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  1. Sufris


    It's the curiosity thing. You absolutely know nothing about something, and it's somewhat within your reach soon, you jump up and grab the opportunity to know about it...or at least for those who have curiosity impulses, aka me. XD;;

    I found out about it when Yahoo was still my homepage (it's Toggle now, I don't really know why, though). It was like, the top news because it was causing such a hype when it was announced.

    I won't answer your last question because it has been answered already. xD
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 15, 2011 in forum: Literature
  2. Sufris


    Around a year ago, 2009, I believe, I found out about this mysterious book called 1Q84. No summaries, no comments, not in English. It's originally Japanese.

    Last year, I found that 1Q84 was being translated and would be released around September, 2011 (September's been a celebrating month lately, lol). It appears to be a trilogy, if I remember correctly.

    Now, I'm scared to actually read on the plot in Wikipedia (love-hate relationship regarding spoilers), and I just want to be surprised, like I would when I read a book I just picked off a shelf at a bookstore, not knowing at all what it's about. Not having the slightest idea.

    Oh, just wondering if anyone actually read it on here; and if you did, am wondering what you think about it. Trying to see if it's worth the wait and the money.

    I'm sorry if I sound, in a sense, spoiled, but I can't help it. XD;
    Thread by: Sufris, Jan 15, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Literature
  3. Sufris
    I started laughing when they became muscular green men.

    Then facepalmed when they became Saint Mutation.

    Then just quit watching when the theme song was half way done.

    Post by: Sufris, Jan 15, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sufris

    I'm not even a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

    And THIS is FAIL.

    Why Japan?



    (To make you happeh 8D:

    PS: I am sorry. I do not know how to embed yet. Yet. XD
    Thread by: Sufris, Jan 14, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sufris
    In the shower, Civia thought and rethought, almost tempted to try it again. Almost.

    She remembered the closest save point before removing the helmet--her memory provided such trivial and essential information at times. Why had she wanted this? Simply because she was an Aeon-fan? She supposed she wasn't one anymore, after what just happened. She was already aware of the risks--what if she suffered a coma-inducing blow to the head?

    What worried her most, surprisingly, was her older brother, Joshua, the envious sibling that he was.

    He was going to try this game, and what if there are no Hunters to warn him? What if he...?

    She was done, and she quickly dressed. She heard her brother come home a few minutes before she finished. No doubt he would bolt straight to the living room and take a gander at the console Aeon provided. The chances--she weighed it--of him taking the helmet immediately were high, but she clung to the hope that he didn't. She was protective by nature (must be her mother's fault).

    True enough, when she stepped out of the bathroom and marched to the living room (book in hand), her brother was wearing the helmet.

    OOC: What DOES happen if you get a hit that's supposed to put you in a coma? o.o
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sufris
    Well, not really. His heart got released with Kairir's, apparently. :3" Re:Coded S.E kind of confirmed it.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 13, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Sufris
    For someone who wasn't normally surprised, Civia was, indeed, surprised. Civia was hardly shivering from shock, or adrenaline, or anything of the sort. She was just sitting casually on the couch, but her thoughts were like a storm. That cut she got on her leg stung, badly. Not now, but it did. And she thought she still felt it, but she tried to reassure herself that it was just her imagination.

    "Hate those four legged dog-bear things." She commented. Deep down, she was cursing the whole game in general. It was a bad, bad idea. She got cut, and it hurt. That Hunter guy even said she would get killed if she wasn't careful. It was stupid in every single way.

    Then a disturbing thought came to her. They say you can remove the helmet when you reach a save point or accomplish a mission, what if you don't, and you remove it? So far, it's all been real, and Aeon has been advancing...

    She shook her head.
    Just a stupid, realistic game that hurts...just a stupid, realistic game that hurts... she thought to herself. Not like some, she remained in the room, somewhat brave to still stare at the console straight in the 'eye'.

    OOC: Is that alright? *first timer and conscious D: *
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sufris
    Point taken; but to answer the question, I'm sorry but no. That drug can't just be confined in that town; it's a cure for a special cancer (which is cancer nonetheless), not a cure for an exclusive illness only in THAT town, vicinity or anything. If he tried looking at other places, he could find it. Hope may be painful, but it's not entirely false.

    Besides, the wife could be ashamed of being the wife of a criminal.

