For beginners Hello! Have you ever looked at people's amazing signatures and just wished you could make something like that? Well this thread is here to help start you on your journey to that place! Sadly, it won't just come to you immediately and you will make pieces that, if they were physical, you would throw at a wall and set fire to them, but it's all part of the learning process and it's always great to see people starting out! So here's to you, whether you've tried it before and don't know where to go or are just interested in the art in general, please I hope this helps. So this thread is specifically designed for anyone who is just starting out and has no idea where to actually begin. This thread is open so you can give advice to beginners so if you know something, a link, a piece of information, that would have really helped you out when you started then post it here so anyone can look at it. If you are a beginner and you have a small question you would like to ask then please post a new thread in the graphic help section as that is exactly what that section is for : D Also, please check out the FAQ (in progress and coming soon) as that could answer a question you have, otherwise post a new thread. Firstly, you will need a program- now Paint is always an option but it is incredibly basic and not designed for high level signature making, I would recommend GIMP for beginners and then Photoshop for anyone looking to have a better range of options and tools but it can be costly to get legally (full list here). So basically, I have compiled a small starter pack for you out of resources I have collected and made in my journey through graphical design that I hope you will find useful, in contains: Renders that I have cut out myself (I realise the things you will want to make will use images and characters that you like so feel free to search for them: Planetrenders is a great place to start but I put these here just to help) Fractals and C4D's (these are just general effects to enhance your piece- they tend to be used in almost every piece so experiment with them) Brushes: Splatter brushes are always useful Smudging brushes to make smudging more interesting but default brushes are also just as good Effect brushes Signature backgrounds (There are ways to make your own background but here's some that can add quite a lot to your piece without much effort) Text file explaining how to install brushes DOWNLOAD (If this link is broken then please contact me and I will get it fixed ASAP) (Requires Winrar (it's free) to unzip the file) Now my advice is EXPERIMENT! That is the best thing you can do, make stuff you hate, I could post a huge array of pieces I have made and hated but I have learned a lot from them. Also, DON'T FEEL DISCOURAGED IF YOU DON'T GET IT RIGHT! It can be such a ego killer when you can't perfect that piece you were working on or it's just not coming out as you pictured it, don't worry- this in no way makes you a bad graphic artist, it just means you have come across something you can't do. When I say it happens to everyone, I am sure that is not an exaggeration so please don't feel discouraged, try again, post your creations in the Graphic art section and ask for feedback to help you improve. Tutorials are also a great way to learn! So go searching for them and try them out, you will pick up some great skills. Speaking of tutorials, I have picked a few that I think are very useful, they are for GIMP unless stated otherwise and I hope you find them useful LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK Pt 1 | LINK Pt 2 LINK (Photoshop, a little more advanced) LINK (Photoshop, a little more advanced) As a fellow graphic artist, I will show you how much you can improve simply through experimenting, I look back on my first creations and am amazed at how far I have come in 3 years so I am just going to post a few of my pieces and the date I created them roughly to help you see my progression (Everyone, feel free to do the same) but it only came to me through trying new things and failing so don't be afraid to make things you don't like. Spoiler Colourful Urahara (December 2010) Blue Urahara (February 2011) Blue Toshiro (April 2011) Toshiro luminous (May 2011) Aizen (June 2011) Marluxia (July 2011) Ienzo ten sig04(December 2011) The girl who waited05 (January 2012) Melody Pond (April 2012) Lightning (May 2012) Colours (November 2012) Fifth Doctor Liquify (May 2013) Spiderman (March 2014)
