Okay-Im repulsed by the consept of eating meat-But the problem is-I kinda have to eat it.. I told my dad about my new found vegetarianism but he start saying "Oh-What book did you read this time" and "Who are you trying to impress?" I simply replied "I haven't liked the concept of meat for a while now..." Meat is still made for my dinner and sometimes I just give it to the dog if I know I can get away with it but my parents know that I start doing that so they start making stuff like Burgers and Mince Pies-Which I cant give to the dog without it being obvious so I have to eat it-I know what your probably thinking-Nobody put a gun to your head and forced you to eat it-But in my house-This kinda stuff would cause a full scale Riot/Argument and I do what to avoid that because everything is so calm these days.. So...Any Advice?
Okay,Today I looked up the symptoms for stress and guess what-I'm stressed My Symptoms include- Skin conditions, such as eczema Depression Sleep problems Loss of appetite or anorexia Increased coffee consumption You can't make decisions, large or small. Unable to concentrate Increased and suppressed anger Permanently tired even after sleep Lack of interest in anything other than work Excessive emotion & crying at small irritations Loss of your sense of humour Not be able to cope with life, feeling out of control I know how bad im feeling-I almost punched a guy because he looked at me funny-I'm so fricking frustrated -_- So there it is-I need to know how to deal with it-Please and thank you.
Okay seriously im not vain but im concerned. My skin and hair is so unhealthy now-I'm far too pale,to a point that im almost grey (The only skin problem I've ever had is eczema) and my hair colour is changing to a dull Grey-Bronze-I have dark circles under my eyes and its not really getting any better. I know why this is happening- Pale Skin-I'm really not out that much because the bad wether here in Ireland-I just kinda stay in my room and read . Hair Colour Change-I straighten my hair like twice a day but I thought if anything it would bleach and go blonde. Under Eye Circles-I honestly only get 7 hours sleep (12pm-6am) So im wondering what I should do-Keeping in mind that I try to get sleep-My hair curls horribly and the weather is bad. So I dont know what to do-So please help =[
I was walking around the city centre with my big sister and we walked into a Japanese shop-I thought It was really rich in Japanese culture so we started talking to the shop keeper about how if you wear Gothic clothes in Tokyo nobody would notice and he was really nice so we continued talking-It went on to how if you wear Gothic clothes around Dublin-In most places you'd get knifed down (Which is very true) and it got me thinking-One day I was attacked outside a store in pure daylight-I was beaten by three 17 year olds (I was 12) to a point I could hardly walk. It was cault on CCTV and there were by passers-I started wondering-Why didn't anybody stop the "Fight"-I mean it was being recorded on a phone (And I dont know if the video is still in circulation) and Nobody tried to assist me until they ran away and I was bleeding on the ground alone. I dont really care about it now but I would like too ask-Do you think everyone is to cowardly to assist someone in my then situation?
Long days are kinda cool-I just wanted to put that out there-Mainly because Ive had the best day in a long while-I went into Dublin City Centre and just hung out with friends and went looking for a birthday present for my older sister-It was fun because we all just pitched in on everything that ws bought and it was sunny out so we spent a lot of time walking around ^^ A bught a load of stuff with money I found on the bus-(Including my sisters birthday present-A Gothic Chocker and riing with a cartoon monkey on it xD)-The only downside is that I cut my fingerr open while going home on the bus with the spikes on the Chocker-I could see the fat cells in my finger and had to get stiches xD So-It was a long day but it was fun-So do you like long days with friends and minor accidents? and if so tell us about the day! ^^
Okay,I just noticed-Well ive known it for a long time but it just start annoying me now. In most movies the Evil Character or Villain is Ugly and I ask-Why? I mean-if its a good movie the character development would be quite high-And the Villain wouldn't need to look Ugly to show their personality-It would be done through acting as oppose to looks-I know Visual aids are important when it comes to film making but I find that if a film has a villain and He/She so happens to be ugly (Like Slugworth in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory ) it loses intellect-But if the Villain happens to be Beautiful (Like the Tripods in War of The Worlds ) it adds intellect. Views?
