Prologue- A Meaning to Live "Master…" A robotic voice called to a cloaked figure. "Knuckles…" He replied back, as He retired my hood, long spikes coming from his head, white stripes shaped like arrows in the middle, two triangles were in the sides of his head, in the shape of ears, with yellow in the inside of them, in his cold and metallic eyes, millions of little red pixels were formed to look like pupils, they glowed with intensity and depth as the moonlight dropped over them, as he retired the rest of his cloak, his body was revealed, most of his body was colored with a Deep Blue, a blue with yellow turbine as a chest, blade-like shoulders, as four long metallic bars came from it, the upper ones were connected to a pair of hands that were covered in a metallic vest, the lower ones were legs that ended in feet, elf-like shoes to be exact, a cape came from the spiky belt in his waist. As he stared at the other figure, he came close to him. "Master Metal Sonic…" He said, his body was red, with green pixilated glowing eyes, red stripes with white in the end coming from his head in the form of hair, two long claws coming from the ends of his hands, with a pair of red and yellow-orange shoes with two big scraps at both sides of each one, in his chest there was a white semi-circle (SP?), and in the middle of his hands, two yellow-orange circles. "Metal Knuckles, I must go alone, I need to find my purpose …" He stared at the ground, all he suffered, he could never defeat Sonic, he was created for that, his life now had no purpose anymore, as he continue staring blankly at the ground, a single and small drop of oil came from the corner of his eye, as it fell to the ground, his red eyes directed again at his friend. "Master, this is like suicide, the desert outside will kill you, nobody got to survive outside Robotnik´s Fortress, except for Sonic…" He retorted. As he heard his rival name, his memories start playing with him, as he remembered the first time he raced with Sonic, he chuckled sadistically "Well, I am a copy of him, so I can survive too" Maybe he was laughing, in the inside he was full of fear and despair. Knuckles sighed as he gave up It seems that I can´t change his decision… He thought “Okay, I´ll tell Tails Doll that Robotnik assigned you to a mission or something like that†He sighed again as he walked away. Metal Sonic grabbed his cloak as he covered his body with it again, as the turbine in his back start spinning, he was ejected at a high speed, soon he was in the door to the outside, as he stopped quickly, he looked at the asleep guards, he slowly walked to the door, as he little by little opened it, not wanting to wake up the guards, he slowly walked to the outside, as he felt his feet burying in the sand of the vast desert, as soon as he was far away, the turbine in his back start spinning again, as he got ejected again to the outside, the robot guards were still asleep, he didn´t bothered to check it again, as he headed for the desert, a single thought passed his mind “My life has a meaning?â€... Chapter 1- The Deadly Desert Part of Metal Sonic rejected of this journey from the start, the desert was vast and full of traps and old and discontinued models of the Doctor, he remember them well, as when he was throw away by him he too threw them, as he started implementing the nanotechnology, he remembered well that tragic day… FLASHBACK. As the Doctor buried the cell with the old robot models, the defenseless Metal Sonic punched the door of the cell, Robotnik laughed in a twisted and evil way "You stupid, you are now useless to me, but don´t worry, you won´t be alone, you have failed to me for the last time!" As he laughed again, he went up in his ship, it started floating as he left the desert and returned to his fortress, Metal Sonic dropped in his knees… And cried… END FLASHBACK. The rage start invading him, his red eyes glowed with anger, he slammed the ground with his fist, the ground shook for a few seconds, as he got up, he continue walking… As the desert seemed eternal, Metal Sonic wasn´t going to give up so easily, Chaos knows how many times he lost the track in the vast desert, the sandstorm covering the place was strong, it was more like a storm or stones, as he tried to advance , he heard some movements under him, the sandstorm calmed, as the ground shaked, a giant metallic worm with long golden fangs and antennas came from the ground, as Metal backed away, another pair or worms came, he took a battle stance, ready for anything, “Well, well, what we have here, some of Robotnik´s old models are still intact" He said sadistically, as one of the worms charged at him, Metal grabbed him by the end of his tail tail and with his other hand he booted his head off, as the second and the third one rushed to him, they opened they fangs, as he evaded one of them, the other one bitted him hard in the right hand, an horrible torment, as he groaned in pain, he quickly retired the head out of the worm´s body , as he stared at his hand, from the two marks of his fangs, a little drop of a purple liquid felt from it, he widened his eyes, Poison!... He thought, as he grabbed the last worm and chopped his body in half, as he looked the remains of the destroyed robots, he thought I am going to end like them… Without mind nor emotions…? He stared at the clear sky… And continue walking… An hour later- Dawn, only an hour passed, but it looks like an eternity for Metal, he felt strange, his body was more hard, almost like stone, could this be the effect of the poison? Suddenly, his body paralyzed, he felt to the ground "W--hat is happen--ing?" His body fell to the ground paralyzed, as he felt his body like stone, I am going to die? He thought, something was blocking the sun, as he slowly tilted his head up, he stared at a figure of a hedgehog "S-S-onic…?" He said, his voice was dry, as he closed his eyes and fainted… Meh, it´s my first fanfic, so don´t except it to be epic, my grammar isn´t so good, so yeah :/
