So she continued to walk leisurely. And walk...and walk. Then she stopped. Just in front of her was a stream, but it was a bit low on water. A bit. She followed the stream with her eyes, and they were met with burning trees. Well, burnt. They were completely black and could probably crumble with the slightest touch. All the leaves were either completely black, in ashes, or nonexistent. There were a few embers here and there, still burning up the trees. Civia searched her pouch/bag for the empty potion bottle she put back. She found the flask(?). She put the flask under water and waited for the bubbles that floated from the flask to stop. When it was filled, she took it out, corked it (the potions came with a cork) and made her way up to the charred trees.
So it's completely deserted of all life except the players, hunters that can suffice--though poorly--as animals, and plants. Okay. :] Just so you know, I don't. XD
I'm just wondering, for future reference, but are there animals already, or did Michael forget to? ...or is he planning to? :3"
Civia then stops, abruptly. She mutters something incoherent, even to her. Something like "god I hate running" and "something's wrong with her." She nods, watching the other player run for her life. What, was Civia intimidating like that? She frowned. "Go, I'll just take another route." She says, forcing herself to breathe normally and not pant. Without much of a warning, again, she went ahead of Nick, only she went right instead of back. She found herself in the forest again, the part that wasn't burning. Civia frowned again. The forest fire was, suddenly, bothering her. Quite the mysterious, spontaneous combustion that was. Maybe she should stop following them and explore? This map couldn't possibly be so big, but then again, she would need help every now and then. Then the lazy side kicked in: "You can catch up with them later." Almost on cue, she felt her eyelids beginning to become heavy. Was she affected by real-time, too? It must have been pretty late. Must have; or she was really worn out from all that brisk-walking and running (she did brisk-walk and run far). Not wanting to just collapse and sleep, she decided to just explore, taking her time.
Civia looked at Nick, then passed him to where the other player ran to. Shy? Easily intimidated? She furrowed her eyebrows in thought, but didn't for too long. If simply walking to her made her bolt (she saw the fear...or some other emotion that still got the message through), then perhaps it was better if... "We should follow her. She looks scared or...something. That could hinder her fighting if she were to face monsters. It would be plain stupid if we left her there, knowing vaguely where she ran off to. Come on, let's follow her. You talk to her; I seem to scare her off." Civia says flatly, a bit unnerved. She wanted to add "plus, you look really sad right now", but she didn't want to. It didn't seem important enough to mention. Before Nick could move, she bolted herself.
Civia was just about to speak just when Nick hushed her. She closed her mouth, pursing it. Another beta tester? Hm, that was good. Better. She watched Nick run off to go to his partner, but stopped somewhere along the way. That was where the figure was. It must have been a player this whole time. She began to walk forwards in the direction of Nick, not at all intending to wait.
Laurence pulled off a smile. "Alright," he says, feigning cheerfulness. He then leaves and glances at another employee, Richard, he thought. The smile he had on had faded as worry lines appeared. He should probably leave soon... OOC: Sure, I sent you a VM about it. :3 EDIT: WAIT! Sorry! That was PM! XD /fail. Pick one? Civia arched a brow as he looked back. Then she saw a figure, but chose to ignore it. It could have been just her. "Yeah, I'm alone. I just came to this town," she said, pointing to the neat little town that was by the once beautiful and lush forest, "Fala, I believe. Just when I was about to rest, smoke started coming from there, and I tried to put it out. Haven't met anyone else other than you."
She broke into a warm smile. "Oh, how could I forget? Yes, I remember. Now." Civia said, still amiling warmly, though the smile was a bit less. Then it completely faded. "Are you alone here? It could be a bit too dangerous alone, given that attack a while ago..." She trails, hand flinching as it inched towards her thigh but stopped. Civia then started looking around as the man was thinking up a response. She was trying to memorize the place; any landmarks, aside from the fire. This town, Fala, would come in handy. "Oh, and did you just come from a town yourself?" She asks, breaking her gaze from the rest of the scene and let her eyes fall on Nick.
Civia took in a deep breath, calmly forming her words. Quite the aggresive, hard-headed type he seemed to be; but looks and first impressions aren't everything. "Not the first one. I started the second one. The counter-fire will help burn out the first one." she explains without him asking. She then looks away and stares at the fire. "It was simply too big." Civia looked back to the man. "By the way, my name is Meiyu."
Civia heard the man, but kept running. They could have gotten burnt; that was he first thought. When she reached the end of the forest, she stopped abruptly and turned to look at the man...or boy. She didn't exactly know. Civia then kept her wakizashi in her staff casually and looked back up at the other player. "Hello," she says, like nothing happened. She stole a glance at the fire, seeing that it seemed to be doing its job right.
