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  1. Wacko
  2. Wacko
    Myra: "Ehehe! I'd LOVE too!"

    Reaper: -sigh- "Half Demons are so unusual..."

    Dark: "You're not so normal yourself! :D"

    Reaper: ".... You wont shut up at all, will you?"

    Dark: "Nope! :D"
    Post by: Wacko, Oct 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Wacko
    OOC- OMFG. I've been away for too long again, haven't I?

    "Oh come on. You're not that bad."
    Post by: Wacko, Oct 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Wacko
    Sorry, I've been too busy lately XD and I had to edit out all of the random vulgarity(which is surprisingly A LOT) in this o_O

    So here it goes :D


    Since the dawn of semi-intelligent man, in an extremely unspecific and random land where Care Bears are used as projectiles... There is a supervisor that goes by the name of Strawberrius Shorticakus. None know this villain's true identity... WELL, besides the author, but why on Earth would I tell you? All these crappy and unnecessary details aside, let's get to the other ******s- I MEAN.... Let's get to the 'heroes'....

    Deep within a forest that's awkwardly colored, is a house made entirely of... BEEF JERKY?! A little girl in a red hood prances up to the freakish house... when FROM OUT OF NOWHERE a Care Bear gets thrown at her head!
    "OMFG!" She shouted. "Who threw that?!"
    The projectile Bear stood up, wearing a ridiculously wide smile.
    "A message for the trespasser!" It said cheerfully.
    "Annnnnnnd........ that is......?"
    "From an extremist Druid and a guy who yells waaay too much; 'Get out of my forest, you filthy lil' hooker!' I LUV YOU."
    There was an awkward silence for a moment, until a voice burst out.
    "WE DID NOT SAY WE LOVE YOU!" It protested. At the end of that, another Bear flew out of nowhere and hit the girl in the face!
    When it fell to the ground, it poofed into a rock! O_O A blue flash rushed by and tripped over the rock!
    "OH-MEH-GAWD!" Another voice shouted. "It's Sonic teh Thingy-ma-bob!"
    "Did you hear something?" A fourth asked.
    "Dude... Why does it say that you're the fourth voice?"
    Before long, there was an argument over the author's writing skills, when suddenly...... IT STARTED RAINING PRISMA KITTIES!
    "Everyone! I'll cast a spell! Get behi-"
    There was a sickening splat, accompanied by several gasps of horror.
    "Well..... Arme WAS annoying..." A voice grumbled.
    "AND! AND SHE WAS A TERRIBLE TEAM PLAYER!" The first voice shouted, as another splat occurred.
    "Second Prisma Kitty death for Arme. I vote her off now..."
    "Ronan, SHUT UP. You've got no room to talk."
    As the random voices continued to... Well, randomly argue.. MAGNUS DAN JUMPS OUT AND KILLS THE LITTLE GIRL!
    "Holy crap! Ryan just killed a girl!!!!!!"
    "Jin, shut up! You're ruining my 'Me' time."
    Magnus Dan poofed into Ryan, who had shifty eyes.
    "...... She was trespassing I tell you...." He said quietly.
    "UM.... Wait... Ryan can't turn into Magnus Dan yet! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Ronan backed away slowly. Ryan put a finger up.
    "Shhhhhhhhhhh...... I'm secretly a hacker who altered my level so I could..." Ryan said.
    "Oh my god! REALLY?!"
    There was a long pause, one long enough for Arme to get crushed by a Snorlax.
    "Twenty points." Lass noted, clearly pleased.
    "EH? WHERE?!" Jin looked around, as Lass covered his face.
    "Listen. Ronan. My friend, my compadre... " Ryan led Ronan away from the others. "I'm going to let you in on somethings.... First off, YOU'RE AN IDIOT." He smacked the Spell Knight in the back of the head. "There's NO way us characters of a video game can be hackers. Secondly, I'm a Xenocider, and you're a noob Spell Knight. SO SHUT UP!"
    "Hey, wait a minute!" Lass walked up to them. "Last I checked, we're in America. Why aren't you calling yourself Vanquisher?"
    "Annnnnnd why aren't you calling yourself Striper like the Americans call YOU?" Ryan raised an eyebrow. Lass was about to make some sort of smart remark, until Jin started jumping up and down.
    "OOH! I know why!" He yelled. "It's 'cuz Amy is!"
    Arme stumbled up to them, completely soaked in her own blood.
    "... Guys....." She began. "Do you-"
    Everyone's hands flew to their ears and they started to shout 'Lalalalalalalalalalalaa!!'
    Wario pops out of the ground and bites Arme's head off! O____o Her already bloody body drops to the ground and EVEN MORE blood gushes out!