    All actions have consequences. Ironically, great actions of good are sometimes under appreciated and small actions of evil are punished to an extreme level. There was a man named Jean who stole a loaf of bread for his family and got locked in jail. He tried escaping, for his family, but all the same, he was caught and locked in jail for a total of 19 years. When released, he was dissed by everyone despite his good intentions. The only person who was kind to him was a Bishop. Not even his wife and kids, if I remember correctly. True story.

    Ah, speed reading fails me once more. Very well, very well. The druggist is just selfish then~ *points to reply below*

    How is it fitting when you're greedy, despite the fact people's lives are at stake (right term? xD")? It's not fitting. Human rights have loopholes, too, and that's what morality is for. He's not taking the benefits of human rights as a person. He's abusing it.

    You mean bias (sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean with "wheedle out of answering". ^^; I'm lame, I know)?

    To reply properly, details are relevant in some way, generally. Generally. Everything has a certain part to play, like little ants, no matter how annoying they are. BUT, it highly depends on which way you look at it.

    Ah, I'll look into it, then.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 12, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  9. Sufris
    Stage 5, or 6?

    I tried to leave religious stuff out, since this is not religion stuff, and I think I kind of failed. There seems to be a few hints.

    Anyways, he shouldn't steal the drug. I don't believe the whole "I have no choice..." thing. There's always a choice and a way around things like these, besides letting his wife die or steal it. I mean, if he steals it, what if he's caught in the act? Instant jail AND his wife dies; so it's a total waste of effort. If, in the end, his wife does die, then he will have to bear with the pain. Life, after all, is about living on, losing people and gaining some, our choices and all that.

    However, if he does decide to steal, then he will have to consider the risks. Like I said, it's possible he can be caught on the spot. I'm guessing 50% he will get caught, 50% he will not. And what about his wife? What if she is religious and believes the concept of gaining things and not going the easy way, regardless of her life, and rejects it? If she does gladly accept the drug, then good for Heinz. If he did steal the drug, then he shouldn't run away. He should take the consequences like a man (lol?) and face harsh reality.

    And couldn't Heinz just ask if he could--I forgot the term--take the drug and pay it over time, pretty much like a debt?

    So, all in all, Heinz cannot be blamed (at least not fully) for his choice, may it be trying to find another way, let his wife die, or steal the drug. It is, hands down, the druggist for being selfish. Would he really just charge Heinz $2000, ten times more than the original price, despite the possibility that tens, hundreds or even thousands of people are suffering from this cancer that he has the cure to? Don't you think that's selfish?

    I'm sorry (again) if I just contradicted myself but my brain's mush right now and the details of the situation have been left out, so I can't answer properly. Yes, yes the details are extremely important; even the age, imo. I don't blame you, though. :3

    A bit off-topic (but still relevant...ish), but where did you get this? Like, found it in a book or internet...or what? :3"
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 12, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  10. Sufris
    Really? I thought Ven's heart got lost...with Reconnect and all that.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 12, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Sufris
  12. Sufris
    I'd like to join. ^^;

    Username: Sufris
    Name: Civia DeFey
    Age: 17
    Appearance: (minus all the frills, wings, and bunny ears)
    In-game name (if any): Meiyu the gunslinger
    In-game appearance:
    Weapon: She uses a cane as a weapon, though sometimes, she brings out the short sword hidden inside. If she must, she can fight hand-to-hand.
    Bio: Civia was no one really special. Middle class family with an older brother and two normal parents. She learned self-defense, as a precaution. Her brother taught her the ways of gaming, so hearing about Aeon, she literally jumped for joy and bolted, wanting to try it. There's nothing interesting about her, really.
    Personality: She is serious when she is alone. Logical, philosophical, concentrated. When with other people, she puts up a smile that not many can see through. Is awfully cheerful and humorous when she wants to be. Knows when to give up, but sometimes gives up a bit too easily. Knows how to weigh the consequences, but her sense of morality can sometimes put the life of not only her but others on the line.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sufris
    A Prince of Heart? Well, technically yes...and no. His heart was pretty much modified (*points to Vanitas*) while the other princesses had a pure heart from the start (I hope I'm right in saying so?). And Sora is tecnically Ven's house right now. Like he's mooching off Sora's living space or something. :3 Well, if I'm correct, until Sora released his heart along with Kairi's by accident.