Okay I have Wood Work Theory once a week and one day I forgot my homework-I got lines and I was kinda like "Yeah Okay-I kinda Deserve it" but while he is writing out what I had to originally had to write which was "I have wood work Theory only one a week-Homework inst to much to ask" he looks me up and down-Acknowledges the clothes im wearing-Scribbles out what I was to write and replaces it with "I will learn to act in a normal manner"-I just kinda laughed at it-But then at lunch someone asked me about it and I just kinda said "I know im weird but Im not that bad" with a smile then everyones all like "Oh but that's what we love about you" and "I wouldn't say weird-Different is a better word!" and then it really got to me-We (Me and a few of my friends) were discussing it in the library and I just suddenly got really upset about it-I actually stormed out of the library on the verge of tears (And believe when I sat-I NEVER cry) one of my friends follows me while I cry in the school car park and then I just say "**** it-Im going home" so I gave my friend a hug--Thanked him for trying to comfort me and I cycled home... I havent seen that teacher since (And im on mid-term so im not gonna for about two weeks) But when I see him I might actually scare the **** out of him with the abuse im gonna spit at him-So does anyone know what I should do??
Okay-this is something some if not most of us experience-*Sighs* My dad is an arsehole xD Lately he is real grump at me-There are four other kids in the house but it seems he's out to get me :P I know because just yesterday I walk into the Kitchen and he comes up closely-puts his finger in my face and is all like "You wanna calm the **** down-I dont care if your getting older-I'll break every tooth in your head-I'll ****in break your jaw if you dont stop that attitude!" I just kinda look at him like WTF-But I didnt say anything cuz I know I didnt do anything wrong-Cuz all I did that day as stay in my room,Watch a movie or two listen to Nirvana and sleep (That was only because it was raining) and later he start saying how im a lazy **** that doest talk to anybody and how my type grows up to be arseholes! XD but likle does he know that he grew up to be the arsehole. So does anybody know what I should do-Or has this ever happened to you??? Oh and before you say talk to somebody and bare it-I talked to my Mum-She said let it go in one ear and out the other-Which ive gotten pretty good at doing at this stage =P
Okay-When I was a baby bands like Nirvana and Guns'n'Roses where always played around me-I'm 13 and I haven't heard the album Nevermind by Nirvana in 10 years and I was amazed when I found I could almost recite the whole album! I was like "Dude! I know this song-even though im pretty sure i've never heard it before!!" So Basically I think its down to the Subconscious and how it sorta 'Bookmarks' things like music and it can silently live on for like 10 years and stuff-So did you ever come across something like this?? And If you did please tell ^^
Story: After two long years of battle,Sora,Riku and kairi settle back down in Destiny Islands... This being,they must attend Paupu Academy.... Rules: 1. No god-modding 2. No power-playing 3. Apperances must be URLs 4. fights are exciting,lets face it, but keep it to a minimum... 5. if you kill someone you will be expelled (ask if you want to kill) 6. keep yaoi and yuri to the dorms lol 7. write 'happy go go super baby' so i know you read the rules... 8.This tread got closed before for inappropriate posts-so no sex XP and even if there is make it a before and after kinda thing-this is the most important rule!!!! HeadMaster Username:SoraUchiha Name:Xenophelius Nagi Basilisk Age:??? Gender:Male Apperance:http://media.photobucket.com/image/a...eMage.jpg?o=38 Bio:Not much is known about Mr.Basilisk...but he is known to have a dark past Personality:warm,calming but forceful Other:is rumored to be a half a nobody Teachers(all children listed {if any} are now adults) Tidus: Yuna: Auron(Defence Against The Dark Arts):SoraUchiha Wakka: Lulu: Rikku: Paine: Cid(Business and Technology):TheDeadGuy Braska: Seymour Guado: Sin: Yu Yevon: Lenne and Shuyin: yen sid: cloud(Gym Class):TheDeadGuy leon:BaseSebastian aerth: seperoith:BaseSebastian --------------------------------- Scáthach(Combat and Guidance Councillor)-SoraUchiha Students Sora: Riku:MandyXRiku4ever Kairi:keybladewarrioroflegend Tidus: Wakka: Selphie: Hayner: Pence: Olette: Seifer: Foo:Haiena.Koinu Rai: Vivi: ------------------------------ Trixis:Key master Sora Ares Osiris Xerxes:Haiena.Koinu Neal Lee Rampart:The True Key Neoph Vermillion Rampart-keybladewarrioroflegend Ame Omoide Nagasu-Shadow_Rocks Hideo (hide) Jun Koike-Flamedancer Miteta Sakura Uchicha-MandyXRiku4ever Ryoku-SoraUchiha OC Form: Username: Name (First, middle, last): Age for students (Between 12-19): Age for teachers (between 19-55): Gender: Year: Average Grades: Your one great flaw: Apperance: Bio: Personality: Other: __________
Okay heres a short list of things that I find abnormal about myself and I would like to hear your opinions as to if am a weirdo XDD 1-I think im weak but apparently im quite strong XD 2-Toenails creep me out!! 3-So do spiders and people with really long necks!! 4-I love Fat most people!! 5-I love reading of Psychos and Serial Killers 6-I absolutely LOVE Psychology and reading body language. 7-One of my favourite songs is Cosmic love by Florence and the Machine even though im a Metal Head!! 8-Marilyn Manson is my Idol! 9-I keep drawing random Eyes 10-I Death Growl for fun XDD Im not really gonna take most opinions to heart but id really like to know what people think of me!! XDD Peace out!!!