Tutorials This is a huge list of all the tutorials you have all posted over the years compiled into one thread. Sadly, due to the age of quite a few of them we have a huge number of broken links (if you spot another one then either inform me, Cherry Berry or Cstar and one of us place it in the correct category on this page). Have fun, each one comes with a small description of what the tutorial is and whether is has any additional requirements, go and experiment and learn stuff! Remember, not every render works with every tutorial- some renders are better suited for certain tutorials. (EVERYTHING! Some broken) Photoshop Signature tutorials: (Signature colouring tutorial) ~Noroz A simple smudge tutorial (no special requirements) (Effect, simple tutorial) ~Misty An easy tutorial to make a great looking signature using fractals/C4D’s and patterns (no special requirements) (Simple effect tutorial) ~Misty An easy and simple tutorial to make a nice, colourful looking signature (no special requirements unless you want the exact stock Misty used) (smudging effect tutorial) ~Misty A tutorial that makes a nice smudged background (no special requirements) (smudging effect tutorial) ~Misty A tutorial that uses smudging and a few renders to make a signature (no special requirements) (smudging/fractals tutorial) ~C4E A tutorial that uses smudging, lighting and renders to make a signature (Bubble render required) (general) ~Cody A tutorial that uses smudging and liquifying effects to create a signature (possible smudge brush required) (using vectors) ~Fallen King A tutorial that uses vectors and renders to make a signature (tablet preferred but not required) (intermediate general) ~McFabulous27 A tutorial that makes a signature using C4D’s and fractals plus colouring (requires fractals/C4D’s) (polaroids) ~mcFabulous27 A tutorial describing how to make a polaroid (a picture like the ones that come from old cameras) with nice effects. (only requirement is the polaroid render which is provided) (general pen tooling) ~Cody A tutorial that teaches you a good effect using the Pentool (no special requirements) (general PS) ~Cody A tutorial that uses brushes and lighting to create a great flow in a signature(Splatter brushes and floral brushes required) (professional PS) ~Eclipse A professional tutorial describing how to make a signature using a picture, pen tool and fractals. (fractals preferred) (spiderman tutorial) ~Cody A tutorial that uses a full still picture with renders and various other effects to make a tag. (need C4D’s and fractals)▪e▪c▪k-t▪u▪t▪o▪r▪i▪a▪l.11582/ (general photoshop tutorial) ~Eclipse A simple tutorial that uses smudging, liquify and renders to produce a signature (no special requirements) (general) ~Cody A tutorial that uses a full still image with various renders/C4D’s to make a signature. (C4D’s and fractals required) (easy PS) ~Mr. BuBBleS Various tutorials from simple grunge tutorials to GIF signatures. (no special requirements) (userbar) ~Darkwatch A simple tutorial explaining how to make your own personalised sidebar. (no special requirements) General effects and colour improvement: (Improving photos) ~Jade A tutorial describing how to improve the colours in your signature. This can be used in Photography, signatures or anything that involves improving photos. (no special requirements) (photo manipulation) ~axel-sora A tutorial that shows you how to manipulate photos to produce an interesting effect. This technique could be implemented into anything you wish. (no special requirements) (pentool) ~tkato Teaches you how to use the pentool in a cool, glowing effect. The pentool is incredibly useful for many activities you wish to complete. (no special requirements) (nice effect) ~Zero-Cerberus A tutorial describing how to make an interesting effect which could be used in backgrounds or incorporated into your artwork somehow. (no special requirements) (text) A tutorial describing an effective way of using text so it blends in but is also visible. (no special requirements) (Glowing text) This is a tutorial describing how to create glowy text. (no special requirements) GIMP (Pokemon trainer card tut) ~Boy Wonder A tutorial describing how to make a Pokemon trainer card (blank trainer card provided- these can be found easily) (Simple grunge tutorial GIMP) ~Misty How to make a simple grunge signature in GIMP (grunge brushes required) (C4D tutorial) ~Misty How to make a simple yet effective tutorial using C4D’s and gradients. (C4D’s required) (simple GIMP tutorial) ~Fallen King How to make a nice looking tag using smudging and other effects on GIMP. (no special requirements) (GIMP general) ~Misty How to make a nice looking signature using interesting GIMP tools. (everything required has links provided) (general) ~Fallen King A tutorial that uses