Grammar does not exist in Kingdom Hearts. I saw thirty-seven mistakes in the ToS. And I saw eleven redundant statements. All of them right after the other. Of course, I am completely lying. Therefore, I have served my person on the spamzone. Good-day to you, Bill.
That was a terrible novel.
...What? You only broked a rule. You get sent to jail if you break postulates.
An anvil is a type of fish. It only lives underwater and feeds on grass.
Sex is a crime against porn.
You broked a rule.
Good grief, look what you did.
This is the Spamzone. Anything goes.
Yo' dawg, I heard you like math and driving, so I put a function in your car so you could derrive while you drive. (works better when you say it aloud.)
Technically speaking, I am weapon get.
I made a video for my physics class. The information is not that important (although, if I forgot something, let me know - it will be useful for my exam. =P) but I was wondering what the animation lacked. I know that the blinking animation is kind of off, it was because of the sprite I was given. I also know that the sound is kind of crappy, and that is because of my friend's mic/pc. =P Alrighty, here it is? [EDIT: This is something that I already handed in, but I would like to better my skills as a super-noob animator, lewlz. Oh, and I would also like to mention that my original idea for this project was an actual video, but the storage media we used was effed-in-the-left, and we lost everything. Luckily, I just whipped this up in an hour or 6. I totally forgot that I could make .swf sprites. ._.)
Aqua really is a guy. All the people who say that she is not, are reading the exerpts from Square Enix incorrectly. It makes sense; blue-hair, blue-magic, blue-eyes. "Blue" is a boy-colour. It is the reason why it starts with "B". In all seriousness, Aqua is an interesting character. She might transform into something else when she returns. SOUSHERIE (whatever the hell your name is =P), ADD MORE THINGIES TO YOUR THINGY.
You eliminate the possiblities of more Kingdom Hearts games in the future. I actually think that there are 13 beings. 14 if you count the inexistant ones (Yes, there are more than one inexistant beings, and they all add up to '1'. Do not ask me how, it makes sense. Trust me.). Thirteen components of the heart...interesting. I made that up on the spot. I guess I like bull'ing stuff.
When I first heard of it, I guessed that the baby goes in. My best relevant guess is however, the fact that they are some obscure third existance. You know what else? The unbirths are probably just heartless waiting to awaken. Like baby-heartless...that has to go back in.
Pride could be a major issue. What would you do if your almighty weapon just all of a sudden broke?
Low in tire.
It is spam. lolwatic formula ftw.
What is feces, but dense, and brown sweat?
Actually, the series ended. When they went to the supposed 'One Piece', they realised that the pirate guy was not talking about a place. '[He] left it all in one piece', pretty much meant that he just left everything together, not in some place people called 'Once Piece'. They also realised that this 'One Piece' was dead centre of the eight Bermuda Triangle. So really, they should have called it like the 'epicentre of all sorrow, and missing vehicles that do not concern the land, excluding the fact that these vehicles have to land'.