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  1. Laplace

    Just something, there are FG effects, but is kinda hard to see them, I used the pentool near Shadow´s left arm and clipping masks, I know is not my best, but I kinda like it, anyways, CnC please?
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 13, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Laplace


    Now I see why you want to dream
    All your troubles dissapear with just a wish
    Maybe is just an ilussion, that´s all
    But it makes you happier, is the truth

    In your dreams everything is under your command
    Your life is perfect in all
    You are happy in your dreams
    You don´t have to worry about the problems of your life

    You can´t handle the past
    You just want to sleep now
    Dream, to remember the good life
    To forget the pain in your heart

    Now I see, is clearly
    You just want to relax
    To escape from the past
    To find a temporal solution, to calm down

    But you must woke up
    You can´t escape forever from your problems
    You have to fight for the life
    You can´t dream for the rest of your life

    You are the only one who wants to dream
    But you never will understand my pain
    What happened to me
    That maded me like this

    To dream forever, it sounds so nice
    To forget your troubles
    But they will trap you from behind
    So you have to stop them now

    You just want to dream
    To forget your sorrow
    You want to look around
    And don´t see sadness and depression

    You want to dream forever
    To never woke up
    I wish that happened at least one time
    But you have to face the reality someday

    I hope is okay, because is hard to explain the dreams for a person that the 90-99% of times has a nightmare ._..
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 13, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Laplace

    My Childhood

    In my childhood everyone hated me
    Punched, insulted, hurted my heart
    My past haunts me
    I can´t just forget that so easily

    My memories makes me suffer
    I can´t simple forget what happened before
    But I can´t change the past
    What happened time ago

    I remember once time
    When I started to cry
    Nobody conforted me, helped me
    And for so I trust in nobody at all

    Everytime I think in that
    My heart fills with anger
    Seeing how nobody showed me love
    That fills me with sadness and depression

    I can´t just forget my pain
    What happened when I trusted in everyone
    That memory haunts my heart
    I can´t trust you, I sorry, is the truth

    Part of me wants to be with you
    But is too hard
    To forget my past
    To forget what happened long ago...

    This isn´t the fault of the society at all
    Is just mine
    For being so idiot and innocent
    And trust...

    Now you understand
    Why I can´t trust nobody at all
    Is just too hard
    Too hard to forget

    The pain never dissapears
    I can feel it in this moment
    Haunting my mind
    Making me cry

    Yes, my childhood was horrible D=, and from it I learned to trust in nobody.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 11, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Laplace
    You can just think in change the past
    To make that never happen in your life
    You can just think in going backwards
    To change what happened before

    You can just in get rid of your troubles
    Change the past
    You see starts falling one and one
    But that will never get rid of your pain

    You want to control your past
    To make a better today
    You think in stop the clock
    Stop it and change the past

    You want to make reals your dreams, your desires
    To make that tragic day never happened at all
    You want to control the past
    Think in change what happened before

    You think in going backward
    Stop the time
    Change what happened before
    Because you can´t handle the pain anymore

    You can just think in that
    You think in getting rid of your troubles
    You just want to recover that
    That thing you lost time ago

    Why you would care about your future?
    If you want to change the past
    It doesn´t matter anymore
    As long as I recover you...
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 11, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Laplace
    What I did to you?
    Why I lost you?
    I am alone now
    I am nobody after all

    I am nothing
    I don´t feel emotions
    Why you left?
    You took a piece of my heart

    I see a million faces
    But nobody I know
    I am wandering
    What I did to you?

    Why do you leave me alone?
    Why do you let me drown in my depression?
    What I did to you?
    What I did to hurt you so much?

