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  1. Sufris
  2. Sufris
  3. Sufris
    If Roxas had his heart, wouldn't he just become Ven and not a Nobody at all? I mean, I could be missing something here. Please explain. :3

    EDIT: I mean, explain/say/state/however you wish to call it why you think so? XD;; Just in case.

    Could I...have a look at that? I don't really remember anything like that...
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 24, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Sufris
    I've read this before; I mean, something like this. Misty said that's really just part of the challenge, though I will agree that the other members should be given at least just one pin.

    That's just up for the mods. Just my two cents...or one. However you take this. XD;;
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 24, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Sufris
    Point-blank released like Kairi's. I haven't played KH1, but they were saying the scene had TWO hearts coming out, but Sora's stayed with him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to steer around that body of light Kairi gave him when he reverted back from a Heartless.

    Another thing to support this is this:
    Mickey walks up to Master Yen Sid and tells him something about Ven's heart being relocated. So this implies it got lost after Kingdom Hearts 1.

    So, um, yeah. :3"

    EDIT: Oh, typos, how I hate you so.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Sufris


    I wish I cold dream like that. XD

    Me also. I know I have prophetic dreams, but I think my subconscious doesn't want me to remember. It works until it happens and I suddenly remember stuff. It scares me, too.

    Which is why I'm scared of that dream I had when a ship sank. :| It seemed so real yet so dream-like, I'm not sure anymore.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  7. Sufris
    Civia was beginning to lower her guard because of the constant silence (it was like a walk in the park), when Civia heard lots of rustling and lots of snapping twigs. Then running footsteps; but far too many to be a player--or players.

    "Monsters, then." Civia muttered. She readied her staff and listened more closely. Whatever it is, it must have been small and light for it to run that fast. The sounds suggested she was surrounded.

    Civia backed away just as four small monsters (furry with red eyes. Must have been rats; but as big as a chao chao) jumped from the bushes, two on the right, another two at her left. Civia eyed the four monsters before pulling out the short sword--a 24in wakizashi--and started spinning both her wakizashi and her metal staff.

    "I can't duel wield," Civia muttered, smirking, "but I can try."

    A rat-monster lead the pack of four, bounding and baring its teeth, crooked, yellow, but most importantly, sharp.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sufris
    This sucks.


    IS what I would have said if it did.


    I don't normally watch things like these; but this just HAD to be an exception (rhymes with in inception). I loved that movie (but never watched the trailer) and I love Kingdom Hearts. Far as I'm concerned, putting them both together the right way makes it more awesome. 'Course it won't be if you didn't pull it off right, but don't worry cause you did. I will admit, not perfectly, but nothing's perfect. Practice doesn't make anything perfect because you can make things better.

    IMO, the inconsistency of graphics kind of flawed it, but that couldn't be helped. I don't blame you (it's still awesome anyway). I'm too much of a perfectionist, I'm sorry. </3

    In other words, good job. Really, really (really, really, really...) good job. I will never pull this off to save my life. XD
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 22, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  9. Sufris
    Civia walked along in the forest, colorful as it was, even if it was mostly green. Oddly peaceful. She liked peace, but the element of surprise was an advantage to the opposing force right now. To counter, she kept her guard up, looking at any direction she heard a sound--a twig snapping, a bush rustling, a wind howling; many sounds. She hadn't met any monsters, but she picked up a new weapon which she was sure was discarded--and would be again when she finds something a little less close-ranged. It was a survival knife. Not much she could do with it, if she wanted to be safe. She had no healing items, after all.

    Then she stopped. Does this game even have healing items?

    Shaking her head, she pressed on and focused on listening intently, no matter how hard it was to keep her mind from straying.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sufris
    So to sum up her day, Civia became a beta tester, her father was as mysterious as ever (but nice), she had no more extracurricular activities and she had to leave school early so she could help out a bit. The cause of their sudden financial crisis was still a mystery, but they all suspected it was their mom's new "blessing" named Kain. A little brother...she knew how annoying little kids were.