******************* This travel has no end, Is to fight for life or death But this is just another day, Of hopes and tragedies, and everything that comes our way This journey may have no end Maybe I will lose so much in the road ahead I am Destined to travel for the rest of eternity? But I can´t give up, I won´t life in misery I can feel my feet walking in the sand, I can feel the stones, the rocks, my heart dry But I can´t give up, I will fight until the end I won´t let my life end like this, I can´t die. I can feel the snow covering slowly my body, my hopes crushed I can feel the intense cold, my heart frozen Tell me, I will die today? No, I can´t give up, I won´t end my life this day. No matter what happens, I will fight. I won´t die without a meaning to live, The way ahead may be tough, And I have nobody to help me now I can´t simple fall Life is not like that If I die today, I won´t have a chance to restart I can fell the madness invading me, covering my body Driving me crazy, crushing me I won´t let my emotions take over me, over my heart I have to continue walking ´till the end ******************* Meh, not my best.
I decided to redo one of my oldest tags: Eh, really not my best, I was only playing around with the settings, CnC I suppose?
Yes guys, I am leaving, lately being in this site is bringing me a pain on my chest, so I need to leave temporally for my own health, before I get mindsick of some s*** like that, so yeah, I will return… Someday (Probably soon), if anybody misses me, I am still at MSN, furthermore, I need to clean my mind of some “Bad experiences†that happened here... Don´t ask me >_>. Goodbye now, I will return ^_^. Sincerely, Chaser~.
Something tell me I should lower the black brushing on the sides >_>, still. REAL CnC please?
******************* Why I must be a copy? This isn´t fair, I won´t accept this But life isn´t fair But why he must everything, when I have nothing at all My father betrayed me He threw me in a cell, and left me here I was alone for years, Rusting there Until I was released, with a desire, Of revenge, and an intense wrath I may be a copy, I may be a machine But I have emotions, I will have revenge, for not seeing them in me Why I must be just a shadow? To not have a heart, and be in the inside with nothing, hollow I am machine, I am just a can full of chips and screws Now I can see it clear, for a fake, life is not fair Why, tell me why you have a better life? Tell me, you can´t see my pain? No, you are too distracted with your friends Now you will see my revenge I am just a stupid and rusty can A can full of scraps Why you can´t understand? Why you can´t see I only want a friend? Nothing else Why the Destiny must be so cruel with me? Why I must be a cold and heartless machine? I am just a shadow, nothing In the shadows I am lurking He has everything he wants, with friends and all When I have nothing, not even a stone to talk You don´t understand How´s to be a fake, only a machine that has no heart ******************* I based it on a character of a game.
********************************************* Life is not pure happiness, it has a touch of depression But in my life I only tasted fear, and loss of control This injuries will never cease My past will track me ´till the end The pain will never cease Of what I did My heart is drowning in pain What I did to deserve this? It was because my egoism My envy, and my depression kicking away my happiness Sometimes I think this is all my fault If I known about it before, I wouldn´t have to stake this now Maybe is because my fault Maybe I am the one who did this It wasn´t your fault, you didn´t bringed my pain It was me, and my egoism Maybe I shouldn´t kicked my hopes away Start shouting at myself Maybe I shouldn´t rejected the fact That someone could love me wasn´t real at all I was right in one thing Most of the time I regret of what I did If I only can stop the clock, travel to the past And change what happened before, do the right It was all my fault With my egoism I didn´t saw I only brought you pain I sorry for all I wish I could fix what happened before As I heard a sound I turn around, to see nothing than my culprit, and my depression I simple look at the ground My culprit will never leave me alone I feel so culprit of what I did Those sins will never hide This is all my fault Because my egoism and my envy, it only bringed us pain, oh my poor heart ********************************************* Meh, I didn´t wrote a poem some time ago, I had a lack of inspiration, right now I feel kinda culprit because something that I did, it was because the fact I was a pain in the *** for that person, I know, the rhyming isn´t so well, but when you write when you feel culprit, is hard, sorry if it sounds depressive, I didn´t wanted to be like that.