    I am wondering
    Why I look at the stars
    They are like a million eyes
    But I can´t find you there

    This is my end
    I will end my life
    If I can´t be with you
    I will crush my own heart

    I will kill myself
    Maybe I can be with you then
    Maybe I´ll be at your side now
    I won´t be alone anymore

    Without you
    My life has no meaning
    I lost all when you left
    It seems like I lost my heart

    Without you at my side
    My heart is pierced with a spear
    And that spear appeared
    When you left me

    I don´t want to suffer anymore
    I don´t want to live, I can´t hold this too much
    If I can´t be at your side
    My life has no meaning at all

    I am kinda depressed at the moment, no, I don´t lost anyone near to me, I don´t know why I am like this, but writing this helped me a little.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 11, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Laplace
    You will never know what comes next
    Life is an open book
    There is no fate at all
    You choose your future

    Life may be misery and sadness
    In a second may be happiness
    But you choose to change
    So don´t give up the happiness

    You may choose to suffer
    Open your eyes in this moment
    There is only a chance to live
    Don´t waste it now

    You have to choose your own future
    The life is not sealed in stone
    And ever if is
    You have to break it now

    You have to be free
    You are not a robot, nobody can command you
    And the only way to set free
    Is to break the mold

    Don´t cry
    Everything shall be alright
    Don´t let the past torture you
    Because you can control your own future

    You will never knows what comes now
    Dreams may come true
    But think in positive
    Because the pain will end killing you

    So you don´t need to be chained down to the ground
    Is time to choose now
    Time to put the past behind you
    Time to decide your future

    In resume: You decide your future :P.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 8, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Laplace
    First of all, I wrote this out of boredom, so sorry if you don´t like it:

    I see chaos and confusion
    Going around this world
    So much senseless wars
    So much dead, no meaning at all

    I can see corruption going around all
    Just dead, just hopeless sadness and anger
    So much things are blazing in rage
    Nothing happy at all

    The entire world may break apart
    But my hopes I will not give up
    Life is not a closed book, is open
    So don´t close yourself now

    Everything can be maked again
    Just start from a scratch
    But life is not easy
    You have to fight for it

    You think life is better for everyone
    You are wrong, for everyone is hard
    You think hurting everyone will make you happy
    But it will only leave you alone

    It seems you can´t simple count on others
    That you are alone in this world
    You think that nobody will accept what you are
    You are wrong, just give them a chance

    If the destruction don´t stop
    There will be no future, just nothing at all
    Open you heart, is that so hard?
    Trying to see and hear with your heart

    Steel clouds are forming in the sky
    But I will never give up
    I can feel everything breaking apart
    Why nobody can understand!?

    Life is not a thing to waste
    So don´t give up
    But understand:
    You need to stop now

    Life may be hard
    But you can make it better
    Don´t close yourself
    You will only end alone

    Just try to smile
    Don´t give up on rage
    It will end in nothing
    So cheer up

    You think you will get to something
    But everything is fading like sand
    Just understand:
    Open your heart now...

    I kinda... Based it on a song >.>, and no, I am not depressed, just I feel like writing this.

    Conclusion: Life is hard but that doesn´t means you can´t make it better
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 8, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Laplace
    It may be a hard way
    To forget what brings you pain
    But it really doesn´t matter too much
    Everybody is at your side

    You think everyone betrayed you
    But you are wrong, not right
    Don´t ask me why I know it, because I will not answer to you
    I will just tell you this: It doesn´t matter what happened before

    You think the past will repeat
    That you will have to stake at it again
    That it all your fault
    It doesn´t matter, is just past

    You think they can´t forgive you
    Just give them a chance
    You will see that everything will end fine
    Because it doesn´t matter what happened before

    You think it was all your fault
    That your punishment to die
    You think you should die now
    It just doesn´t matter anymore

    Is just past
    Forget it now
    You have to do it
    Because it just meaningless pain

    Past is past
    So forget is now
    You can´t change what you´ve done
    But you can build a better future

    You have to get your mind out of your past
    Because if you don´t you will suffer forever
    Just follow my words:
    "It doesn´t matter anymore..."

    I hope is not getting monotone ._.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 6, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Laplace
    You may try to cry
    You may try to die
    But that never will do nothing
    Just try to get up

    You think that everything is dark
    That everything is born to die
    That everything will try to hurt your heart
    That is wrong, you will have to trust in someone

    Yes, is very hard to be alive
    But there is a bright side
    You may try to kill yourself
    Don´t think in negative

    All that we do isn´t full of pain
    Hapiness are only little moments
    You may see them worthless
    But what about love?