    Her laptop, quite suddenly, beeped. "You have mail." it said in a robotic voice.

    She switched her gaze from her laptop to the console. She looked back at the laptop again. Seconds later, her fingers started flying over the keyboard, composing a reply. "Hey; yeah, you got it right. No worries. Also, no, it doesn't seem to have a name. Maybe they'll think of it when we're done beta testing.", she typed the last two words albeit hesitantly, debating whether she should include "or when we die", but that would give out how paranoid she seemed to be. She continued anyways, "Sure, I'll email you if I think we should meet up. And I'll tell you if I happen to meet any other players."

    She hit the send button and placed her laptop on the couch again. She screamed to the kitchen, "Mom, I'm going to play, alright? Don't touch me, no matter how selfish that sounds. I'll explain later...or when you ask me."

    "Okay, honey. I can't be disturbed either, anyway."

    Civia nodded and approached the console, taking the helmet and walking back to the couch. She stops. "Tell Joshua to not touch me or play the game. It'll be awkward if he's in my virtual body."

    With that, she put the helmet on, and she was in her virtual, pink-and-red-themed jester-girl outfit. She felt her thigh, to see if the cut was there; it wasn't. First thing on her mind was to get a bag, for inventory. She had a few pockets though; that could carry a few stuff. Deciding to move quickly, she presses on.


    Laurence was still at work, and of course, he was working. Hard. He was ashamed; he lent the money to a colleague of his, but he never payed back, and it seemed he wasn't willing to. Why had he been so careless with his hard-earned cash? Now his family was suffering. What about Kain?

    "Ah, darn it," he mutters, as his fountain pen makes a big blot on the clean piece of paper. "Bah," he waves a hand.

    He was asked to do a report. Unfortunately, his laptop crashed and he was the only one in the office--well, not really alone. The head janitor stuck around, cleaning all the junk the rest of the staff left around. Aeon wasn't exactly all shiny and new. There sometimes strayed a few snack bags (they always came from a fat employee named Rob), a few pieces of paper...but aside from that, yes, Aeon was pretty and white.

    Laurence looked at his watch; it read 10:30. 10:30 or 10:32. He couldn't tell. As pretty and cool as his watch looked, a watch with no lines whatsoever was hard to deal with. You couldn't tell just how many seconds passed, how many minutes passed, and sometimes, it was hard to tell 1 from 2.

    "10:40." He muttered, wanting to keep working and reduce homework, adult style.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 21, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sufris
    I don't want to post a character sheet in the middle of the RP, so... XD;; if anything's wrong...yeah. I'll be happy to change it. XD Too little Hunters, I'm afraid.

    Username: Sufris
    Name: Laurence DeFey
    Age: 36
    Appearance: (a tad bit older...I'm sorry. I just like how he looks. XD")
    Spirit Shift appearance: (a bit bigger, if you will. I can't find the right things.)
    Bio: The father of Civia. While he still loves his family, he works as a Hunter, but this is kept secret. The children have no knowledge and the wife has a little, but the wife doesn't know he knows. He often hides this secret by overworking and coming home late. You can imagine how bent-over worried he became when Civia became a beta tester.
    Personality: The reason he didn't want to say he worked for Aeon was because he was naturally modest. He is kind and would go to any extent to keep his family safe. As he is also naturally oblivious, he hadn't seen this coming, and because of the financial problems in his family, he cannot quit Aeon. He is caring and likes to smile a lot. If expected, he does his work to the best of his abilities.

    I'm so sorry I can't find the right pictures. XD;;
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sufris
    She smiles and decides to hold her tongue. Through the years, she has been trained as a disciplined young lady who knew her limits. "I guess she does like to never leave me alone." She muses. "My username is Meiyu." She blinks slowly. "Hey, it would be better if I left some kind of contact with you. I don't answer phones, and if I do, I answer really late," she gets a pen and, unlike her, takes Nick's hand and scribbles down her email. She lets go quickly and smiles, "see you, then."

