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  1. Pistol Schoolboy
    That's logical. :3​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  2. Pistol Schoolboy

    I love the fact I'm only on three people's list, but you know, not like I give a damn. The people who added me to their lists are awesome.

    I love you all so much. <3

    The only people I'd want to meet are Ashley (Ashwa), Miele (Kingdom Konoha), Alex (Alex C:), Jerome (Trigger / Pistol Schoolboy), and Madi (Gwen).

    Oh, let's not forget Mikaila (ILoveRikuAndYouCantStopMe), and Hissy (Hissora).

    I might actually even meet Madi one of these days because she lives in the West side, like myself.

    And why was everyone saying they were British? Going to have to prove it, my dear twats friends. :3​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Pistol Schoolboy

    It sounds as if at the end, Cloud says something relative to "You never know to sleep" or "You never sleep".

    So, all I can understand is that Sephiroth says "You are a doll / puppet" to Cloud, and Cloud replied with "You never know when to sleep".

    So, it seems that Cloud is confirmed.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. Pistol Schoolboy

    Damn, you beat me to the chase of making a topic. But yeah, when I saw that on GameTrailers, which so happens to be my source, this morning, I completely freaked out. To be honest to God, I was even screaming on the inside like a fangirl. Even if I am of the opposite sex.

    With that said, I can't wait for more info to come out then what is already given. Love the new beam katana, by the way. Actually looks like a katana, y'know. I bet this game will go wonderfully for the sequel.

    And plus, for the sequel, they didn't give it some cliche title at the end of the title for the game. "Desperate Struggle". It's got a ring to it.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. Pistol Schoolboy
    And now that I think about it, she has a point.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Pistol Schoolboy
    Oops. xD I figured this would happen.

    But honestly, I never knew that existed.
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Pistol Schoolboy

    Who are you?

    Well now, how about we get to know each other? You know, favorite music, what motivates us to do whatever we want to do or do now. The works. It'll be fun, come on. :3

    By the way, for those who want to not tell their backstory, don't worry. You don't have to. And I'l try to make sure no one makes fun of you for it, if any negative comments start flying. So please, try to have fun, everyone.

    Shall I start off?

    Name is Skyler. I am a fourteen year old adolescent boy who loves Belanova music and pretty much life itself. I occasionally find myself either typing up poems and stories, or drawing landscapes and scenery when I get the chance. Let's just say I drink Arizona Tea and relax a majority of my free time.

    If not that, I'm dreaming about Ashley, or thinking about what I might do next that might benefit for myself and the people around me. Usually, these ideas are better news broadcasting to shows and critique. Let's just say I have more free time then you think. I love theories. I adore theories.

    I believe in reincarnation, and am agnostic. People consider me a great friend, when honest to God, the people who tell me that, are the great ones themselves. I am, indeed, British. However, I was not born in England. McDonalds is my love. Music is my love.

    I chillax with my Photoshop works, and don't like to make them complex. By the way, I love dinosaurs. Love 'em to death. Rawr, baby. ;D​
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 8, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Pistol Schoolboy


    Yet again, the Spanish culture creates yet another spectacular musical star rise. And her name? Belanova. First off, I saw the album Cocktail at Best Buy randomly when I went to go buy some Miranda and Smashing Pumpkins music. Little did I know when I began to listen to Belanova, she was simply amazing in the song "Y".

    I must say I am impressed with the sound of her music. And it makes me want to dance to it. It's sort of like a mix between DJ Tiesto's "Beautiful Things" rhythm and Miranda's beautiful voice and lyrics. I recommend to anyone to listen to this wonderful music.

    However, has anyone else listened to this wonderful singer?
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 8, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  9. Pistol Schoolboy
    6 people, including myself, reported to the principle.
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Pistol Schoolboy
    The question is pretty much spoken for itself. xD

    I do believe growing up with Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Dead Kennedys. But what I still listen to now, would be New Found Glory and Pennywise, which were the bands I still can't get over. Their sound was pretty much the most incredible I heard of the post-punk era of the late 90's through the early 21st century.

