*fireworks explode in the background, forming the word "FUNNIES!!"* 8DD I'm that awesome. *shot*
That's actually a really valid theory. And quite honestly, I don't think it would be a secret ending. A movie, sure, but when has KH become anything other than a game and a manga? I don't see it happening, but there's a first time for everything. Have you noticed Nomura's pattern, though (of course you have!)? Spoiler: Stuff we didn't expect Certain new things that appear in each game: BBS: X-blade and the "complete" Kingdom Hearts the X-blade coexists with. Unversed. KH1: Heartless, Kingdom Hearts, Keyblade, etc... (this was the first game) Chain of Memories: Introduces the Organization...or part. 358/2 Days: Introduces Xion. KHII: Introduces the Nobodies and the whole Organization XIII, as well as other things I will not list down cause frankly, I'm lazy. XD Re: Coded: Introduces a whole new world virtually through Jimmini's Journal, wherein you find out about bugs and such. Dream Drop Distance: ...err...N/A. What I'm trying to say is, have you noticed how Nomura always throws in something we never expect in each KH game? I'm not saying you're wrong, because I agree with you. It's Aqua in the Realm of Darkness. So basically, wait. Because we never know what Nomura's thinking. v.v Besides, we know nothing about the Realm of Darkness other than it has darkness...and a few other things that don't really help, either.
So I'm a spaz? 8D *claps hands* YAY!! XD
*slaps* (<--just kidding about this. XD) LATIN?! D: Anyways, welcome, welcome, to the wonderful site of KH-V. v.v I like chocolate, too. I like to draw and I'd like some adventure...but current age prevents me. ;__; oh well, in due time. (bubble wrap is AWESHOMMMEEE) Anyways, yes, yes, hello. Hope you have fun and always, always, always read the rules. Read and review, keep in mind, etc. :3 Don't be afraid to socialize here!
XDD The skyyy...and it's raining Soras! *shot*
*shrugs* I'm really just proposing this as a way for people to get Pins, not really an event or anything. But if you're asking how I would make it, then no, it won't really need to be focused, because to be honest, constant KH is tiring~ And, not necessarily. There's some that can be finished in less than a week or so. ^^; I was really expecting that. I would get really pissed at constant work, too (only mine is in different language. wtf). No harm in trying. :3
Hm, that is true. EDIT: Or it could just be plain open. Have people look at it, do their thing, then have them request it when they're done? (<-- lame attempt? Possibly) Ha, I don't really mind if it doesn't happen. XD;; Just, you know, trying. You know what's funny? I think you did. You did.
Put some examples in the first post ^^ (You scare me when you reply, P...)
*erases i and makes it u* Pussy. v.v XD
I guess...so. :3" I think I should post examples, in case. ^^;
*crosses arms* I can if I want to. Nyeh. >.> XD
Ish not funneh!! D8< (I'm laughing. XD)
Ah...sorry. ^^ Well, you basically just list 100 themes of any kind (e.g "Say Please", "Black", "Moon", etc). You set your own rules (e.g "Finish under 10 minutes"), and that's basically it. It's up to the guy/girl to think of what to do. ^^; Sounding bad?
