Erik walked up behind Beaucefilous and stopped, looking to the elderly man and bowed his head with a nod."Thank you sir."He said to the man gently and kindly, looking over at his friend and smiled, turning to him."Well, that explains a lot of things for me and you..I've heard a lot about this place."
Erik looked to where the man was pointing and he nodded to Beaucefilous before hopping down."Let's just be careful and get the information we need, yes?"He said, looking at his newfound friend.
He smiled."I'm quite the mage myself, not very impressive but hey, I can pelt heartless with lightning attacks and most Tier 2 spells so I get by."He said, smiling. His smile faded at the man's latter question, having to think on this one."Hmmm...Honestly, I'm not too sure..want to ask a local?"
Erik blinked at the name, thinking on it to try and say it right."Beau..tifiloos..mew..tifeelous...err.."He looked at the man, smiling nervously."I'll call you Fil."He said and scratched the side of his head."You're quite the swordsman, taking care of those heartless like that."
"When push comes to shove huh? I respect that."Erik said, smiling softly. He tilted his head at the man's question and gave it a moment of thought. His eyes furrowed thoughtfully and apologetically before he slowly shook his head."I'm sorry, I don't know anyone by that name..nor appearance."He said. He then smiled again."My name is Erik Storm."
Erik saw the man rid the last of the heartless and looked at him as he called down. He smiled and ran up to the glacier, sliding on it and jumped onto the roof with a front flop and stood straight, dusting himself off before smiling at the man with a nod."No need to, I'm Erik Storm, nice to meet someone with great fighting skills. I'm not much of a physical fighter myself, so it's a good balance with a mage and a warrior."He tilted his head to the side, seeing the man's sword, then looked up to him."You don't use a keyblade?"He said as Odin vanished from his hand.
The auburn eyes immediately turned to the direction of a fight. He blinked and dug his feet into the ground, rushing forward with his keyblade, Odin, appearing in hand. He saw a man holding off a horde of Heartless and he immediately jumped to help, causing a glacier to knock the heartless into the air. He quickly scaled the glacier and leaped, pelting the heartless with Thundaga magic.
Someone watched the two from afar, his eyes furrowing with concern. He sized them up in case they were evil, but the last thing he wanted to do was to fight them so he stayed where he was.
Thanks you two, and I actually read the rules before posting this topic to see if I would miss anything, looks like I feared nothing ^^
To Llave: Thanks very much :3 I will definitely come to a staff and/or veteran member if I have any questions and I will do my best to uphold the rules. And thanks Sax, I will ask questions where need be ^^
Ah yes, I have seen a few of them out there, they are rather impressive ^w^ So that makes me very glad to be here. And I will support the site where I can.
I don't know about that..I mean, I'm more of a Rper than an OOC chat guy XD
To all of you who posted here: Yes, I read the rules, and yes, I have read the rules, I do NOT spam, I assure you XD But thanks for the welcome, it means mucho..much
It's from Chronicles of the Cursed Sword, the FC is Rey Yan, the main character. I just cropped a page of the manga and avied it is all ^^. And yes, I am a law abiding citizen XD I shall do my best *Nod nod*
Name's Kross, how are you doing? ^^ Glad to be here, I hope I can do something to help make this a better place :3
Name: Erik Storm Keyblade: Odin (I drew this) Element: Thunder Age: 19 Appearance: Image Personality: Erik is a humble young man, innocent and very firm in his beliefs, he believes the path of light is friendship and love. He is, however, a tough warrior when he needs to be and very strong willed. He is kind. On a darker side of his personality, he has a strong aversion to darkness, because of this, he is more perceptive of it and harbors a deep hatred for people who use the darkness for destruction. On a last note, he gets along fairly well with least he tries. Other: He was born on Destiny Islands, though he was quite a solitary man, his 'awakening' put him on the path of adventure that he wanted. He is quite a talented mage, his prowess is nothing to sneeze at but he is very well adept at magic. Men cry for their comrades, not themselves
(Apologies, is this still open? If it is..may I join? )
All right, I need to work on my avi and sig, and after that, if the author approves, I'll read over and join right up ^^
This RP is still accepting yes?