This. It can be hella pretty and **** but without an interesting host you'll lose most people within the first 30 seconds to a minute.
>Person wants to do LP's >What does that have to do with YouTube Most LP's are either done live on Twitch, or recorded and then edited and uploaded to YouTube. Since the OP talked about recording, I'm making the assumption that the content is in fact NOT being streamed live via Twitch and is actually being recorded, edited and uploaded to YouTube.
Welcome to the world of youtube content production.
Check back in about 22 hours for another try, minus a chance for today's winner.
This is just the beginning.
Just a reminder that by post 90, I mean the number next to the Like button. To be clear. If there was any confusion.
At this rate, I might as well just make Ben and Cat fight for it.
So I missed the first day of the Steam Summer Sale because **** you I was at work So anyway, for those of you that remember when I did this last year(?), you'll remember how this works. For those that don't know how this works, it's basically giveaway time. I'll post as soon as possible each day, with a post number that will win a game OR games up to the value of a set amount each day. Today, the winner will be lucky number 90. Value will be up to $35 USD. Winner will need to PM me their Steam name/Steam E-Mail so I can send them their phatlewts.
We've only got 40 minutes left on this one, so I'm gonna end up missing today's one.
I think I might do a Summer Sale Giveaway again. Yay or Nay?
I think I may do the thing again. I haven't done the thing for a while now.
ffs guys all I did was stand in a puddle and people are trying to be like me
Oh baby don't be like that
You guys are the worst. Here I am just trying to sleep and you're trying to jam me under a bed with four other people.
Wait, so who is actually going to be the one to come close enough to drag me out of bed?
Every now and then she punches me, too.
I hope you've learned from your mistake.
I'm in your bed.