    Another great band I listened to was The Smashing Pumpkins, who I so happen to be patiently waiting for to come to the Pearl later this October. But hey, hold on, let's not forget Nirvana and Sublime. But other than that, I can't remember any others, ahaha.
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 8, 2008, 29 replies, in forum: Music
  11. Pistol Schoolboy
    I have an update for you guys.

    Then play has officially been canceled, and the Theater teacher, Mr. Klundt, is being patiently waited on for suspension, and is definitely being fired for plagiarism and stealing.

    As both our Technicolor Magazine and TV have both reported, Mr. Klundt was reported, funnily, by staff and students to just be another queer. xD

    Wow, never knew it would turn out to be so hilarious. Might post the videos on YouTube sometime soon when I can actually get the graphics and videos. Unfortunately, Shadow Ridge is being very gay and won't let me get my own videos. Oh well, I'll sneak them. >:3

    Anyways, yeah, I'm laughing my ass off on my sick day.
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Pistol Schoolboy

    All I can say, is that the new changes, are disgusting.

    Blessthefall was a great band, and so was Escape The Fate. Now, we get one. Really. Shitty. Band. Escape The Fall? Doesn't sound great. Sounds just really ******ed.

    Official Ronnie friend and fan. He may have been a druggie and may have always been drunk, but he was a doll.

    RIP ETF.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 7, 2008 in forum: Music
  13. Pistol Schoolboy

    This is the result of trying to modernize the series, getting bad actors for the job, and a cheap attempt to make want to watch the movie just. Because. Of boobs.

    Wow. Thanks for making Dragonball look like a chessy kung fu movie.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 7, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Pistol Schoolboy
    Alright, two days ago, I went to an audition for a play called Clair, which is a terrible ripoff of my play, Curse or Massacre. I'm not being narcissistic, it is seriously a ripoff of mine. Discussed this story with my jerk-off Theater teacher and he said he wanted to try and make it out into his own way. I said I'd agree if he gave me credit.

    And plus, he couldn't steal it. Most people at this school know me and the play of Curse or Masscare. There is no way they couldn't spot this from a mile away. Hilarious when he revealed the plot of the news. By the way, I have no idea why I accepted him to be on the show. He gave me no credit whatsoever, and acted like an entire ****** about it. Demanding people to audition for such a mediocre spinoff.

    Why do I think it's mediocre? It's exactly like mine. Nothing is changed but the title. The synopsis is simple: a girl named, Clair ( how creative of my teacher ), and she suffers from this curse where if she falls in love, that she is doing nothing but sacrificing the boy or family member and making the curse exceed and increase her suicide possibility.

    And then, she falls in love with a boy who has the same curse, and they try to reverse the curse as much as they can. But one thing seems to be working when they begin to fall in love, and nothing happens ...

    And I auditioned for it because, well, I wanted to see what he did to it. Absolutely nothing, did he change. Literally. Same story, same wording, and the same DAMN THING. The entire typed version was mine. MINE. And as I saw on the promo and the paper, nothing of it, was credited.

    That's fucked up.

    What is your view on it?
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 7, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Pistol Schoolboy

    @Ashwa and everyone else who replied to my pictures: thank you very much and I'm sorry it took so long to get back at you.

    @Kingdom Konoha: I know, awesome top, right?

    But you have awesome cat ears. And plus, you ish pretty. >3

    @Mikaila: I see you still have your purdy little hair there. :3
    You are seriously so lucky to have such straight hair. xD​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 7, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  16. Pistol Schoolboy
    Sure, you can use it too.

    And thank you. The bracelets are indeed adorable. Rainbow colored. :3​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  17. Pistol Schoolboy
    You don't sound homo, and sure. :3​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  18. Pistol Schoolboy

    Probably two of the best pictures I've ever taken while simultaneously
    being a revelation of the BEST SHIRT EVAR.