I will be honest with you, I didn't know if I should make a new thread. There was a Pins Suggestions thread, but it didn't seem to be the right thread, so I hope it's okay I made a new one. XD I'm naturally helpful, so when I found this subsection, I kind of wanted to help, too. Then the pins came out and people loved them. I do, really (even if I have only one. It's really nice. ^^). But some also want one, and they (I will be honest, I'm sorry) make a fuss about it. I actually want more, too. I understand a bit what the mods (hello. ^^) are going through, with all the site management and spammers that are here; I really do. It's just that some people could use a bit of a fair chance, and I wanted to contribute. Which brings me to explain the title. Oh yes, 100 Themes Challenge. It's been a thing in Deviantart, and a fairly recent thing in Fanfiction, so why not here, too? KH-V's kind of both, only with a wider array of options. AMVs, Pictures, Paintings, Sketches, Fanfiction, Fiction stories in general, heck, maybe if you were crazy enough, a whole RP. I was thinking that the Challenge would all in all last a year, 6 months for the Challenge itself, and the next 6 as a sort of resting-thinking time for the next one. It seems a bit fair to me (but how would I know? XD). IMO, it's fair for the members that aren't really, well, participative due to some things (RL problems, school...). So I will organize in bullet-ish form the advantages I see: -A bigger chance for people to get a pin. -A good way to showcase talents without being so limited. -Improves confidence. v.v -Gives inspiration. -A great pastime, really. -For all you know, you could discover a few new things about yourself (that really does happen). -It's fun! ^^ Of course, there are disadvantages: -Copyright infringement (possibly...>.>"). -Too much flaming (someone could hate another person and this other person takes the challenge, etc, etc.) -Too many stuff that the server might not handle it? -Or it could lag computers, such as mine, honestly. (Internet's slow. TT.TT) -Too much work for the mods. :c On a side note, the lists don't have to be totally different. They can be a bit the same, or totally the same. They could have fun little rules ("All need to be KH related", "must be a doodle/drabble done in 10-15 minutes only, excluding time used to think of a proper story/picture", or even "must have blue as a dominant color"). Anything, really. How the pin is achieved is simple. Complete it. I just wanted to think of a way to give others a chance. Besides, it's fun. ^^ I'm actually doing one right now, but it's for Fanfiction. It's fun. Oh, so fun. Please consider this. That's enough for me. XD EDIT: Links! What is a 100 Themes Challenge? A 100 Themes Challenge in DeviantArt The 100 Themes Challenge in Fanfiction. "The" because it seems to be the only one. XD" A Completed One in Fanfiction Forgive me, the completed ones in DA are a bit messy. ^^;
The rat snarled. Civia jumped back, her legs nearly giving way. This was, compared to the other three rats, the biggest. She panted a little. These rats were too fast. She only learned to fight with the speed of an average human. She couldn't even keep up with an athlete. What more a high-speed furball with sharp claws and equally sharp, if not sharper, teeth made for tearing apart skin? The rat charged at her. Civia waited. Last minute strikes were important; and extremely risky. What else could she do, though? Low on energy, low on power, her only advantage was surprise, and hopefully, the rat was going for a jumping attack at her face. But no; it aimed for her thigh. The yellow teeth pierced the skin and its jaws locked. Civia let out a scream she hadn't known she could do--but that was besides the point. She swung her sword across the face of the rat, and surely, it died. It was still attached to her, though. She winced, but was happy. All she had to do now was get the thing off her. It stung like hell.
There goes my "unlimited inventory" idea. XD Oh well, it was unfair. Is my Hunter supposed to do anything yet? XD
Your PSP? Just checking. xD;;
Well, that would work, but... Spoiler: Terra's story ending Wouldn't that make the Terra-Xehanort thing a questionable thing? (Have to ask. Where did the angst come from? XD) I will not bring Coded in here again. I will be a hypocrite.
ISO. I have CFW. :3 Oh, no worries. At least the possibilities were narrowed down. ^^ I now know that this isn't exactly a common problem, then. So far, at least.
I'm a noob. I really am. My PSP just crashed on me. That's the best way to explain it. Well, being the really perfectionist ******* addicted fan that I am, I was playing Birth by Sleep, wondering just how many seconds I would last with Mysterious Figure, and, well, stupid me, I had the weakest Keyblade on (smooth move). So, I kind of left Ven to die there. I'm such a good fangirl player. Well, straight to the point, the screen froze and the PSP shut off on me. Of course, I was freaked out, but not as freaked out as the first time. Yeah, it happened three times, early last year, when Dissidia was still an in-thing. Last night was the third time. I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with virtual memory or something? Like I said, noob here. Please be kind to my noob-ness. </3 If this requires something like switching blah with blah or whatnot, well, I guess I better prepare my wallet, not that I really pay for my stuff. Just feel guilty... Sorry, a bit high. Nevertheless, help is much appreciated. I'll see if I can make a nice little digital cookie for you, if you help (I'm serious. I luff my PSP :c).