs needed to calm him of hs stupid fear,So he could be temporeily normal again....
Wow-I have awesomeness inside me! lol-Yeah I should get Cat to join but right now were discussing how I love her dity mind! xD
Sure Sure lol
Blue Dino Name:Xenophelius "Neil" Black What side you’re on: refugee Job: Scavengers whatever he can from ruins and tries to fix them for everyone else. Age: 17 Gender:Male Appearance: (My Avatar) Other: After both his parents became apart of a sucessful suicide pack he developed Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,He needs a litle looking after at times but with proper medication he is fine.
Accepted lol Nice! xD Accepted!!
ajk515? That guy with the cool amvs?? (Who said I didnt like your Dirty Mind? =P) xD
His fingers moved down the page-He read Paragraph to Paragraph at the same speed as a normal person would read to Word to word. He gave up after reading five chapters-the feeling in his stomoch was too overwhelming. He conyinued to walk-book in hand. Burning...he shivred. He lifted his writs and took note of the time...8:36am...He sighed as he put his bok into the canvas bag.... Too many things ran through his head...School.Burn.Isolation.Litreture.Teasing.Jerring.Embarrasment.Laughing.Crying..
He had stayed in the cornor,The fire had burned his cloak-The medical section had been turned into an inferno. "They cant..." the man sobbed... After the last man had burned to death the fire calmed and then they emerged from their cells...The heartless...Atrum Potestas...their names,other known as The Nex...The Heartless with control over all the elements...Created by the Scientists at The Gakuryoku Corporation.... A Neo-Nex had jumped from the building-Others followed... Two Years later,The human race is dieing...The Nex rule...The world is plunged into darkness... This was time for war...The Humans Verses Atrum Potestas,The Nex.. --------------------------------------------------------- RULES 1. No fighting. (In Ocs Of cource) 2. Try to make posts Detailed. No,"They went to the world" 3. No Godmodding. 4. If you have a problem PM me 5. Keep the love and gooey stuff PG-13. 6. You can play up to 3 characters. 7. You can only have a Keyblade if you Pm me for permission first,K? 8.Please dont write shorthand (Nd day wnt 2 sk8 bu fell) 9.Enjoy!! 10.Oh and You can play as a Nex if its necessary. --------------------------------------------------------- Character Bio: Name: Age: Appearance : Gender: Personality: Abilities: Civilian or Worrior : Location in the world : history: Text colour : Theme Song(Optional):
Spencer woke slowly-His eyes had seemed glued shut. He realised that he was fully dressed. "Uch..." he whispered into the light. He sat up and rubbed his head then got up completely to find the large leather back book he was reading was dog-eard by the sturring in his sleep.... Spencer walked out on the bech slowly-The August air hit his face in fresh bursts of salt. The beach...nobody would bother me here...He sat down on the sand-Put on his glasses and opened his book....School....This,this anxiousness made it hard to consentrate....He felt the deformed skin on his chest and his legs under his clothes...It shouldnt happen this year...He hoped.
lol no she is in whitsconcin to visit her grandmother on her 80th birthday...Dirty Mind!! xD
F-U oreo man!!! grrr lol *hint hint* *nudge nudge* *laugh laugh* *giggle giggle* lol....*Facepalm*
Okay-Im sitting here on the computer,Kerrang! Tv playing in the backround-and what song do I hear...Good Girls go Bad by Cobra Starship. Discusted,I turn on Scuzz to listen to real rock. Okay,Seriously,Has Kerrang! lost their minds?? I was shocked when Nu-Metal was introduced but seriously-Playing a chav song is just too...Uch!! xD Veiws