Messing around with CS4. o-o
Ever since I installed Photoshop CS3 a year ago, this error happens every time I attempt to open or save a file as PNG, BMP, GIF, or anything that isn´t JPG, I can only open them for some seconds after PS has started, meaning I need to close it and reopen it over again and again, which is seriously starting to frustate me. I tried reinstalling CS3 before, but it had the same problem, and I lost the install program, so yeah. Alternatively, when I had CS2 this problem never happened to me. So, any ideas KHV?
Cnc Ahur hurp durp
They are different this time, they are manga scans colored, why even though the fad is over? Because I did this stuff back before them, and until I find new resources to make tags I need to practice to not get rusty ::L: Free for use on this site, 'cept the first one, HANDS OFF THAT ONE. >: Will make moar later when I find more scans.
But somehow lost in the middle and maded it an esque-tag. O_o I don´t like the way I shaded her body/face, I´ll probably fix that later, if I knew how, reason why I´m posting this here.
Opened because I need practice. Avatar/Signature Template: -Especificate if you want it to be an Avatar or Signature, since the template is the same. -I shall be the one to choose colors, size, and stuff. -If I can´t make the text look good, I won´t put it, deal? -Three requests per time. -I do have the right to reject your request if is impossible. -Don´t rush me or I´ll simply won´t do it, I have a life and homework, to let you guys know. >: -A render isn´t a character with a white BG around it, it´s supposed to be transparent, a stock has a BG, simple as that. -No fanart plox. Examples:
Messing around with Photoshop at 7 AM when I wake up = This Also some GIFs for teh lulz (And no, I didn´t copied Renegade, I´ve done those way before him. <.<) You know it, free for use it on this site, yada yada.
Official Trailer: Japan´s Release date: 8th October, 2009 Also some very short game system videos got leaked too: And finally, some scans that I found: Discuss or something.
Thinking that the result will change one slight bit First tag in forevah I am actually fond of.
You won´t get the title until you have played that game. ;D Still tryin to get the hang of it again, a WiP I suppose? As for the stock I rendered it myself, lul.
Smudging practice, I followed a tutorial from here. So yeah, CnC or whatever.
Umm, yeah, more avatars. Would have added more with since I don´t know the normal member limit size... =\
lol LP. Apart from the Sho render and sunrise lines, it´s all pentool. Personally I think it needs more stuff on the BG like some clouds and things like that, so WiP I suppose?
Tactics Advance ftw. :D Haven´t maded stuff in a while, but it´s nice I can atleast pull something decent. :l
Not been in the mood for make tags. CnC, and stuff.
Urg, haven´t done anything on a while. Some avatars and an unfinished tag that I´ll think I´ll scrap it again tommorow. Know the drill, Avatars only here for use, don´t post at all unless you want to CnC properly. >:
Pretty much it. And for a bonus, the only two LPs I have done ever. o.o and such/CanvasCurseFinished3.png and such/PersonaLP2-1.png I would liked to post some of my oldest, but sadly I wiped them clean of my hard-drive and Photobucket. Also the older ones are in no apparent order since my PB is a mess.
I haven´t a maded a tag in weeks. D: original idea was in BW, but it looked lame, so I colored it again with a Gradient Map and color adjustement layers. BG is maded with distortions minus the cyan lights/stars, which is a stock Then, my first attempt at digi-coloring: ACTUAL CnC please, and no ratings and suchs~
Maded more avatars. =D I would have worked more in fx and stuff on some, but considering the file size for normal members it´s kinda hard to work. x_x
Aharstockhar Was originally a BW tag, but it looked boring, so I added some coloring and stuff, and no, no color version, it looked way too messed, x_x. Cnc and suchs, no ratings, please and thanks. o.o; <3