    You said love is meaningless
    That will not fill your hollowness
    You don´t know about that
    So don´t act like you can critisize

    You think everything is suffering
    Try to save yourself now
    If you can´t do that task
    Then it will end in meaningless suffer and cry

    Just try to see the bright side
    You may like it, who knows?
    You think everything is about dying
    You can´t say that you want to be sad, first try cherring up

    Try to cheer up
    Is the best thing to do now
    If you life in depression
    It will end killing you

    Don´t feel like you were nothing
    You may think in that, that you are not a living being
    But you can´t escape from reality
    There is more to see than with your eyes, so see with your heart...

    Hope my happy poems aren´t monotone ._..
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 6, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. Laplace

    Never Give Up

    You try and try
    But everything is unchanged
    But don´t give up
    There is another way

    It can be so hard
    Just think again
    But don´t think too much
    Because it will lead to confusion

    Don´t complain so much
    Because it will end killing you
    Cry if you want
    But it won´t help you, still is your desire

    Is really not so bad
    Just don´t give up
    Try and try again
    You will see it works in the end

    So never give up
    You can still have hopes
    So don´t bring yourself down
    Just try again, you may do it, who knows?

    From the errors you can learn
    There is no time to waste
    You can always try again
    So don´t give up

    It simple doesn´t matter
    If you can´t make it work in the first time
    You can try to do in your own way
    It doesn´t matter, as long you are happy with that

    Just never give up
    So don´t push your hopes now
    You can try after all
    Who can stop you now?

    Don´t give up now
    It will make things only worse
    You never give up
    Just never give up the fight

    For anyone who is depressed now ._. ^^.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 6, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Laplace
    I just wanted to be happy
    But everything was taken from me
    I just now want to cry
    I feel my tears falling down

    I can feel my agony, why I can´t simple die?
    I can feel my sorrow, my cry
    I can feel only my tears
    I want to end this agony

    I can feel myself die
    I can feel the past running thought my mind
    I can feel that pain
    That I had to stake in the past

    I just want to cry now
    I can feel like I wanted to go to the oblivion
    Why I didn´t kill me before?
    I have to suffer this pain now

    This is the end for me
    And I didn´t deserve this
    I will die soon
    But I don´t want to

    I am so confused, I am dying?
    I don´t understand what´s happening to me
    This is my punishment?
    What I did?

    I feel my heart quivering
    My eyes closing
    As my end comes
    What I did, is this my fault?

    I am depressed and I don´t know why, I am so confused in this moment >.<
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 6, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Laplace


    Every night I sleep
    I just want a dream
    But I only have nightmares, I want to cry
    To sleep I am afraid

    I never can be happy in my sleep
    Is life against me!?
    Why this happens to my dreams
    My nightmares will kill me

    I just want to dream for once
    To feel that sensation
    But I just have nightmares and horror
    Is fills me with sorrow

    What I did?
    Tell me, I deserve this?
    Why I must suffer this pain?
    My poor and broken heart...

    I just want to cry
    Every night sleep is like die
    I want to end this
    But I just can´t do this...

    Seriously, I always have nightmares, not one of my bests poems, still I like it.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 6, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. Laplace


    Is like poison for you, deadly poison
    But you want more and more
    You can´t stop tasting it
    You can feel it thought your veins

    It fills you with rage
    You feel like killing, giving sadness
    You can´t touch the light anymore
    You will live in darkness now

    Is your fault
    You can´t change it now
    You were in the dark
    Thought they said you to run away

    There is no hope now
    This is your fate, you know?
    This is your fault
    Accept it now!

    You will live in misery now
    You can´t escape, is rough I know
    You will die in oblivion
    You live in chaos and destruction

    You can´t handle the pain anyone
    The pain of being alone
    But you are alone now
    This all your fault

    I wrote it because I wanted to write something, no, I am not depressed.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 6, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. Laplace

    Painful Heart

    This pain in my chest
    Is kills my heart
    It breaks me from the inside
    I can´t handle it anymore

    Is like I was hollow
    If I haven´t emotions
    I deserve this
    The pain is going to end killing me

    What I have to do to get rid of it
    I have to kill me!?
    I have to die to get rid of the pain
    Then so be it

    What is this pain in my heart?
    What is happening to me?
    I can´t handle this anymore
    I have to get rid of this now

    I try again and again
    But it never goes away
    Is just killing me
    It will end making me sick