********************** A defiant and egoist desire Something that breaks friendship or love Is to desire things that aren´t yours To be greedy or jealous To have envy because you don´t have something another has You just want to have it, no matter what is the cost It doesn´t matter if you have to steal it You are blinded by your greed, so you don´t turn to see it the person is suffering I desire that borns in the deepest and darkest part of your heart That fills you with envy, jealous and greed You are capable to steal it from your neighbors, family or even friends You don´t care what will happen next, your egoist desire is fullfiled at least You don´t feel culprit or nothing at all You don´t have a moment to think, if you did what wrong or right You can´t think of consequences Your stupid and egoist desire it´s fullfiled at least You are so greedy that you steal Why don´t you ask if that person wants to share? But you will never ask that Because you are blinded by your egoism and greed Look what you are now You don´t have no friends anymore You losed them Because your egoism and greed If you are consumed by the greed You will end with nothing in the end Just nothing more than suffer And your egoist crusing your heart Steal, desire in a egoist way Is a sin that will never be forgetted Steal all that you want But that will never fill the hole in your heart ********************** Yeah, sometimes I can be very greedy and jealous =/.
Don´t expect anything epic, I always tend to screw something when I am working with C4Ds (Except in the Blaze and the Tikal one >_>). Anyways *Sigh* CnC please?
******************* I can´t forget this pain This pain I had to stake Nothing will help me feel better Nothing will ever fill this hole inside my heart I am hollow I can only stare at my sorrow Nothing will heal me Because nobody cares for me You said that you are my friend But you do nothing to show it You want me to believe it? Then show me You said my friend But you aren´t You always hurt me It´s your fault because I am like this Nothing will help me now Nothing will get rid of my sorrow Nothing will make me smile Nothing will fill this hole inside my heart I will forget what you did to me I sorry But it´s the truth What you did forever will live inside me I can´t simple forget No, I am not showing you reject I can always forgive you But my pain will live inside me, because of you I can´t forget my pain I can forgive, but never forget I will never foget what happened I will live in the past, not in the future ******************* Meh, not my best, and in other words: I will never forget what happened, I can forgive, but never forget... ;~;.
************************ In this world I only see death Losing someone dear... Nothing will ever calm the pain When you lose something dear... You think it´s your fault Your fault for they death That you should have died instead You will see her smile or laught again This pain will never calm down This pain will last for the rest of your life You charge forvered this pain That started when that person died You can only cry You will never hear her voice again You lost her And you think is only your fault You can cry You can hurt yourself too But you will never recover her You just want to drop your life and cry You can´t simple handle the pain You just want to be back with her But nothing will make her return again So you can only drown in your sadness and pain You will never see her again You lover and, you now you lost her You just want to kill yourself To be now near her You just want that it never happened But the past we can´t change Is so hard to get up To smile again, it´s just too hard... ************************ This is the only poem in what I actually cried, right now I am crying because I readed this again ;-;, and why her? It´s because it would rymed so well if I put "Him" =/.
I will never reach premium, so I am giving up before I lost what is left of my dignity.
****************** I just want to cry My heart is dry I can feel my tears Cascading thought my cheeks Nobody in this world wants me at his side I can only feel depression consuming my heart I just want to cry Why the life must hate me so much? You hate me, admit it You can hide your emotions for me You want to kill me And now, admit it I can´t smile Don´t ask me impossibles I can´t be happy Just cry and be unhappy Nobody cares for me Nobody will do in his life I will never smile again Is the truth I am a bug, a bother I am nothing than a problem I should deserve to be alone Alone and in the oblivion ****************** Just in the mood for this, don´t worry, I am not depressed.
V2: I know, not my best, but I tried my best, sometimes that happens XD, REAL CnC please?
************* Why to dream Why to think I have no hope at all That my dreams true someday Who will ever try to make me happy? I should deserve to die in misery I am just a waste of a living being I should deserve to die with someone watching You think I can´t do this, you do? Then let me show you Why you should help me I don´t deserve it I am nobody, I am a shadow that deserves to die I deserve to be alone for the rest of my life Why you should help me get up? Nobody does, and nobody will do it in his life I can count in nobody My heart is just rotting I will die alone That´s my hope I don´t fit in this world I don´t fit anymore Nobody to be near me What I did? ************* I am okay, don´t worry, just in the mood for writing this, but sometimes (Right now for example) I feel like nobody wanted me near.
