You talking to me? :|
...When really thought about, this is a mind ****. Tentacles? 8D
Oh, no, it's relevant. It's just that, if Roxas had Ven's heart, that would be the ONLY heart he'd have. Sora had his heart and Kairi's heart. :3"
Not necessarily. The moment it's a movie, I'm out. ...or if Steph Meyer/Lauren Kate touches it.
...wat .
Wtf right? Anyways, this was an idea from a classmate. I just modified. XD So one day, you, the humble reader, are in your house, whether alone or not, and receive a letter. Curious, as you have no such friends, you open the letter. The letter goes like this: "Dear _____, Tomorrow, you will receive a package. It is a burlap sack from Hell that you HAVE to open otherwise it will find you in your sleep and explode on you. It will have the things you hate the most in all the world, whether physically impossible or not, and you cannot get rid of it. The items, whether tangible or not, are indestructible and whenever you try to throw them away, they come back to you like magnets that do not run out of power or a really, really constipated man to a clean, brand new toilet. Sincerely, The Devil." So, thinking it was a prank, you don't move to another house, which is useless because he would have found you anyway. Mine's probably gonna have: 1. Insects/Parasites/etc. 2. Spiders. 3. Innards/decapitated things. 4. Music I really hate in a boombox. 5. A singing Justin Bieber head (no offense). 6. Horrible drawings. As in really, really horrible. 7. Horrible writing. 8. Horrible grammar/jejemon. 9. Multiple things related to my dad (do not ask). 10. Multiple things related to my old friend who I hate (do not ask). 11. Riddles I cannot solve. 12. Ven. Lots and lots of Ven products I cannot BURN AND SHOVE DOWN A HOLE get rid of. So, what's your burlap sack gonna have? Any number.
Ah. I see, I see. :3 It still looks cute, anyway. XD And, you're welcome~
Ah, a little bit of chibi anatomy wouldn't hurt. :3 Aside from that, it's quite cute. I like his expression. ^^ Just fix it up a bit and all. And it's [*url}{/*url], with no asterisk. :3
Didn't main so much last time (cause I'm bad at it. *shot*). Probably stick to Zidane, Kuja, and Tina/Terra. :3 With an addition of Golbeza, ExDeath (if they're still as epic), Yuna, Kain, Vaan, maybe a few more others, and Lightning. XD
The spaz that has a pet cow and flies to the sunset everyday... ...and comes back the next day to wake you all up at 3 am in the morning and hides from cranky roommates ready to maul her over.
"Oh, is that all?" Laurence asks, but waits for no answer. "My address is..." After replying, he smiles. "I'll go back now. You have fun with that. Just tell me if you need anything else other than an address." and walks away. OOC: Sorry. ^^; Pretend that ... is his address.
It hurts my poor head (wtf). =3=
This. Is why I will not watch. Besides, it might end up like Harry Potter. With all these details and things, we're gonna have a 12 hour movie or a 2 hour movie with lots of things left out. Which is not nice. >.>;; just saying. If it helps, my brother knows someone in...Pixar, I think? XD Or was that Disney...?
Civia decided to disregard the tree and move on, limping on her way. Of course, she was still a bit wary of it. She clutches her thigh in pain, the teeth marks still stinging. -~-~-~- "Oh. Then in that case, I don't need to do that much work." Laurence smiled slightly. "Submit straight to the boss?" He asks, keeping the smile. He cannot help but keep looking at the steady red dot that meant Civia, worried for her.
Good. *ahem* Well, Bella isn't blond, and she's more stupid than any blond person. XD
Before I lash out, do you like Twilight? XD;; So I know my boundaries. (but Roxas and Ven are smart. :c...okay, maybe not Ven, but yeah. :c)
Civia grabbed the rat's snout and the lower jaw then tried to pry it open. She hissed in pain as the teeth slowly left her skin. They weren't that deep, but deeper than a mere paper cut. The rat was stiff like a board, making it all that hard to pry it open. "Get off me..." she muttered harshly to nothing. She hissed again. Finally, the rat's jaws gave way and let go of her. She threw the rat away and it hit the trunk of a thick tree. She slowly got up to her feet, losing balance once or twice because of her wound. When she got up, she thought immediately: "Town." She began limping forwards and stopped a few meters away when she heard rustling and a few monsters fall from a tree, dead. She looked at the tree curiously. -~-~-~- Laurence was just heading for the trash can when he passed by Michael's secretary, Nox. She was doing something on her computer. Oddly curious, he walked behind Nox and stared curiously at her work. He saw the lights, and recognized one as Civia; not that the light outlines her figure or anything, he simply knew where his house was located when from above. "What's all that for?" He asks, a bit cautiously, if you will. Laurence continues observing the screen, figuring out which lights were which.
Wait, wait, wait... My Hunter is looking for a Player? I thought that was only for the first two Hunters...
Bring out your umbrellas, people! You might get headbutted on the head. By a magical, flying 15 year old that lost his ability to fly in the...
Oho. I'm awesome like Donald should be. I summon firecrackers and fly behind a 15 year old brunette who has no clue I'm there. ;o XD