Hola! :] *hugs* Remember me? o:
These are some of my Graduation Pictures. :] http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z26/alvissa/Me and My friends/Snapshot_20090604_4.jpg http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z26/alvissa/Me and My friends/Snapshot_20090604_2.jpg
Eh, feeling sick. :/ You?
Hey there! :]
~HugsBack~ Eh, listening to music. :3 What you up to? Rolepaying? o:
Heeeeeeeeeeey :] What's up? o:
Ah, that's cool. I'll have to try it sometime. 8D
o: So, differernt video characters? ._.
Song: Exhibition By: Falling Up
o: How'd you ask them?
I didn't really even ask. It's because I'm failing Math and they know I'm a huge anime nerd, so my dad comes in and goes like, "If you pass 8th...
o: My parents have their times when they're super strict and not that strict. :|
O.o What's That? o:
o: I'll take pictures. Hopefully you will go, so you can take pictures!
I am a she, but this she has a name. >=|
My dad said If I pass this year, I really am gonna go to JACON.
O.o Who's she? o:
O: Otaku means an anime/video game/manga nerd. xD
Ummm.... <_< That's a bit creepy. xD
I was suppose to go to one Earlier this year, But I didn't. And over Summer Vacation, I'm going to JACON. :] You? o: