I don't wanna... D: I don't even know how..
I'm not gonna yell at you, silly. XD Yup, I have a PSP! =D I heard of that... Honestly, I haven't heard of the Tales series until like, 2 days...
I got a friends request from you, so just thought I'd be nice and say Hello. :]
Lol. Okay. SO, what's up? o:
Cell phone? Nope. Lol. I was suppose to be getting one this week, but I think my mom forgot about it. >-< Why?
Yeah. Lol. The other one was getting old, right? XD
Lol. XD Yeah, I’ll try that once she gets home, ‘Kay? I hope it works. I’m dying for Crisis Core, a Tales Series game, and a few more mangas. Oh,...
Hola, dude. o:
I tried that she just promised she would buy me a game soon and then doesn't. The when I tell her she always breaks her promises (which is true)...
None taken. I agree with you. XD ...I don't know. She thinks kids/teens should just play outside. Like, I actually got grounded all day for...
Because my mom thinks that pretty much anime, music, video games, and stuff like that is pointless. :/ That you should really only buy that stuff...
Eh, well.... My birthday's the only time I can get what I want. Oh, and Christmas time. Other then that, if I want something I have to wait for...
Hello, CuddlyQueen, and welcome to KHV! Hope you enjoy your stay! :D
I'll try to. I'm gonna need a DS anyways for 358/2 Days. X3 Meebo's like, a site for anyone to log into any account such as MSN, AIM, YIM,...
Wow, I need to buy a DS. Good thing my birthday's next month. X3 Um, can't you make an account and use Meebo? o: Or YIM have it's own online...
What's it for? GBA? PSP? PS2? ._. Why not? ;~; Oh, oh, I'm going to an Anime Convention soon! x3
O: I've always wanted to play that game. ;~; Is it fun? Also, do you have like, YIM or AIM? o:
Heeeeeeeeeeeey! :3
I'm good. x3 And okay, talk to you later. Bye bye!~ *hugs*
heeeeeeeeey! =3