    ehhhh.... I'm gettin' lazy again -__- I'll finish this in another post lol.

    SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK O_O If you need to know who these ppl are, just pm me and I'll show you the pics and junk like that :D Keep in mind that this isn't supposed to make a whole lot of sense XD
    Post by: Wacko, Oct 23, 2009 in forum: Archives
  5. Wacko
    This here's my second random story of epic character bashing, hide-kickin and abusive crossover ever. XD Since I got into Grand Chase, I decide to do this bizzarre story that screws up the fabric of... well.... EVERTHING o.o My next post'll have the start of this lol. This has already been voted the most cracky story you'll ever read XD
    Thread by: Wacko, Oct 14, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Wacko
    Profile Post

    i know right? lmao

    i know right? lmao
    Profile Post by Wacko for jettie, Oct 14, 2009
  7. Wacko
    Same as always. Bad grades lmao
    Profile Post by Wacko for jettie, Oct 11, 2009
  8. Wacko
    lol. no. I've been grounded.
    Profile Post by Wacko for jettie, Oct 11, 2009
  9. Wacko
    Myra: "AW.... That's no fun."

    Reaper: -sigh- "I often dont feel the need to question your tastes in things... Its far too bizarre."
    Post by: Wacko, Oct 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Wacko
    "I'm sure there is something you are good at. Everyone: human, nonhuman, mortal or even immortal; we all have atleast ONE thing we are good at."
    Post by: Wacko, Oct 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Wacko
  12. Wacko
    Myra: "Wow!" :Awesome: "Can I get one?"
    Post by: Wacko, Sep 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Wacko
    "That's what I don't get. Most of these people don't look useful for anything..."
    Post by: Wacko, Sep 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Wacko
    Myra: "HEY! That sounds pretty cool! ^_^"

    Reaper: "-__- Child, you can't be serious....."

    Myra: "Aw c'mon Seth! Ya gotta admit that it sounds AWESOME!"

    Dark: "Yeeeeaaaah, come on.....! 8D"

    Reaper: "...... -___-......."
    Post by: Wacko, Sep 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Wacko
    "W were invited to some.." Seth pulled the white inventation out again and read it aloud. "A wonderous get together with people with only the BEST abilities'.... So much for the 'wonderous' part...."
    Post by: Wacko, Sep 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Wacko
  17. Wacko
    Myra: "Heyyy.... That's pretty cool!" ^_^

    Reaper: "And it kills things like a normal blade...? That's amusing to think of."
    Post by: Wacko, Sep 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Wacko
    "I can't say for sure, but who ever it is... They had better make sure they don't run into me."
    Post by: Wacko, Sep 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Wacko
    Dark: "OMFG :yelling:"

    Myra: "._. What's a keyblade?"
    Post by: Wacko, Sep 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Wacko
    "Well," He stopped reading again and looked up. "Atleast if demons DO decide to show up... We'd have enough food to last us the whole time. Not that I would have to worry about eating myself."

    OOC- dam you Grand Chase! Why must you be so addictive!!! :yelling:
    Post by: Wacko, Sep 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home