Well, that answers everything. 8D Guess this should be locked, huh?
Haha~ Funny enough, my impression of Ven changed because of a dream, too! 8D" It's not pretty. (*points to bottom, below Ienzo quote* In case your curious.) You're making me miss my old dreams of randomness. Lately, they've been nightmares, nothing, or prophetic. ;__; Oh! Could you interpret a dream for me? Maybe it means something. So, I had this dream last year...I was trapped in a house and I was trying to get out. I was seriously freaking out because it wasn't my house and there were cannibalistic spirits of sorts. STRANGELY ENOUGH, one of them was Ven. All I really remember, and the image that will never leave my mind, is his face. His GODDAM FACE. (*cries*) He apparently plucked his eyes out and carved a smile on his face. He was bleeding all over, wrapped in bandages and chains and he tried to eat me. :< After that, I dreamt I was in a hotel of sorts with dirty rooms and my friend was cleaning the toilets because she was a maid. This could be totally fanbased, this could totally mean something. I don't know, but I'm curious as to what you'd say. :3
I'm so sorry Terra. :| I forgot to mention I meant potential wise, but I believe others have said it before I clarified. And yes, I know, which is why my older post said that Sora is weaker compared to TAV. Anyways, I have nothing else to say. Am just gonna linger, float, prowl the premises, whatever. I'm sorry I can't come up with any other arguments or anything. :|
Well, there are many kinds of dreams. Funny ones, random ones, awesome-sauce ones, nightmare ones (HA, don't get me started on Ven...), lucid ones, disturbing ones, prophetic ones...hmm. Many, many, many... Curious as to what you guys dream about. Haha~ I have a fascination with such weird things. Sue me (Oh wait, YOU CAN'T 8D). Really, anything about dreams is welcome. Like I said, just curious~ Go, go, go! ^^
I can't have too much chocolate... I'm allergic to it. Can you believe that?! DDD; I'm a sad, sad, tempura-panda. =3=
Squee! I would love some chocolate chip!! X33
Or...it could be gameplay purposes. Think about it, if you had all these epic moves at the beginning, wouldn't it just, I dunno, wreck the whole point of developing the characters unless Nomura wanted to show that TAV were stronger than Sora, which is wrong because Sora has a FAR stronger heart...or as strong as Ven's. Well, true, but Dark Corridors (CoD is Dark Corridor/Corridor of Darkness...right?) corrupt the heart from what I've heard, which is why only people with dark hearts and Nobodies can use them, the latter because they don't have hearts to begin with. And while they just might NOT give Sora armor or a Keyblade Glider because of the Gummi Ship, I doubt Mickey will just keep letting them take the Gummi Ship...or make Donald and Goofy continuously drive it there. At some point, Sora's gonna need his own means of transportation... I mean, think how Donald and Goofy feel. :c
Point is, Sora has much to learn. >.>; As Ienzo said, I was referring to the time Terra used it to rescue Ven, and I believe Ven did the same thing, too. Like, right after. And it wasn't a Dark Corridor cause it was all bright and light and stuff. :3"
I find Xion's Theme depressing for obvious reasons, Missing You for obvious reasons, Dearly Beloved (all versions) because of all the memories, and Ventus's Theme for obvious reasons and the **** violin. ;__;
I'm a sad, sad victim of this. :|Definitely a good suggestion.
I will admit, you got me there. But... He has a lot to learn. Think about it, the only means of transportation he has is a Gummi Ship. A ship made out of blocks that look like legos. TAV have Keyblade Gliders/Riders/whatever they're called and armor that can technically resist darkness (mentioned somewhere in the reports~). Not to mention they can conjure direct counterparts to Dark Corridors. He probably IS stronger than TAV because of the strength of his heart, he just has a lot to learn.
That, or it could mean that Sora and Riku have much to learn other than what they already know. This could be a stupid comparison, but if you look at Ven and Sora, Sora kind of sucks. And he has Ven's heart. That sorta means something. I'm not saying I disagree with you, just stating another possibility. :3"
Ahh...okay then. :3 That answers everything; thanks guys.
Wait...so basically, you guys are indirectly telling me that just ANY Keyblade wielder can pass on the power of the Keyblade because "Master" is just a title and Terra succeeded in doing so with Riku, even if he technically wasn't, right?
*scratches head* So, I've been thinking (and reading) about Birth by Sleep, mostly because of this story I'm working on (haha no, I'm not showing you. Nyeh) that depends deeply on all these Birth by Sleep secrets and fact jumbos whatever. My constantly wandering mind basically smacked me across the face one day, saying: "*WHACKS!* Terra is a MASTER~~~ *butterflies*" ...but lots of people say otherwise. ...Actually, they don't say anything at all. But that's similar to saying otherwise because if he was, I would have seen it somewhere. If you ask why, it's because technically, it seems Xehanort made him a Master. He's a Master himself, he witnessed his Mark of Mastery, and he kept calling Terra "Master Terra" and all that. I'm pretty sure he was just doing some butt-kissing that time, but still. Spoiler Besides, isn't it only Masters that can pass on the power of the Keyblade? In short, what do YOU guys think, cause I'm lost in all these twisty KH facts and all? I'm sorry, but I don't know where else to ask and wonder.
Yeah, kind of out of place, but what the hell. I just kind of -needed- to post this. I would be really, really heart broken if Kingdom Hearts just goes all...Final Fantasy on us. Sigh. Final Fantasy XIII was just so short, boring and linear... I'd hate to see a Kingdom Hearts game in its place... (yes, a really big fan) Regards to the anniversary, maybe they should make it like Dissidia. No, not a completely new storyline, but stories from different characters' point of views. Like Mickey in the Realm of Darkness, Yen Sid's sudden disappearance (where DID he go?), Saix, perhaps...all in one game. Make the stories short yet plot-relevant and satisfying enough. Just my humble opinion. Regards to the Disney worlds thing...well, maybe they don't HAVE to use 100% Disney--or 95%. If they do start a new saga, maybe they won't use that much Disney and put more FF this time; who knows? All I can say is that if I was Nomura, and I was totally bent on FF-ing KH, I wouldn't depend on JUST Disney worlds. Not meaning to bother, just wanted to share my thoughts. Sorry if I did bother. </3
Hm, no Birth by Sleep post? Cause it's fun to see Vanitas fly in the air when he's hit by Tornado. 8D and pretty much every other boss For Kingdom Hearts 2? I used to slide as a lion in the Oasis and Savannah ENDLESSLY. FOR HOURS! And slide off Pride Rock. :3 Oh, and I tortured Donald and Goofy. <:3 Yes, I love them so.
How do you think we level 1-ers feel? :c
Hello, there! :3 Hope you have fun in KHV~ Lots of things to do. *nods*
We should all gang up and bully Xion. :3 and steal her cookies. Mm, cookies. XD