First decent title in like... Ever xD. CnC? Kthnx :D.
Yeah, SOTW entry, looked better in BW since the colors were quite bleh =\. I know, depth isn´t that good, I´m trying to fix it right now xD CnC? :D.
First sprite on months <_>, and indeed they are quite addicting :'D. CnC? :D. Btw, I´ll add text to it later xD.
´Cause I can´t come with better titles >.>, lol. CnC? =D.
Since I was the one to start this... >.>. First attempt at minimalist work, probably will add some circles or stuff to it later <_>. CnC? EDIT: V2: V3:
Eh, I have been with some creativity problems xD, but I finally maded something that I actually like :3. Don´t post unless you are going to critique =\. CnC please?
I already showed it to him. Used the same style of another sig because I <3 the smudging stlye, but added some new things there and there. Also his hand it´s supposed to be the light source. Also, I know, delayed Birthday present it´s delayed >>;. I know it´s a present, but a little of CnC wouldn´t hurt me =/, also. I am bored ._..
V2: All pentool, vector brushes and such. Used a few textures. CnC? EDIT: V3:
Yeah, slowly getting back my inspiration. CnC?
I.Have.No.Title.4ever Yeah lol, I suck at titles. V2: Kind of followed a tutorial, but more like of applied a few techniques of it. Personally I think I just have ran out of inspiration >>;. CnC?. EDIT: V3:
Fix´d your sig :'D. B&W Version: Kinda the Vector Sig I was trying to do xD. CnC?
First of all, ignore the crappy resizing, the stock was pixely in the face and Low Quality >:. And white border FTW. No wireframes or C4Ds used, but I might add some later >>; This time I decided to experiment with Pentool, Liquify and Patters :3. First B&W in a while, I think <_>. Personally I think I need to work on the FG. And add a Lighting >>. So yeah, CnC? I will attemp to do a Vector and/or Pentool Sig next, FTW >:3 EDIT: V2: . EDIT 2: V3:
V2: Textless: Playing around again with filters, C4Ds and such =P. Personally I think I need to work more on the coloring. But yeah, you know the drill, give me some CnC and I will reply later, thank you n_n.
V2: V3: Present for O R A N G E, I dunno why I picked this stock xD, I just thought she would like it, sorry if I got it wrong, tell me if you want to change anything :]. Second time using a vertical >_>, and first time using Rounded Square. Used some textures. Is a present, but still. CnC?
Shop Owners Chaseeeeeeeeer :D Lolol, yes, I am back ;3, mainly I am making this because of the entire and utterly amount of free time I have, even with the school, so, don´t flood me with requests, to evade that, I maded some useful rules 8D: *First of all: Don´t give me fanart, nor anything from DA, thank you =/. *You must have 100 posts, 20 rep and 2 months in being a member =D. *This isn´t a rule, but a petition: Have good grammar, it will be easier to understand something =/. *Another thingy: Don´t give me too 2-Dish render/stocks/anything, I can handle it as long as has good shading ^^. *Give me ONE stock/render/sprite, two in rarely occasion, in the case of sprites, give me a sprite sheet and I choose one. *Be patient, some days I am not in the mood for requests, so yeah :/, thanks. *Give me credit. *Don´t flood me with requests, when I say to stop it, stop it, kthnxbye. *Give me something of GOOD quality. *Don´t spam =/. *I work better with stocks, but renders are okay. +Rep isn´t necesarry, but is appreciated <3. Now, the template: Signatures: Username (LOL, your username): Render/Stock/Sprite (OBLIGATORY!): Text (Keep it up to 4-6 words :/, try to make the shorter possible): Size (Default: 400x100. Optional :D): Need examples of my work?: UPDATE 19/3: Now you need 20 rep ;o
^White border >_>;^ CnC? Anything useful? I think I am losing my touch with PS =/, I will try to do a pentool sig next 8D.
V2: V3: V4: I seriously need to get more vector brushes xD, trying with something Vector-ish this time, and yes, I know, the background is plain boring, but I fail at backgrounds ._.;. REAL CnC please?
O R A N G E has won:
V2: I been too lazy to make a new tag, so I just decided to check this old .Psd that I never posted here yesterday, and I changed some things, sorry if the tag itself looks overburned, the stock looked like this, and yes, I know, it lacks in FG effects, sorry for that, but I don´t feel like messing around with the pentool D:, probably will edit that later, and don´t ask me who is the person, I just grabbed a random stock from my stock pack xD;. CnC please?
V2: I think I am going to get some time away from Graphics >_>, anyways, REAL Comments ´n Critiquism please? And yes, the new skin is a border killer >_>.