    Never, as cheesy as it sounds, will I part you.

    As the techno fades away, I'll still be your love for the night.
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  19. Pistol Schoolboy

    Depressing Announcement

    I am very sad to inform you all at KHV that this is my last story in a long time. I am taking a giant hiatus from writing stories to recollect on high school, seeing how it's colliding my time. Hell, this story took about a month to finish because of school, but hey, oh well.

    I hope you all don't mind this hiatus announcement, and I hope you enjoy this story. I promise you, it will be finished.


    All I really have to say, is that this was a time consuming, but fun story to write. It's based off a friendship of two of my greatest friends, Chii and Sutsuki. Trust me when I say their friendship is very inspiring, which is the result of this story.

    Pixelated Elegance
    Chapter 1

    Pink hair being ever so vivacious in the radiance that is the sun. Her hair breezing in the perfect wave of motion as the wind. Closing her eyes, she held two fingers to keep her bangs from getting in her face like a pin. Before this girl knew it, there was a voice echoing through the silence of Chiiyo's, the beauty, solitude.

    "Chiiyo!" A waving, brown haired girl shifted beyond the hills with a bright smile on her face. Surely, today would be a fantastic solstice.

    "Yes, Sumiko?" yet another Japanese name escaped the lips of a ninth grade girl. As the other girl catched up with Chiiyo, light panting had processed softly.

    "Hey, took me forever to catch up to you, Chiiyo. Why does this hill have to be so high?"
    "The breeze is nice, of course."

    Handing an object over to Chiiyo, was a cell phone. Herself, was rather puzzled as to who would call at such a time as nine o' clock in the morning. Answering the phone which has such an odd, unknown number, Chiiyo prepared herself for something strange to happen.

    No response. Now, that was strange. But what stuck Chiiyo was what Sumiko said in return as Chiiyo handed back Sumiko the cell phone. "Hm, weird. He was talking earlier." How random this situation held up to be.

    It wasn't long before Sumiko and Chiiyo found themselves walking along a street to grab something for a bit of snacking. Stomachs growling, and music moving along with the bright paven street. Both of them couldn't manage the ability to talk, unbelievably.

    Once entering the door of a convenience store, Chiiyo noticed something different. A valiant, blue haired boy was smiling as the two walked in. Leaning upon the counter, he dressed in his normal apparel of a skin tight white hoodie, and some minorly baggy faded light blue jeans. His hair was rather straight, but still had poofs that made a perfect example of hair.

    Chiiyo's glance couldn't keep off the boy. Her composure went straight and a smile stretched slightly upon her face. It was cute, instant love. And what couldn't get anymore cute when the boy opens his eyes and does the same, exact treatment as the pink haired beauty.

    Already, the boy was studdering. "W-welcome." Chiiyo couldn't help but blush. One hand covered her mouth cutely as her legs formatted in an "X". As if the she couldn't get any cuter in that red striped, skin tight shirt and light blue skirt with knee high white socks.

    Sumiko walked over to Chiiyo, not wanting to interrupt, but softly let her hand embrace Chiiyo's shoulder, and basically pulled her from the boy. Gasping by surprise, Chiiyo nearly felt like having a heart attack. Pouting cutely, she whispered over to Sumiko in embarrassment.

    "Oh, come on, I was just about to talk to him."
    "You couldn't talk to a boy even if you had someone backing you up." Sumiko gave a chuckle.
    "I don't see what's so funny."
    Sumiko cuddled with Chiiyo to help make her feel better. "Oh, don't get all angry about it."

    The serene boy at the counter could only chuckle at their friendship. They seemed so greatly connected. Chiiyo surely was adorable, to his opinion. "The name's Kohei." It was rather unusual to hear a guy just say his name ever so randomly. But, already, Chiiyo instantaneously rolled with it.