smudging and other effects to make a nice signature. (no special requirements) (simple general) ~Fallen King A tutorial that uses effects and brushes to make a grunge tutorial. (brushes required) (simple general) ~Fallen King A simple tutorial that makes a sidebar signature. (no special requirements) (simple general) ~Fallen King A tutorial that makes an effective signature using a stock with a weapon in it. (no special requirements) (intermediate GIMP tutorial) ~Misty A lovely intermediate tutorial that teaches you how to make a smudge tutorial. (grunge abstract and splatter brushes required) (GIMP general) ~Misty A nice tutorial that uses splatter brushes, C4D’s and smudging (requires splatter brushes and C4D’s) (simple GIMP) ~Cody A tutorial that uses smudging and colours to create a signature. (no special requirements) (sprite animation) ~Jinta Yadomi An easy to follow tutorial on how to make a sprite animation in GIMP. (sprite sheet required) (general GIMP) ~Misty A tutorial that uses brushes to create a nice looking signature (some images may be broken) (brushes required but links provided or you could use your own) (general GIMP) ~Cody A tutorial that makes a smudge signature. (no special requirements) (general GIMP) ~Cody A semi advanced tutorial that uses C4D’s to create a nice signature. (C4D’s required) (general GIMP) ~Cody A tutorial that utilises some effective aspects of GIMP to make a signature (no special requirements) (general GIMP) ~Falco A tutorial that uses ripple and lighting colours to create a signature. (No special requirements) (blending in GIMP) ~Cody A tutorial that uses brushes to create an easy background to your signature. (optional brushes link provided) General effects and colour improvement: (leopard print GIMP) ~Fallen King How to make leopard print in GIMP to be used in whatever you wish (no special requirements) (borders in GIMP) ~Cody A tutorial explaining how to make the most out of borders. (no special requirements) (scanlines in GIMP) ~Misty How to get scanlines into your piece easily. (no special requirements) Emofuri: A one stop tutorial and resource dump to get you started on breathing life (or gif., whatever you call it) to your characters c: Example provided below: Other (simple blending tutorial) ~Ienzo A simple tutorial teaching you an effective way of blending in your stock. (no special requirements) (typeography) ~Darkwatch This tutorial helps you with text and making it look effective in your tags. (no special requirements) (text) ~Misty This helps with using text effectively. (no special requirements) (how to make a GIF in paint shop pro) ~Weeaboo This is a tutorial that tells you how to make a GIF in paint shop pro. (movie making software required e.g. windows movie maker or Vegas) (resizing) ~Reptar This explains an incredibly basic and easy way of resizing any picture that may be too big/small. (no special requirements) (avatar in PSP) ~Mari This describes how to make an avatar in paintshop pro (no special requirements) Both (compressing GIF file size) ~Daydreamer This is a useful tutorial that helps you effectively compress the size of your GIF if it is too big for whatever reason. (no special requirements) (2x general) ~Virtuoso 2 tutorials that give you a nice looking signature using vectors- one is for Photoshop and one is for GIMP but probably not exclusively. (vectors requires) Miscellaneous (take screenshots with a transparent desktop background) ~Daydreamer This allows you to take screenshots with a transparent background to produce a cleaner render. (no special requirements) (Photography shooting method) ~Jade This is a tutorial that gives advice on taking photos. This isn’t post production improvement in Photoshop, this is the actual photography. (no special requirements) (rule of thirds) ~Misty A simple tutorial explaining stock positioning. (no special requirements) Broken links (video tutorial) (easy shining tutorial) (too small) (KH logo tutorial) (making the most of your stocks) (too small)バレリ-さん.70103/バレリ-さんs-tut-on-how-to-make-a-basic-grunge-sig-her-style.69730/ (general) (animated rain) (stock placement) (too small) (border tutorial) (stock tutorial) (pentool tutorial) (stocks in GIMP) (general GIMP) (borders) (general PS)
