Haven't been in the mood to make new tags, so here's some digital coloring and stuff. Goddammit, all these delays with my PS3 and BlazBlue CS are really hurting me. ;______; And now I go back to barely post in here, c:
Possible title, yes? Developer/Publisher: Atlus Genre: Turn-based JRPG Release Date: Japan getting it this Winter, no US date as of yet. Original Source + Scan: http://www.siliconera.com/2010/10/26/persona-2-innocent-sin-remake-bound-for-psp/ And more scans: HYPE TRAIN, AWAY. Now if only I had a PSP. ;_; Also, on a different note, most people didn't like the remaded OST for Persona 1 PSP (I liked it, for my opinion), it seems Atlus got that and this game will have an option to toggle between the old OST and the new one, which is good if you get bored of the normal battle theme or stuff like that. (Source, for those interested, also contains more info about new features)
Developer/Publisher: Ignition Entertainment Release Date (JPN/USA): TBA 2011 (Aiming for around February-March, or so I heard) Heard about this game some time ago, though I’ll shine some light on here about this. :3 Director of this game is Takeyasu Sawaki, Art Director of Okami, and the producer is Masato Kimura, which worked on Okami, Devil May Cry and even F-Zero. Music is composed by Masato Koda, who composed for Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter. Trailer+Basic info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCoYbjp_rw0 The characters shown so far are Enoch, the protagonist, and Lucifel, an angel that exists outside of time and enjoys the 20th Century as shown by his Cell phone with speed dial to god and he spends a whole cutscene talking about umbrellas. Also some of the Archangels are said to appear later and help Enoch in his quest. Gameplay aims to be very simple, with simple inputs and things like that, enemies don’t even have a life bar, you know how much damage you are doing by looking at how broken their armor is. Hopefully this game turns out to be a success, I really want to. :/ More detailed Gameplay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c1t_KdSnKE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBfaah25LNo Your thoughts?
More digital coloring, been hooked up on it lately, but I keep running out of things to color, white outline is there because my attempt at rendering it turned too choppy. Collab for the that collab SotW, how bad it didn't work as planned, might as well put it here atleast. You know what to do, if not, then look up on the Section's root and read the rules. :3
Free for use only on this site blah blah etc.
Laying off heavily smudge-based stuff for A LONG time, I seriously overused it. http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z193/twilith_master/Signatures/LPs and such/Trollzama.png [Pretty much a "Vector" version of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pVFFIm-7VM] Not laying off the BlazBlue related stuff until I get a PS3 and play the actual damn game... Or I want to try something else, whatever happens first. D: Vector thing probably sucks probably because it's my second attempt at it, anyways I did it mostly for the lulz. xD Oh weeeeeeeell.
First thing I have done in weeks. YeahCnCwhatever.
A collab between Valium and me. He started I finished Stock was clearly of my pick. :3
Pretty much it.
Been practicing Digital coloring, not been in the mood for tags lately. For those who don't get it. Laplace = Lapras in Japanese. lolderp.
Hell yeah I do.
Yeahwhatever I have nothing better to do. All of them are sort of semi-incomplete due to lack of solid effects, because I seriously ran out of ideas. Whoever gets the title gets ot use either 1st or 2nd one (Because 3rd is currently being used by one of my friends), which I doubt most of you will, harhar. :3
Becos I r such a SMT fan, ololol. You know how it works, use them on other site that isn´t this and I will rape reap your soul. D: Will perhaps post more late-Oh who I´m kidding?
Becos yeh. http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z193/twilith_master/HeeHo.png First "Good" attempt at a Desktop BG, and yes, the Jack Frosts are handmaded, just a few shapes, pentool, and some digital coloring. *Proceeds onto leaving again and drop very rarely to check on*
First thing in a while, wanted to make it look simple more than anything else, blah.
Haven´t maded anything in a while, avatar is pure <3, though.
More digital coloring, didn´t do much shading as usual because some of it was already shaded, still I did a lot of fixing up on the stock. Original stock: http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv293/Livina_Eari/Dark-ChaosEnding.jpg
Messing some more with CS4, trying to remember how I did to smudge back then. <.< Sorry if there is a typo with the text or something, finished this at 2 AM. =_= CnC and moarblahblah.
Messing around a bit more with CS4.