    She bows slightly and leaves, deciding that Nick was fine on his own. When she is far away enough, she takes a look at her phone: "Sorry dear", it was her mother, "to some circumstances, your father and I have decided to cancel your self-defense classes. Financial problems. And we need to talk."

    Civia stops and stares at her phone.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sufris
    "Nice to meet you, too. The feeling is rather mutual, and I'm not sure. We don't really know the places, and I'm pretty sure that after the first playthrough, they'd take off the helmet and think a while, or give themselves a break. Anyone would." Civia sighed softly, remembering her worry. "If it helps, I'm going on again, then we could plan out something if we meet. Mark a place, find other players...the more, the safer." She smiles slightly.

    Just then, her phone plays a ringtone (those default ones), signalling a text. She chooses to not respond to her usual impulse, which is to pull out her phone immediately. "I take it that's from my mom." Civia says blankly as she looks up to the sky, seeing the moon starting to rise. "Well, I'll see you when I see you; what will I know you by there?"
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sufris
    Ah, I understand. :3

    I'mma go down the item collecting path. Too lazy to fix the char. prof...again. XD;;

    *gets a pistol and shoots you*

    PS: Is it too late for a new Hunter? I might make one if I can.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sufris
    OOC: That is correct. :3


    "Ah, the newest one they are getting beta testers for, yes? And my name is Civia," she replied promptly, putting a hand to her chest and bowing slightly, "Civia DeFey. I'm guessing you play it, too. The beta testers have to work together, last I heard." She smiled a little.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sufris
    Ah, that is also true.

    Maybe S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W could just have his/her character use a variety, then. Not just ONE weapon. IMO, using only one makes the character a bit weak, since we can't use magic. ^^;
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sufris
    He could have some wifi chip in his brain so he can command any time he wants, has a virtual map in his head and can track where all of them are going. That's about all I can think of, so if you already ruled that out, sorry. :3;;

    Why not a Lightning Bruiser? Too imba?
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sufris
    OOC: I will assume. XD;; And yes, yes, it was meant for you.


    Civia blinked a few times at the other boy who went to the koi pond before turning back to the boy she was tapping. Maybe I accidentally hit him or something..., she thought idly, before replying to the...younger boy?

    "Oh, no. It's just sad to see someone here all alone, in the rain. You could get sick." She smiled. "Something on your mind?" She pushed blonde locks away from her eyes before analyzing him again. He looked someone who would go by the name...Ken, or like her brother, Joshua. Or something else entirely. "What's your name, by the way?"
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sufris
  20. Sufris
    Civia didn't want to talk to Joshua, after that practical joke ("haha, you're so gullible, little sis."). It was serious, but Civia couldn't tell her brother that; not at all. He would think her paranoid--she hated people thinking she was paranoid.

    "Where are you going, honey?" Her mom called out just as Civia was about to lay her hands on her jacket.

    "The park, mom," she paused, "I'll bring an umbrella."

    She reached for an umbrella and then her jacket, wearing said clothing in one smooth motion (must be the self-defense classes). Without another word, she opened the door, then the umbrella, closed the door, and stepped out into the rain.

    When she reached, she saw a a young man dozing off on a bench in the rain, far away. She immediately broke into a run, slowing down when she was a few feet from the bench. A few more steps and she was right above the man, her blue umbrella covering him. She watched him sleep; studied him, actually. Analyzing. He wore a gray cap and rather new-looking clothes, so she assumed he wasn't of the street. He had a bandanna and a wristband wrapped in a silvery chain of sorts, suggesting a rebellious attitude.

    She held her umbrella a bit more over him, bent down, and tapped his shoulder.
    "Wake up, please."

    OOC: I just realized the reference picture of Civia had her only in underwear. XD;; Let's just say she has skinny, dark blue jeans. Sorry.
    Post by: Sufris, Jan 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home