What does this even mean?
Pour the egg into a pan and then get some tabasco sauce, bbq sauce and some sweet chilli sauce and pour that in too, then mix it as usual. Just before it's ready smash some salt and pepper in there with some diced tomato. also, @Korosu and I are going to have a bbq sauce wedding so yeah
I'll agree with you this one time.
You don't have to like someone/something to recognise when they've made/they are something decent/popular.
posting this cause mak will see it
If they could fix that, I'd be all over this game. That is literally the only thing that stops me from playing regularly. I don't have any friends that I can play with, so Oceanic is not really that enticing right now. Also, I think if that Curse Voice thing could show different stuff, that'd be more useful (unless it already does, I've not read much about it).
They're still the only things that matter.
Is it Lor'themar? It had better be Lor'themar. I dare you to post and IM in nothing but swagyolo#420 style for three days
Oh gosh that's a lame question Also kinda hard Before the new novel, I would have said probably Lor'themar Theron or Nozdormu After the novel, I'd add Jaina Proudmoore to the list Troof or dayr
truth while i work on ben's dare
View attachment 38679
I've tried, but no response, so yeah
Not speaking to someone for two months ****ing sucks like holy **** i just want my friend back
Now give me a script and I'll see what I can do
Give me two months.
I meant actually spending a night doing shots. Not on skype.
My room collects rubbish and dirty clothes.