Yeah, but I've never been inside it. I'm hoping to go sometime soon. :3
I'm doing good. :3 You?
Lol. I wasn't sure... Right across from were I live, is a International Fleamarket and they sell Kimonos there. I'm going to an Anime Convention...
Just listening to music and chatting friends some friends. 8D I was suppose to go shopping for a Kimono, but I guess my dad changed plans. :3
I'm goooooooooood. =3 What you up to?
&*(&%&^%$% O= You changed your name!? Any who, how are you? XD
Hello. :] Sure, we can be friends. =3 How are you?
‘Kay, I will. :] Mhmm, my uncle was the one that got me into video games and anime. I’m not sure which Pokemon it was. XD I forgot too… I think...
Can I read a song? o:
O: That's cool. I wish I was on a band. xD Have you written your own songs? Or done live concerts!? =D
I'm watching D. Gray Man now. Did you ever start that band? :]
Eh, same... I don't feel all that good... But other then that, I'm chatting with my friends. :3 What you up to? o:
Heehee, thank you. :3 Well, I hope I make the writing career, if not, then I don't know. o_o My uncle has all the games systems, so yay me! Yeah,...
Hi and Thank you. =3 What's up?
Yeah, I want to try to download MSN on my own computer, but I'm scared it might crash. o_o
Okay, well... Hope you're better. :3
I don't have MSN. Last time I tried to, my computer crashed. XD
Lol. Me too. XD Also, YIM and AIM. =3
Oh, um, you just seemed kind of down all of a sudden. Sorry.
1. Alice in Wonderland 2. Time Burtons: The Nightmare before Christmas 3. Mulan 4. Sleeping Beauty 5. Little Mermaid