I just said why over the convo. xD And it's Skyler. Skyler. Remembah that.
Casablanca Realization Snowflake Dew Un-Homosexual These are actually planned band names. xD Undecided at the moment.
Looks like a pretty good edit. If only the official remake wasn't actually just a demo for the graphics of the PS3. Damn you, Square-Enix.
As I said on MSN, I'm very thankful for your opinion. <33 I'm glad you liked both videos, honestly.
Well, after a giant, exhausting stall and haul of a month, I finally have put out the last quickie, and a video which I dedicated to one of my most awesome friends. For those who know and love my "Quickie" series, I apologize for the giant hiatus this series had to go under. I had a massive writer's block. So, I give you, the last Quickie episode and The Black on Pink Exorcism. Hope you all enjoy! Quickie EP #6 [END OF SEASON] - Scared Senseless The Black on Pink Exorcism
Usually, that would scare the everloving shit out of me. But if you so happened to pop out of my screen, I'd be all "Hey, least I don't have to drive to Washington."
No. King Henry.
Sorry about not being able to talk to you. I just recently got randomly grounded. I love you and can't wait to talk to you soon. I miss you...
Hot damn, I completely change my mind about the new Escape The Fate now. I mean, first off, you make a "girl song" with my lovely girlfriend's name. And not only that, but you make the lyrics and the sound so orgasmic. I mean, holy ****, I never thought I'd love this song so much. But juts, wow, I am surprised. Personally, the new Escape The Fate, is amazing. I really like this new style and I think it fits perfectly. Craig, giant props. Ronnie, yet still, I'll still miss you as a friend. And by the way, they are going to be ****ing amazing when they come back to the hometown with CHIODOS. I JUST CAME.
I love you, too. |D
You kidding? The Cab ****ing owns. One thing that proves that Las Vegas has something other than casinos and malls. They sound nothing like N'Sync and you all need to get with the times. :3
You still look amazing, love. As always, you leave me speechless. Happy three month anniversary and I'll be sure to give you the presents very...
No, not insulting. Stating a point. :/ By the way, it was meant to be a sarcasm joke. Jeez.
Hence why I don't live there. Besides Kayleah, Craig, and Cherry , 99 percent of England [people are] is a psychotic mess.
Better than Cin x Orange.
Oops, accidentally picked Jack. Misread the question. It may be Alex, but Jack owns him anyday. >:3
Trust me, it happens when you sit on a chair. xD Now, I know some people get it just on the butt, but sit there long enough, others will know what we're talkin' about. xDD
I know how you feel. Glad that itch goes away though. Those itches are the pain in the ass. Oh, the irony.
Helloooo. Just stopping by and saying hello. You seem like quite the awesomeness, ahaha, so, I thought I'd just stop by. Hope you talk to you...
The only thing I can say is "wow". I lol'd xD