It has to be! There is just no other explanation. this some Vista thing? Is a decent online IM. You should probably use that! P.S. Does it ask you to like pay for something even if you log onto your ebuddy thing? Check, check, check!
I think I am seriously out of the come you have to pay for your MSN? Stick with Meebo or something?
...I think I shat bricks when I looked at your sig. WHAT THE HELL: P.S. Australia is not real.
..did you just...did you just post an implied lego-goatse? LE GOATSE!?
What did you defeat airman?! AIRMAN GA TAOSENAI!
Yer' nucking futs. Santa does not age, he'll rage.
Dude, that movie sucked.
You have a reciprocal heart-attack. You may want to fix that.
You know how Japan practically invented all the sexual fetishes? I bet it had something to do with their flag. It's a friggin' tampax-period-thing. I just know that the guy who made the flag, totally screwed up, and everyone thought it was "AWWWWRIGHT" (consisted of nothing but 4chan). Random spurts of new feti (plural?), occured, because of the spell this flag induced. Yes people, I am saying that Japan master the art of Pornography.
"T-E-E-N, T,I,T-A~NUS"...that is what I hear in the ending, I SWEAR it is the actual lyric. I just KNOW IT.
*awesome face*
Are you doing yer' womehork now?
0 0 0 0 Behold my optical illusion.
I posted a random picture of a guy. That is not me. xD
NH = No hug (zone)? I have no idea, I am one of the snaidanac.
Whatever, I am still telling on you.
People think I'm ugly. >_>
No, YOU. Wait, what the HELL did I just type?! O_O