o: Hopefully you will. =3 I'm not sure what I'm getting for my Birthday. :/
That's cool! Just 8 more days. 8D Mine's on Augest 11th. :3
Me too. I haven't bothered with Sephiroth. XD I tried 4 times and got killed within 10 seconds. Lol.
Good, good. You? :3
Oh! Happy Birthday! :] When is it? Mine's next month.
Yeah, that was my only problem with him. I hated those giants waves he did... I used Trinity every once in awhile, but then was like, "Why did I...
Hi, buddy. o:
Nothing much, just listening to music and chatting :3 You?
The ghost thing got on my nerves. Lol. Like, while it was taking the gold I was just trying to hit it without doing Hinder. XD Oh, the dragon....
Heeeeeeeeeeeey! :]
Lol. I hated fighting that one thing in the Pirates of the Caribbean part for the 2nd game... >-< That took me a long time. Oh, but what really...
I’m not really a type of person to yell at people unless I have to. O_o I usually write my feelings down into a story. *FutureWriter* 8D Yes, I...
I remember I was in 3rd grade. Like, I was playing it was first and then when you get to the huge Heartless that came from Sora's shadow, I threw...
I'm not sure. I wasn't all that a KH fan until the 2nd one. I was actually scared to play it was first because of the Heartless popping up. XD
Lol. I don't remember my first KH AMV... I think it was an Axel tribute. XD
Oh, I love them. Memoris was the first song I heard from them. My favorite song from the is Frozen. :] I'm listening to Skillet. XD
What kind of music? What artist? o:
Well, Rep isn't all that important. At least to me. ;P
-40? As in like, below 0? ._.
Nice to meet you. Nothing much, watching some AMVs and chatting with friends. You? =3