i crai evry tiem
Windows 97 is where it's at.
I thought our age of consent was still 16 and you can get married then but you need your parents permission. 18 is when you are fully considered an adult by society's standards and you have to get CRB's and can buy alcohol and sharp things and get married without your parents permission.
Tale! We will miss you <3 Have a lovely time though and don't forget about us >:3 We'll make sure to fangirl strongly on your behalf.
Yay : D my jokes are understood. My friends throw things at me when I make that joke ;-;
Such phallus, WOW! XD
I suppose i just mean it was different from the game xD I haven't read all the mangas but it was just tiny bits that were different from the series I've got to know inside out.
I thought you were Fearless Cook spaghetti/tagliatelle/ribbon pasta Cut up some chillies and garlic Fry an egg Fry some bacon (optional) Fry the chillies and garlic a bit in the egg pan (make sure they don't burn, that makes the dish sad) Add Tabasco sauce to egg Drain pasta once cooked Mix pasta with Tabasco sauce and chilli flakes Put into a bowl or whatever you want to eat it out of Top with the fried egg and garlic, chilli mix (and the bacon) Add grated parmesan, pepper and any other herbs you feel like lobbing in. I made this yesterday and it was so simple yet beautiful, I loved it so much.
Yes, people should do more giveaways >:3 free stuff!
My excitement for this series is getting ridiculous now. I need help. Entertainment weekly have the first image from "Deep Breath" which isn't much but I love what he's wearing even if it makes him look homeless xD it's kind of like a stark contrast to his final costume Spoiler
Thank you very much Nights : D I really don't understand why Rissy doesn't have more love though, her work is beautiful, I love the colours, placement and just that water texture is just gorgeous.
I always wondered that if they did something like this whether the animation would be Disney like or anime like, I have always seen it as a more Japanese style but these pictures look more Disney to me and I love it! I do kind of want this but worry about how it would be made, we already know the story of Kingdom hearts so they would have to find something new to spice it up like they did with the manga a bit.
I like the buttons : D they remind me of my childhood.
Superbad was a fun film, I've never watched Vampires suck but I would watch it just to see to decide for myself how bad it is but it seems unlikely that I would like it xD
I have never had a laptop, I love my desktop because it would be very hard to steal >:3 then again, it also means I can't steal it away and go somewhere with it. It also means that I can't easily move it closer to the internet router when my internet is being a turd...
Dayum, that teaser was awesome, I got chills. I only read through the book series once and all the filler didn't bother me, it was a bit boring at times but I recon there is enough to fill 2 films, well I hope so- it should be interesting to see how they do this. Ooooh, I think I know why I liked the trailer so much, it's because the darkness of the district 13 broadcast is so strikingly contrasting to the Capitol one that it really shows the corrupt facade of Panem and how it's finally being broken.
I think Amethyst's post sums this up very well but it's still a fascinating topic I think. The mentally ill, the criminals, the addicts, they are all labelled and looked down upon in society but if you try to understand their point of view then it'll probably make more sense. I read a lot of autobiographies from addicts and mentally ill people and it's amazing to get a better understanding of what they go through (not a full one, I don't think I could ever truly understand what they go through without experiencing it myself). For example, I am currently reading "A million little pieces" by James Frey which is most likely his autobiography of his life getting over his drug and alcohol addictions and he's horrible to everyone just because he thinks he's worthless and doesn't want other people to get involved with him because he's a bad person. When you look at it from their point of view it makes things much clearer and stops hatred and labels, I just wish more people were more understanding. It's easy to point fingers of blame at them and look down your nose at them as horrible people but that's not the way it should be. Very few people actually do crimes for the sake of doing evil, most people have a good reason and so justify it in their head, sometimes it is greed though, sometimes it's wanting to mess the world up and cause chaos but that intention isn't overly common (mostly in clinically diagnosed psychopaths- someone without the ability to feel remorse and so tends to commit a lot of crimes without a second glance, this isn't all psychopaths though).
But are the cows okay? D:
Stay safe guys ;-; This is a silly piece of advice, of course you will, I doubt anyone would go try and hug a tornado for fun.