Exactly what Cin said. It's on right now on WGN, it's official. Obama won.
Okay, we get it. He's not black. :/ First mixed president. Alright, you happy?
I agree fully.
Alright, so, I'm on my Wii, checking out the latest news on the News Channel. And then, I stumbled upon a story about a young boy, shot to death on Halloween. (And I know it's a bit surprising for me to be posting something related to news.) Poor boy. The porch light of a house to a man named Quentin Patrick was a usual signal that trick or treaters were welcome at that house for some candy and whatnot. Well, one boy so happened to knock on the door, 12-year-old T.J. Darrisaw, and the man who answered, wasn't so pleased. So, the man probably decided to get some candy and told the kid to wait with his father right there. Later, the man, Quentin, pulled out a AK-47 and unleashed 29 to 30 rounds within the boy. One bullet so happened to enter the arm of the father. Instantly, the boy was killed. Right on Halloween. This goes to show how stupid these felons are. The man, Quentin Patrick, was actually afraid of getting arrested. Well, he got as bit paranoid when a kid and an adult were there just for their usual day of Halloween. Seriously, this is so messed up to kill a boy at such a young age. Really.
Jiku, you certainly have the mind of a genius. Seeing how that quote is one of the greatest. But I love you more.
Why, the pleasure is all mine. <3
Poor little LolApple, it has to put up with the crazies. But honest to God, you make yet another cute little fruit drawing. And that is talent right there where it is exactly within the prefect lines. <3
Oh my, Gwen, how could I have forgotten you? :3 My bestest TDI, vampire, gothic fan and friendy. (Hugglesnugglecuddlewuggles.)
Ashwa. <3 Hell, I just want to be with her. Whether it be holding her, kissing her, being with her, or sleeping with her. Either way, it's great. :3
I second that.
I know that. And it appears everyone is getting drunk these past few days.
First post, is what I meant.
For some one drunk, you nearly knew how to spell right.
More like I had my friend Raiza check up on me daily to read the story. She would always ask what is happening so far. And if I didn't answer right, I'd get a bamboo sword to the back and ass.
Jiku, you are now a god to me. Finally, someone understands the pain I went through reading this book. D:
What is there left to say? This is awesome. 'Nuff said.
The looks on everyone's face is all "OMG NEW LOLFACE WATERMELON" "NEW GUY NEW GUY". xD Sneaky kitty watermelon is by far the cutest I've seen.
I swear, first off when I saw this, it was straight out adorable. Including the face on the far bottom right where the lemon is blushing. Honestly, that's is an incredibly adorable face. Awesome work, Miele! <3
Goes to show that Sho is truly awesome when Miele has drawn him.
Finally, the first chapter of the highly anticipated story, Death Got Near, is released for you all to see. But wait a sec, I can't show it on the public site of KHV. I have to post most of these chapters on DevinatArt, due to mature content. Sorry for all who want to read this story, but I'm not getting banned for writing a story, you know. xD So, embrace your thoughts. Embrace your love. Embrace your chair. Because the death has become just near. BEGINNING - Chapter 1: Sexually Suddenly