    I can handle this anymore
    I have to get rid of this now
    I can´t get rid of this
    I think I will end dying

    THIS is the reason of my depression, a pain in my chest I been having for weeks, I just... Can´t handle it anymore, is killing me little by little (In the emotional way), is making me completely sick.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 5, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Laplace


    I don´t need nobody at my side
    I want to destroy, not to die
    I want everyone to feel my deadly despair
    I want to see them in agony, I´ll make them cry

    I want to see everyone who opposes me dead
    I want to see them suffer
    I will not have mercy
    Anyways they hate me

    Everyone around me will dissapear
    What it concers me? I don´t care about them
    You can´t command me now
    You all will not see me again, you will be dead

    I don´t want to see your faces again
    You will be all erased
    Into oblivion I will see you dissapear
    And I will laught and watch you fall

    I will all see you die
    Suffer and cry
    I m not sad anymore
    So I don´t need you, you are all useless now

    A flurry of flames passed thought my heart
    An unseen hatred
    Little by little devouring me
    And I didn´t noticed it

    Now I am like this
    What happened to me?
    Is this desire of revenge
    That pours thought my chest

    You all maded me suffer
    Now is time for my revenge
    You hurted me so many times
    But you are now just a pitiful creature

    I don´t need nobody at my side
    Because in nobody I can trust now
    Not even in you
    You maded me suffer and I never told you

    The flames are devouring me
    The fire is consuming me
    The depression is taking me
    You are the cause, you did this to me

    I can just cry
    Drown in my sadness
    But I won´t do that
    I will take my revenge now

    I am angry and a little depressed now, don´t worry, is just that I been having a bad day -___-, soon that will dissapear.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 4, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Laplace

    Supporting Me

    I can´t handle this pain
    It pierces my chest
    I need you before I die
    Please support me, please help me

    I need somebody at my side
    I simple can´t do this alone, I´ll die
    I can´t handle this without help
    I beg of you, before I faint

    I tried to do it alone
    But I simple can´t do it now
    I need your help, I am weak
    Please, take my hand

    You trusted in me
    When nobody else wanted me
    You conforted me
    When everybody else wanted me to die

    My rage repeled everything
    But you still standed with me
    You still conforted me
    With your arms you embraced me

    You always conforted me
    You always tried to help me
    You never left me alone
    Even everyone did it, you standed with me

    I felt like rotting
    I was trapped in nothing
    I was corrupted with darkness
    Still, you grabbed my hand and embraced me

    I didn´t counted in others
    It was full of hopeless anger
    I wanted dead for everbody
    But still you were next to me, conforting me

    Now I need your help again
    So please grab me hand
    I can´t do this without you
    Please, I beg of you

    I know I can trust in you
    I only truly cared for you
    You know I never will lie you, is the truth
    So please don´t leave me when more I need you

    For you Nymph ;D :).
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 3, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. Laplace

    A Past Pain

    No matter what you hard you try
    The pain from the past will trap you down
    Is like a lance that pierces thought your heart
    It drives you crazy, it feeds your sorrow and rage

    You just fell like forgetting everything
    You feel now like dying
    You can feel your heart quivering
    You just want to give up and go crying

    You can just turn that sadness in rage
    But it will turn in just hopeless anger
    It may be hard to forget
    You can only think in revenge

    Everyone want to forget their problems, their sadness
    They will do anything for it, even die without think again
    But it will never let go
    You can´t change what happened before

    Is the past, left it in the yesterday
    You can´t do nothing, understand
    Is hard to forget the pain you had to stake
    But is just past, is doesn´t happening now

    You can´t count of others
    You have to do it by yourself
    If you don´t get rid of the pain
    Your heart will end rotting again and again

    You just fell like killing yourself
    That is wrong, you won´t get rid of the pain
    You feel like hurting someone else
    You just feel like taking revenge

    Don´t let the rage will take over you
    It will only end in lonely sadness
    You just have to forget
    Is hard, but is the only way

    You have to stop now
    Because nobody then will be at your side
    How I know?
    Because that is how I am now

    Just understand
    You have to forget
    You can´t just erase your memory
    You just have to find a way

    Right now I am remembering things that hurted me, and I feel like killing someone, but I feel like, I am not going to do it, and I am still a little in that "Don´t trust in nobody" phase -_-, but in a incredible way I am not depressed.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 2, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Laplace

    The Life

    Life is hard
    Understand that
    You can´t trust in anyone
    You have to do the things by yourself

    You can´t sneak your sorrow
    You think in anyone to tell your problems
    Is a bad idea, understand?
    Don´t trust in nobody, okay?

