Seimei saw the hairs coming at him and he stepped, tripping from the attack and winced."kami..fuyuka."He murmured as a swarm of paper butterflies flew out of his robe and swarmed over Yura in an attempt to distract her.
Seimei broke free and the moment Yura slashed, he spread his arms and jumped, using the back of Yura's neck for his momentum so it seemed like he was gliding. He landed to the ground and turned to Yura, smiling and standing up."That all you got..?"
Seimei saw himself being wrapped up in the air, looking at Yura with disgust."Of course YOU would know Inuyasha, filthy lower demon."He said with contempt, but he was only trying to provoke her.
Erik walked forward more, pausing as he felt something in his heart and he put his hand over it, his eyes looking down."I feel something squeezing my heart.."
Seimei followed and paused when he saw the large sphere of hair, his eyes narrowing."Hrumph..Yura, you must be persistent to try this hard."He said and walked towards the sphere.
Seimei climbed up after the others and hopped to the ground, glancing back, then over at Inuyasha and took out his fan, putting it to his lips and chuckled."So, what will you do Inuyasha? find out what or who is behind this, or sit there and stare all day?"He asked him.
Seimei saw the hair cut her hand and he left along with the group, his eyes narrowing."One person comes to mind, but why is SHE here?"He asked, Eyeing Inuyasha. (OOC: Gonna go to eat, be back later)
Intro post is fail DX
"Well this is strange.."Said a certain Onmyoji from the doorway. There stood Seimei, his light brown eyes scanning over the group and watched as Inuyasha attempted to drag Kagome back to the shrine."Now Inuyasha..what could be so important that you would interrupt a family meal hmm?" His smile was kept.
Erik was silent to Beu's words, looking over at him. He looked forward and breathed a little bit, following behind Beu and the others, keeping Odin in a tight grip in his hand."Aqua..what do I do..?"
Name: Abe No Seimei Age: appears 20s, 57 Gender: Male Appearance: Race: Half Demon fox (Yoko) Bio: Abe No Seimei was born with an exceptional intelligence level, able to speak when he was only a few months old. This was because his father, Abe no Yasuhino was married to Kuzunoha, a yoko in human form that his father rescued from demons. He was also young when he saw his mother's true nature, he saw the shadow of a fox one night on his door. The next morning, his mother was gone. He searched all over..but he only entered to find his father quite paled. Learning that his mother left him, Seimei was saddened. As he grew, he learned more into his powers as a half fox demon, being able to summon spirits and create powerful barriers, even going as far as telekinesis. His brilliant mind made him the 'father of Onmyodo'. For many years, he had been shifting between the feudal and the present era. He is a complete enigma, but he seems to sympathize more with Inuyasha, seeing his methods as peaceful, than with Naraku, whose methods are destructive. Weapon: Simple Katana Era: Feudal Side: Neutral, shifts more towards the good guys.
Erik looked over at Arioch, tilting his hooded head to the side." really think we'll find any clues here?"He said, looking over to Beu, then the woman in silence.
Erik looked over at the woman and then down, walking forward a few paces."...Where else would we find these souls then?"
Erik was hesitant, but soon followed, his eyes closing tight as he passed through, but he could breathe"..Whoa.."
Erik looked at the coats, his gaze silent and curious before he carefully took one, putting it on and zipped it up, slowly pulling the hood over his head so his face was hidden."Okay, let's go."
Kross looked back to where Sharumix vanished, his eyes settled on the place and then he followed after the group."Don't worry Sharumix, we'll meet again..and I'll protect all of you with my life." He followed after the two, keeping himself focused.
Erik was silent, trying to recall the last time the two had seen him."We were in the realm of Darkness, that's where we last saw him..but we got dropped off to a new world..Crowley restrained me and made the contract with Fil. I don't know where he went."
He nodded to Beu, making sure he was the last to follow behind so he could help Beu in case he fell. He looked at the keyblade in his hand and his eyes glared a bit. If Crow wasn't here..then Xenree..she would have been safe.
Erik saw Beu drop to the ground and ran to his side, assisting him up and saw the pentagram marking on his hand, clenching his teeth with anger.
Erik looked to the side to Arioch and then nodded to Sharumix, turning and walking a little ways before stopping, holding odin with both hands, his eyes on the would know more about this than I ever could..what should I do..?