    Chiiyo felt like in a trance as she breezed right over to the boy. Of course, Sumiko followed in case Kohei tried to pull anything. "K-Kohei, huh? M-my name is Chiiyo ..." On the inside, Chiiyo felt like her heart couldn't get any more warm. Sumiko, on the other hand, couldn't stop laughing. Of course, she would refrain to not embarrass her friend.

    It turned out to be snickers soon later. "That's n-not funny, Sumiko!" Turning her back, Sumiko tried her best not to laugh to hard. Giggling like a child, yet couldn't stop but feel jealous for the two.

    However, how could it be so sudden? It felt as if the day just went a bit too fast. But to interrupt this beautiful scene of future relationship, a stomach began to growl simultaneously between Chiiyo and Sumiko. "That's it! I'm getting something to eat." Chiiyo and Kohei giggled together as Sumiko went to go get some food real quick. Chiiyo followed after, with her assistance.

    Soon after the store, the two wave off to Kohei. Chiiyo, hoping to see Kohei again yet some other time. Yet still, something latched onto her as she left the store. Something so unfamiliar for the both of Kohei and Chiiyo. Once Chiiyo left the store, Kohei was holding his heart with one hand. Silently panting to himself, trying to keep his composure. With Chiiyo hiding her eyes with her bangs, trying to hide a blush from Sumiko. Her teasing working perfectly.

    But what latched to the two of Chiiyo and Kohei? Pure first love. However, it wouldn't be for Sumiko make this moment actually happen. Friendship is true, and Chiiyo felt so grateful, right at that moment, for this day that suddenly hit her with such happiness.

    However, it still came to mind as to, how, how did this happen to quickly? Was it destined? Was it meant to be? It was all so very confusing. And later that night, as Sumiko and Chiiyo were sleeping over in Chiiyo's room, it came to mind yet again. Smiling ever so cutely, Chiiyo's bangs twitched like cat ears as Kohei kept coming to mind. And of course, the friend noticed a mile away.

    "Thinking of Kohei, I see?" Emphasizing the ending of 'see', Sumiko creeped up to Chiiyo and hugged her. Teasing her, as usual. "Oh my, Kohei. Please, not there!" Instantly, Chiiyo was already thinking of that situation.

    "Damn it, Sumiko! Stop making me think like that!"
    "Rather protective are we? That's only a symptom of love."
    "Hey, hey, it's not that obvious is it?"
    "I hope that question was rhetorical, dear."

    Giggling, the two of them, the night seemed to be a night of chatting for their loves. However, it all seemed to be collided with what they thought would be great when Kohei and Chiiyo meet yet again.

    "So, what do you think I should do next time I meet him?"
    Sumiko, playing on the computer, checking some sites, she giggled lightly. "Get his cell number."
    "Are you sure it's not too sudden?"
    Spinning around in her chair cross-legged, Sumiko faced Chiiyo, then nodding. "Positive, Chiiyo."
    "If you says so ..."

    Chiiyo began to trail off, her index finger leaving repetitive circles in the bed sheets. Yet, through and out those circles, formed a heart, all of the sudden. With that beginning, Chiiyo began to give a coy smile of love down at the heart.

    Narrowing her attention over to the love stricken Chiiyo, the brunette Sumiko turned to her with a confident smile on her face. "He's perfect for you, from what I can already see." Chiiyo got her attention away from the heart with a confused look on her face.

    "I think so, too ..."

    Sumiko suddenly began to sprout some giggles and laughter, but rather in joy then to embarrass. Chiiyo was so glad to have a friend quite like Sumiko. Without her confidence for the two, Kohei and herself, it would've never turned out like this. And once Sumiko began to giggle a bit more, Chiiyo became contagious with the laughter, beginning to giggle with her.

    And with that, the night, the beautiful day that came yet so sudden, began to end with the beauty of the moon shining through as if a jewel. There is no, absolutely certain, way this could ever go wrong.
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Oct 4, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Pistol Schoolboy