    When life is hard
    You think in die
    But never give up
    So don´t give up your hopes!

    Learn with the experiences of life
    They aren´t a thing to waste
    But don´t trust in anyone
    Because everything they say is a lie

    So, come on!
    You have to live now
    You only have a chance to live
    Don´t waste it now

    You can only think in depression and sadness
    But you have to build your own happiness
    You think life isn´t anything but a waste
    Is false, there are so much things to live

    I won´t lie
    Everything is hard
    But you can´t trust in anyone
    That will make you stronger, so leave them right now

    There are so many things to die
    But you are young, don´t worry about them now
    You have only a chance to live
    So don´t waste it now!

    It may be hard
    Do it by yourself
    But you can´t trust
    I haven´t told you before?

    Don´t be sad
    Is because things don´t go like you want?
    Life has his bad and good points
    Try to put your mind in positive now

    Life is more than sadness
    Is more than rage or hopeless anger
    is more than all the emotions, even love and happiness
    It has a meaning, you have to find it or fall

    I am still in that "Don´t trust in nobody" phase as you see -_-, but I am better in mood.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 1, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. Laplace
    I don´t know what to trust
    I don´t know if to believe you or not
    I don´t know what to believe
    I don´t know what´s happening to me

    So many things dissapear around me
    So many things are erased with a simple wish
    Everything aside is torn
    Everything around has thorns

    So many things turn into dust
    I am just alone
    I am trapped between sadness and happiness
    I am unfree to move unless another hand helps me

    The fire of rage takes everything good of us
    It only leaves a hollow sensation
    That fire tries to consume me
    I won´t let it again

    The sadness is like a sea that drowns us alone
    It have drowned me before
    I won´t let it happen now
    But I won´t let nobody helps me

    It has come to this
    Nobody wants me to live
    I won´t let that depress me again
    I will knock them out

    I trust in nobody more than me
    Because I know they´ll betray me
    They did it, they betrayed me
    I will not trust in nobody again

    I will not let the sadness take over me again
    I will use every single drop of all I have
    I won´t let nobody command me
    I´m not a tool, I´m not going to used and throwed away

    Everything good of us is taken away by rage
    Every bit of happiness is taken by sadness
    They are like a monster
    That devours everything and only lefts sorrow

    Everything drowns in sadness
    Everything fades in flames
    What I can do?
    I won´t them devour me too

    In resume: I don´t trust in some people (Even thought I put "I don´t trust in nobody"), I am trying to cheer up but is very hard for me, and I am a little angry now.
    Thread by: Laplace, Dec 1, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Laplace
    I don´t need nobody at my side
    I will never tear again
    I´ll put the past behind me
    I won´t let simple things complain me

    It may be a rough way
    But I won´t ask help
    I don´t want to be happy
    But that doesn´t means you won´t see me smiling

    Well, I don´t let the past depress me
    I will put it behind me
    But I won´t be happy again
    I will be strong, not weak

    I won´t cry again
    I have enought strenght
    I don´t need your help
    This is my way

    I will put everything behind me
    I won´t let anything depress me
    Nothing can break me
    Nothing can tear me

    I won´t fade in oblivion
    I wish I haven´t annoyed you before
    Because I can understand that
    I was a problem

    Live is more than just depression
    Is just more than kill and destruction
    There is a meaning
    I want to find it

    I just want to live
    I am not going to trust anyone
    Maybe try to to smile
    But I won´t be completely happy

    Live is more than happiness
    Is more than sadness and rage
    I want to find that meaning
    Nothing can´t stop me

    Being happy is worthless
    Being sad is meaningless
    I must find a balance between them
    Because I want both of them

    What I meant to say with this poem is that I don´t want to be sad anymore, but I don´t want to be happy, because I am more vulnerable to become more depressed, I want something between both things, so I won´t depress me again.
    Thread by: Laplace, Nov 30, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: Archives