if there's a giveaway tomorrow, then anyone can win that one
okay, so yeah second to last day for my giveaway so i'm gonna draw it out a little kukukukukukukukukukukukukuku post #123 $50 kgo
You'd better fucking fix it.
Well, no, cause the video games start before the drinking, so I list that first
I think I'll play video games and get drunk
just you and me bby
TO D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-GIVE STEAM GAMES AWAY post #62 $45 and two cards face down. Your move, Kaiba.
idk Wormtail summoned The Dark Lord with his fathers bone, sooooooooooo...
Sounds like it's gonna be a show where all the males are morons ala every disney show since 2005
but there's blood and water, both of which are (shockingly) liquids, and lavender, aconite and sage, all of which are plants. the femur is out of place.
That's more cruel than anything I could ever say.
Femur doesn't belong
Too much activity, clearly.
You're such a sweetheart
http://kh-vids.net/threads/what-to-do-in-case-of-a-panic-attack.141389/#post-4098557 Also didn't you win my giveaway a few days ago? What games do you want?
Stop being shit.
Same deal as before $20 Post 57
Today's giveaway is gonna be a two parter First thread Post 56 $20
if by my "taste" you mean me, and by "it" you mean your dick, sure.