Laurence sneaked a peak at Nox's computer once or twice without her noticing, hopefully, and noticed Civia was still playing. That room where he could slip into the game was somewhere in his boss' office. It would be nice if Laurence could sneak a peak at Civia as a wolf (the animal that he was), just to see if she was hurt or not. He went past Nox, saying that he was going to ask something only, in case she wondered, before placing his hand on the knob and twisted it, pushing the door open. He knocked three times. "Sir, hope you don't mind I sneak a peak at what's happening in the game?" He grins rather sheepishly--and childishly. -~-~-~- Civia frowns deeply, her buckets of water were definitely not working. And she felt stupid for trying once, twice or even five times, running from quite a distance and back. It was hopeless with a bucket, and as the heat licked her face and left sweat, a few burns here and there, she tried not to panic; she really did. She ran out of the forest, or the part that wasn't burning, and panted a while before running again. She noticed a small ember on her jester-skirt and immediately put it out with her index and thumb. Ah, if she hadn't noticed that ember, her skirt might have totally burned off of her. Wait a minute...burn off. Burn out., she thought suddenly. An idea hit her hard; like a stone hit her head. Civia then searched around her for that stone that hit her, any stone, hoping the stone she would find (and metaphorically hit her) was rough. She found the culprit and picked up the stone and took her staff, opening the compartment that hid her wakizashi. She dropped her staff and bucket, while holding her wakizashi and the stone, plucked a few leaves from a low hanging branch and picked up dry, fallen ones. She set them by a tree, at the roots, and struck the stone with her wakizashi. It sparked, but didn't light. She tried again. After a few times, a fire had started, and she watched it spread almost just as fast as the first one seemed to go. The leaves were already reduced to ashes and the fire began eating the tree. She nodded, dropped the stone, gripped harder on her wakizashi, and ran the other way, picking up her staff.
Well, welcome, fellow member! Read the rules, then re-read it, then proof read. Then read it again. The rules are like mantras you must chant everyday when you wake up and before you sleep. 8D Anyways, I hope you're an RP-er, too. The RP section is so lonely (and requires a bump every so often).
OOC: "Judging by the fact that you're literate and you seem to know a lot about KH, you're in already. I just want to work out the details now." -Mario Savio. :3" I hope you guys don't mind (especially with the fact that I just broke the RP-roll. May I suggest an OOC thread for this? There doesn't seem to be one...) Profile: Username: Sufris Character: Ventus ("You can call me Ven!" - Ventus) Light/Dark (In other words, good or bad guy?): Light Weapon: Wayward Wind and a new Keyblade. Element (For New Order): n/a Pact Partner (NONE if none): Roxas Pact Partner Appearance (Ignore if you don't have one): (Do I need to? I mean, Roxas/Ven is like, right there by the KH-V logo) Pact Price (Ignore if you don't have one): Individualism Pact Mark (Ignore if you don't have one): A silhouette of a Pegasus, broken chains on its fetlock/shin/whatever on his wrist, where his checkered wrist band is. Pact Power (Ignore if you don't have one): Heightened magic, new Keyblade, more stamina, and pretty much the ability to send telekinetic messages to JUST the Pact Partner, because of their lack of individuality. Backstory (What have they been up to since the KH series and how did they get their Pact Partner, if they got one): Sleeping, Ven is suddenly awakened, his heart returning to him. As his eyes flutter open, he sees Roxas and Mickey(?) standing over him, looking at him curiously, the first of the two being someone he was more intrigued about. With all his questions answered, they proceed to tell Ven what had happened, and that he must help them. Roxas and Ven find out (the hard way) about their Price when Roxas gets greatly injured by something (let's leave it at that) and the same happens to Ven, even if he wasn't hit. Other (Other skills or anything you want to share): Nomura ****ed my mind and I love Birth by Sleep. Yes, I have such great skills. (wtf)
I can only assume this will happen to me, too. "WHOA, WHEN DID KH-V GET THIS?" or "SELF-MADE LOGOS? WTF." I can't help you with much. *points to "date joined"* But I could try. Do you know about Pins?
Pretty sure, otherwise, Terranort would have went after Ven again. If the whole "he could have planned it!" comes to mind, why would he? Decieving people that way doesn't make much sense, now does it? Not to be offensive. I guess Braig can just be really annoying. :|
:| I know how you feel... *hangs head*
XD Well, that's possible of course. We don't really know much of the soul. For all you know, it's just a small reference towards Final Fantasy IX, but that's unlikely. Highly unlikely. With our limited knowledge on the souls, it seems more likely if we assume that it has something to do with emotions or will power; at least those had some basis. But because of our limited knowledge, we can't just rule out souls being there, either. Lingering Sentiments are basically questions only Nomura seems to know the answer to. :/
I'm honestly leaning towards will power/emotions. Terra, Eraqus and Vanitas are the only ones I know have Lingering Sentiments, and they have strong emotions and will power, the latter being mostly a guess. Nah, just saying.
My guess is that there's something about that door that actually prevents the Heartless. Or maybe the Emblem ones only; the ones seen in there seem to be Pureblood only. Another guess is that too much of something sends you somewhere; Ansem the Wise being the only example. When the apprentices send him there via darkness, I think? And another being when his machine exploded into light. With, I'm not sure. Maybe there's something about Terranort himself. The fact he has two hearts of Keyblade Wielders/Masters/guy with the potential to be a Master and a true Master could mean something. OR...Nomura just has so much to think about he actually forgot to fill in plot holes. (I have this strange feeling I just stated something obvious again...*SHAME*)
So in short; Lingering Sentiment = Terra's soul (part) Namine = soul (part) Roxas = soul and body..? Sora = intact Kairi = intact Ven = intact It's just a bit weird. Sora, when he became a Heartless, created two Nobodies because of two hearts, that being Namine and Roxas. Why would Apprentice Xehanort only have one? Again, I may have overlooked/skipped something... :|"