Your name is pronounced "Mee-elle-eh", correct? Or is it, "Mee-elle-ee"?
Chill, dude. I have been here for like Eighty-seven years, and my post count has been staying below 30.
My favourite heartless are the red mushroom things.
What an ironic name for something that really is not so common.
I do not recall turning into a dark ball, but I do recall playing the game on beginner mode like 5 times. Each time it got harder though...
Your name rhymes with mountain bike. Enough said.
Sonic is the name, speed was my game. -Sonic (let me see how many people got that drug reference...)
Gun...? DAMN.
...lul, wut?
I dislike 'The Dark Knight' (too?)
Why did you tell them our secret...?
Amen brother (sister?). No offense, but I find Unleashed to be a little annoying. I really think that becoming a werewolf should have been a little bit better. The plot should have been written better, and I guess the dialogue could have been fixed.
This is also madness.
You know, when I was a jockey...well I was for a little while...anyway, in my bed - I guess you could say it was more of a cot, we had this sort of sanitary paper for the phillies. Wait a minute... bed/cot, philly-paper...RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS?!
Looks like fun...I might take part if needed. =)
Your newest game sucks bawls. WTFRIDGE IS A WEREHOG?
I want to be an hero.
They will come back eventually. has to be something to do with the new hotmail stuff. Either that, or you have some sort of spin-off of MSN. One that either explodes, or expleeds.