Resources So this thread will have lots of useful things to use in your creations so get stuck in and EXPERIMENT : D Programs This is obviously vital, it's what allows you to make these pieces of work xD Different programs will allow you to do different things but the fundamentals are all still the same (Photoshop will have a wider range of tools and things you can do compared to GIMP but GIMP is still great for signature making) Photoshop CS6 (30 day trial free- full program must be brought) Other free trials of other Adobe programs Photoshop CS2 (full version of an older version, Adobe released it as freeware) GIMP (Free software and very useful alternative to photoshop especially for beginners) There is always Paint : D Fonts Text is a great addition to your pieces and the type of font can make a lot of difference as you want one that goes with the flow of the signature and a lot of the fonts Photoshop give you are great but these will allow you to make the piece more interesting. (you can download fonts to use on Photoshop and GIMP) Renders These will make up the main part of your signature and will be the subject- it's important to get a good quality one as it can make a huge difference to your piece. Also check below in "Forums filled with tutorials and other resources" Brushes The standard brushes will normally be enough for basics and even advanced things you want to do (whether it's painting or smudging) but there are loads of brushes out there that can snazz up your work (one of the main ones I use are splatter brushes). (PS for signatures- use the search bar for variations) (GIMP) Google searches also will bring up good results Photoshop/artist magazines with a disc attached may also provide good materials to use like brushes and renders (these aren't free but are very useful and can be found in local stores, I sometimes buy ImageFX ) My photoshop brushes (for Photoshop) Tutorials Pretty self explanatory but these will teach you the ways of making a good signature. Some will give you full on step by step ways of making a signature while others will teach you how to create a nice effect so look around and experiment, it's the best way to learn. (for photoshop) (for GIMP) (mainly for photoshop- contains many tutorials on how to create awesome effects that will be able to broaden your creative abilities) Digital arts online (For photoshop, illustrator. Contains loads of useful tutorials for all levels on things from touching up on photographs to typography to general effects) (Lost? This is a good list of the best for photoshop: (40 best photoshop tutorials) Other Useful tools that could help you in whatever walk of the crreating process you are at : D Colour blender (for easily creating colours to use) Stock photos These have loads of great uses from making up backgrounds to textures to just being used as nice effects. (requires free registration) (advent children stocks) (has pages on a lot of different shows/films/actors etc. which are full of various things including images such as screen caps or other images- use the search to navigate) Textures These, funnily enough, add texture to your work whether that's painting or signature making Lost and taken Forums and other sites filled with tutorials and other resources There will be loads of forums out there that help with signature making or painting filled with loads of useful resources and tutorials to help you improve. I'm sure a google search would bring up loads of others as well. Gimp talk (for GIMP) (Mainly for photoshop) (very good for textures) User Resources This is a gathered list of everything you guys have posted here, organised for your viewing pleasure! :3 If you find a broken link then please tell me! User tutorials Go here for those. User Sources Sadly, over the years, a lot of these links have broken but here is a list of everything our glorious and generous members have shared with us. These include stock images, renders, effects, fractals, C4D's and textures. No doubt a lot of these will be very useful to lots of you. Also, there are links to download PSD's which are raw photoshop files which will allow you to pick apart already made signatures to perhaps learn a thing or two- they are NOT for ripping and using as your own. (HQ KH stocks) (Fractal pack) (PSDs) (model stock photos) (General- EVERYTHING!) (Fractal pack) (Light textures) (KH screen shots) (KH stocks, renders and wallpapers)!cpZZ2QQtppZZ24 (stocks and renders) (stocks) (wristcutters stocks) (green C4D) Eclipse's Chain shape render Eclipse's block render Broken links (just incase they ever work in the future or it's just my computer 0.o) (downloading PS) (mini clips) (wireframes) (Photography post production) (general) (general) (actions for photoshop) (HQ KH photos) (flares) (PSDs) (general) User Questions A User FAQ is in the progress of being made to help you with any questions you need answering. If you have any useful resources you would like to share then please post below and I shall add it to the list.