******************* You think I can´t see? You think I don´t know what´s happening here? My eyes are open So don´t try to fool me now You think I can´t see this is your fault? You think I am blind? You are so wrong I can see everything around me You think I can´t see the damage I caused? You think I can´t see such disaster? You think I can see what are you doing? You think you can escape fooling me? I am not blind My eyes aren´t closed at all I can see everything perfectly I can this disaster you are causing I am dancing in fire When you feed my sadness I can´t handle anymore my sorrow I will end hollow I can´t handle this anymore Stop before my end comes I am not blind, understand! What you are doing, I can see it perfectly fine I will take action now I won´t stand with the arms crossed I can see what you are doing And I will stop this disaster ******************* Something I wrote, not my best ._., but I tried my best,
******************************** You think I have everything I could wish But I am alone in this world You think that the material things bring me happiness and peace You are so wrong in that I just want to be with you, I can´t take this too much That I wasn´t alone anymore I am alone in the shadows My sadness I can hardly swallow You think I am not alone Again, you are wrong The money doesn´t brings me happiness And is not going to do it the power I just wish I could be with you Why the destiny was so cruel with us? I wish I was able to caress your face That I wasn´t alone in this land Why you are so far away from my hands? So far away, yet close to my heart I am so sad That everything can hit me down I wish I could embrace your body But right now my heart is rotting I wish I haven´t lost you time ago So I wasn´t so alone now Why I must be so lonely? Why I felt I wasted my entire life in nothing? I don´t know what to think anymore Why think, if I am alone ******************************** Not depressed, just in a mood to write something random =D.
*************************** Nobody will ever understand me I am covered in mystery Go ahead and try to see thought me, thought my soul But it will only bring you confusion My true self is covered in shadows In the most deepest darkness, here is where I´ll always swallow You think about me you know at least something But about me you know nothing I can be kind sometimes Sometimes the depression hits me down But this is all fake This is not what I am I am an enigma, a mystery Is up to you to discover it You think you have the answer But everything is still unclear, no matter what happens Try to think To uncover me But that will never happen In shadows I am wrapped You don´t know about me I will tell you nothing I am… Still a mystery after all I am a locked door Try to open me, to step and see what´s going on Try to see what´s inside me But you don´t have the key, you will never open it You don´t know who I am Why I´ve come here You will never know No matter if your search is long I am covered behind a window of shadows Try to see thought it You will only see darkness I will never tell you who I am, no matter if that brings you sadness Try to come to the darkness Of my name you will hear a whisper You may know my name But you don´t know who I am, what I am, Why I´ve come here Now I have to return to the darkness, to my hide I will return, so goodbye But no matter how hard you try You will never know… Who I am… *************************** I am not depressed, nor sad ._., I just have the urge to write a dark poem, so don´t worry, I am okay =D.
************************** It´s just too hard To face the life Just too hard To grow up Is just hard When you had a rought past I can be very sad To leave everything behind your back Your entire life Pass thought your mind As you leave your house And you say goodbye to the ones you loved once in a time Is just too hard to give that step Is just too hard to live in depression Is just hard to face the future When you had a rought past You just want to stop the time Live always in the today Live without problems Don´t have to face the future You just want to run from the future To escape from your problems But they will trap you from behind So you have to face them down Is just too hard To grow up Is just too hard to know If to look behind or to the future It may be a hard way To do this alone But you must get up And face the tommorow now So get up The life waits It may be a hard way To face the past and the future You must get up You must face the life You must do it now Before it will end in a waste ************************** I hope is not depressive because it wasn´t my intention ._., is supposed to explain than to grow up is hard.
****************************** Nobody will ever understand my pain All that I had to stake in my life Is just too hard to stand up Is just too hard to live Every door is closed for me I have no chance to live I so wish that I could change the past Evade what happened before in my life I just want to live But the past traps me from behind Is just too hard to forget everything Knowing that everyone betrayed me I want to dream, to find a temporal solution But I remember I can only have nightmares, nothing more No one will ever understand my pain No one will understand me, that´s the truth I just want one chance A chance to be happy without being full of sorrow But I can never get that Problems will always chase me down This is my destiny To life in misery Because is just too hard To forget the past It always tracks me down It always brings my sadness and rage I have no chance to life with happiness I will life in the past forever I just try and try But is too hard I can do this I better give up before time You said you used to feel my pain You will never understand Try to be live with your past behind your back Try to live always in suffer and cry I don´t want compassion Just an explanation Why this happened to me? Why I must live in misery? ****************************** I am always depressed because I can never forget what happened before, it´s just too hard ._..