Nah, I'm way over him now. =3 Hee hee. What kinds of games? O:
I'm not sure, but I realized how much of a jerk he is. So, I'm good. =3 *hugs* How's your life?
Hola. What's up?
I'm so tired. *Yawns* So, what you up to? :]
I hope I can move with friends! :]
Yeah, my sister is suppose to move in with one of her friends, but my dad doesn't approve because she parties too much and spends all her money...
I've been gooooooooooooooooooood! :] <3 My boyfriend dumped me, but... Whatever, I guess. How about you?
Eh, don't worry. I'm happy again! :] I won't dwell on the past :3 So, what's up?
Okay, bye-bye! :3
So, what's up? o:
ZEONARK!!!! :] *hugs* Heeeeeeeeeey. :3
Aww, sorry to hear that. :/
Do you and your friend like, seperate the pay? Like, for Bills or the Rent (if you have to pay Rent)? O: I'm nosey. xD
It keeps changing down here in Florida. One day it's super hot, the next it's all thunder storms, then after it's hot again. :/ It's been like that for almost a month. ;~;
Eh, I ended up moving, then my boyfriend dumped me, and then I still had school, so I was just on a long break from the computer. X-x
Nah, it wasn't that long it's just the area I live at doesn't have Internet signal at all! D: Well, then it didn't, but now it does.. It's slow...
Eh, better then I was for the past few weeks. My family moved and then My bofriend dumped me for his ex, but whatever. :/ You?
Hola. :3 Sorry I haven't been online. I moved and then I went into a Depression mode because my boyfriend dumped me for his Ex. :[ Oh well......
I'm here. :3 What's up?
Hola! :] What's up?