Oh yeah xD I forgot about Closing time, for some reason I never associate that episode with Cybermen but more Craig and Alfie :3 I really hope this too, but I think there was some problems with the rights over Daleks back in 2003 and so the BBC had to send a letter of apology to the Nation estate (Terry Nation was the creator of them) and part of the contract is that they have to appear in every series but I honestly don't know how much truth there is to that. Still, if that's the case then they managed to bypass it in series 6 with a brief glimpse of a dying one which I would like them to do a bit more. I hope it's Davros, I love him, he's a brilliant villain because he is just a proud father that wants to make the Daleks the best possible things they can be... but he measures that through destruction and what they can beat. Still, he's very calm and doesn't have physical strength but more intellectual strength. I don't think it is Davros though, well I suppose it's up for debate, the start sounded like him but the end sounded just like a Dalek and I think it was confirmed to be Nicholas Briggs voice and not Julian Bleach (Davors 2008). What I would love is for Dalek Caan to return because I love him but I highly doubt that.
And infomercials are apparently very informative : D
Well, they have only had 1 proper episode dedicated to them in Moffat's reign. They have made appearances in The Pandorica Opens (S5), Goodman goes to War (S6) and Time of the Doctor but they were brief and used merely as another monster. Nightmare in Silver has been their only proper episode, plus they are the second most commonly occurring monster in the whole of the show. They haven't returned as much as the Daleks even in classic who but they are incredibly common compared to other monsters. I am honestly just glad that it's not a finale with the Daleks because there have been too many in New Who and especially recently they have been everywhere, I just want them to have a bit of a break or at least bring Davros back, he was awesome. I love the new Cyberman look, it's just so sleak and they are actually quite scary with their blank expressions and constant ability to upgrade themselves so I look forward to this finale.
I like Slipknot but my feelings towards them are weird, basically, I don't like screamo, it doesn't do it for me but a lot of Slipknot songs have quite a bit of singing in them which are the bits that I love. A few years back when I was more depressed, I loved listening to them because they just expressed my anger and made me feel better. "Wait and Bleed" is one of my absolute favourites and there is another song of theirs that I heard that was mostly singing that I loved and can't for the life of me remember what it sounded like 0.o
I listened to the start of the album and found no song that stuck out to me, I want to finish listening to it (or relisten to it, Lana Del Rey is someone I feel I need to listen to a few times to get the song). Having said that, "Brooklyn Baby" is sounding very cool currently : D I love her music very much but a lot of this album felt too slow to me, I know her style is kind of slow but it wasn't a slow that particularly grabbed me.
I recon Xemnas's memories are a bit screwy, I always wondered why he relied so much on Roxas to use the keyblade if he could use one himself, unless he can't because he can't remember how (like it's not so much he can't remember being able to, it's he doesn't know how). I also wondered why, if they are technically the same person why they don't all use the same keyblade. Young Xehanort has 2 weapons though, his keyblade and the blue blade things that are used by "The Mysterious figure" which are obviously linked to Xemnas' light sabers xD Well, the actual Kingdom Hearts has never really been explained, it's still an entity shrouded in mystery and I don't think we will ever properly understand it- for Ansem SoD it was filled with darkness, for Sora it was light, for Riku and Mickey it was filled with heartless, for Xemnas it was his own world. Why do all the villains want it so badly and why doesn't Sora?
Happy independence from us >:3 just think, you could have had a BBC America with no adverts. MWHAHAHA
Team Fortress 2. I can never complete it. Too many hats. Spoiler
It will never be enough staff for me >:3
Oh my, xD how is that possible? This is like peak time for your side of the planet.
Well, it's times like this when I suggest you just go fishing on the moon.
I am? 0.o why? Because I have bread? I have star bread >:3
I can't bring it to you, it's in your breadbin >:3
I tend to babysit older kids, it's not getting them to talk, it's getting them to stop talking and go to sleep ;-; I will do it! Even if I actually have to sit on them >:3
Hopefully it should work now.
Spoiler View attachment 39169 Sorry ;-; it's just my favourite pass time.
No matter if it's old, I have only recently heard about this. I would like to think this is a case of seeing things where there is nothing to be seen. Even if it was based off of her then so what? I suppose the negative portrayal of said character would make you mad but unless they are publicly connected to you then the connection is up for interpretation.