    Which randomly brings me back to the fact that Ven will wake up and it would be plot-relevant, otherwise Ven would be extra...which I doubt will happen.

    EDIT: I posted two times? o.o
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 11, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Sufris
    LOL. I just had to laugh at that. XD

    Well, no. Sora has a Heartless, which is darkness. Plus we don't know just WHAT is in Sora's heart; if it's all light, there's a bit of dark...Ven's heart was ripped into two, so it was stripped clean. Riku, on the other hand, is twilight, so he can't be all dark or else Ansem might resurface again or something.

    So really, the only candidates I see are Ven, Aurora, Snow White, Alice, etc... And Vanitas, if he comes back. Perhaps new characters, too.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 10, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Sufris
    I thought that, too. But Yen Sid doesn't have armor, does he?

    Ooh! Maybe he'll borrow Ven's...

    ...Yeah, stupid.

    Anyways, what I expect of KHIII? I don't really see the X-blade happening again--I mean, who's there to substitute Vanitas? Ven's heart can't be ripped...again. If anything, the other person/people with Master Xehanort would be the one to substitute...or Sora's Anti form is like a manifestation of Vanitas of sorts.

    And like every villain SE has ever made (that I know of), I'm pretty sure MX is gonna have some obsession with godly power. :3 X-blade = access to KH the easy way = Keyblade War = godly power = new world = god.

    Not like he didn't have one in the first place.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 10, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Sufris



    You made me laugh in a while. XD

    Mind if I quote it? 8D

    Oh, then in that case, I'm like that, too. :| Gee, what does it take to actually dream full-lucid? -.-

    :< Aww. :c Does someone need a hug? D:

    (PS; I'm getting lazy to color mah text)
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 8, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  17. Sufris


    Hm, I don't have popcorn anymore (cause I finished it) and prophetic dreams kind of...suck for me. :/ It's like nothing surprises you anymore and you can hardly tell dream from reality cause you're aware of what happens in prophetic dreams and they just seem so real. And the constant deja vu feeling and minor headaches are annoying. -.-

    Wow, vaguely lucid? How does that work? o.o

    One can get life-lessons from nightmares. XD That's happened; it was just so stright forward.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 7, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  18. Sufris


    *munches popcorn*


    You blew me away.

    Anyways, I guess that makes us both right in a sense. It all just adds up to the dreamer; if s/he's going to interpret it right or not, if s/he's going to take the dream to heart or something. Though, I believe (believe) that the dreamer would actually know if he interpreted it wrong, since the subcon. and con. have a link and like I said, it IS your subcon... But yes, wrong interpretation is still possible.

    Meh, I dunno anymore. I'm just an average, passing-grade girl who has prophetic dreams most of the time and needs no interpretation. :| Goodness my life sucks...

    All I have left to say is this popcorn is good and our subconscious just seems SO much more wise.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 7, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  19. Sufris


    Haha, it wasn't. ^^ I believe that, too. It's why I love dreams and trying to make meanings out of them sometimes. 8D I usually take note of them.

    Well, true, but wouldn't it be better if you actually had some form of answer, whether or not it has basis? Yes, you have a choice to disregard a dream, but what if you don't, or you can't, and it just keeps bothering you until you get an answer? I don't know why, but it seems senseless if you try to come up with "the right interpretation" of a dream when a dream is symbolizing a message or something and pretty much any form of interpretation is technically correct, if it's from the dreamer.

    In other words or something (xD"), no one is right and you might as well come up with an interpretation that could be "wrong" and say it's right because any interpretation is "wrong", since there is so little fact.

    Besides, if I'm the one with the dream, it's MY subconscious. There's some link with the subconscious and conscious mind.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 7, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  20. Sufris


    Wow. Just wow. You got my whole life in one paragraph. You should congratulate yourself for that. ^^

    I don't think so, honestly. Like Ienzo said, all dreams have a meaning, lighthearted or not. Dreams come from our subconscious, so naturally, our subconscious has a way of telling things just as we do, though it can be different from what is expected. Like an oral test. You have to talk, and that's it. Some would do as they're told and just talk. Others would put all these PAZAZZ things to spice up the whole thing and to leave some kind of impression. In case my subconscious is like that, I take dreams rather seriously.

    Sorry I had to ramble. Can't leave you hanging there, can I? :3
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 6, 2011 in forum: Discussion