This will be based on a modern "War of the Worlds" like the H. G. Wells but unlike the two movie in an Amine or Manga point of view =] (but the tread will contain 2005 movie concepts-light the lightning storm) ------------------------------------------- Story- Everyone is living the daily routine in present day Japan-Down-town Tokyo is evacuated when lightning repetitively strikes of otherworldly lightning... ------------------------------------------- Rules: 1)Make sure you know the general storyline of either the book or the 2005 movie. 2)Minor cursing is allowed 3)Fights can be started but make sure it has to do with surviving and stuff 4)You can only be 3 people at a time 5)Nobody actually kills a tripod-an alien-okay but thats at night when they come out of the Tripods. 6)No spamming!! 7)I would encourage using character names off the Book and 2005 movie as a tribute lol 8)Have Fun! 10)Will add more rules if need. (I shouldn't have to though.) ------------------------------------------- Characters: Name: Gender: Experience: (Midwife,Soldier,Doctor??note-This isnt really required-you could just write Survivor) Likes: Dislikes: Appearance: Bio: ------------------------------------------- Legal Note-I do not own the name War of the worlds-I will never own the name War of the Worlds
Sup people of the Internet!!! Im 13 years old and lately ive been getting into drinking Coffee (and when I say lately-I mean yesterday-Night) and since then and now ive had roughly 13 mugs-(I dont even drink that much water in that time-space)-and ive been wondering-is there consequence i drinking so much coffee at such a young age (other that having Coffee Stained teeth)? And ive noticed since i start drinking coffee-im not as tired and can concentrate better than ive done in a long time! So yeah-feel free to tell about the pros and cons about drinking coffee at age 13-or in general lol
its always nice to remember little firsts of every year-or decade in this case....so just copy and pate the form below and fill it out and submit it-the first song you listened to ect... :P First.... Movie: Song: Book: words you said: words someone said to you: Text sent: Text Received: Person you hugged: Person you Kissed: Cheesy joke you heard: Drink: Food: thing you bought: and any more if you can thinnk of some!! ---------------------------------------------- Heres Mine!! Movie:Dumb and Dumberer Song:Paramore-Brick by Boring brick Book:Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel-The Sorceress words you said:"Happy Halloween" words someone said to you:"Piss Off!" Text sent:"Wahoo first txt of da year!" Text Received:"haha Ur a Towel" Person you hugged:My sister Person you Kissed:never mind...lol Cheesy joke you heard:Why did the chewing gum cross the road.... Drink:Coka Cola! Food:Cheese Sandwich thing you bought:Earphones!
Marilyn Manson-love him or hate him-we have all heard of him and we all have opinions and im asking you yours... But more specifically I want to ask you if you think Marilyn Manson is responsible for the Columbine High School massacre-Here are sketchy details but you can look it up at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbine_High_School_massacre --------------------------------------------- So on Tuesday, April 20, 1999 Two senior students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (attending Columbine High School) embarked on a massacre, killing 12 students and one teacher. They also injured 21 other students directly, and three people were injured while attempting to escape. The pair then committed suicide in the school library Early stories following the shootings charged that school administrators and teachers at Columbine had long condoned a climate of bullying by the so-called jocks or athletes, allowing an atmosphere of outright intimidation and resentment to fester which, they claimed, could have helped trigger the perpetrators' extreme violence. Reportedly, homophobic remarks were directed at Klebold and Harris. Blame for the shootings was directed at bands like Rammstein, Marilyn Manson, KMFDM, and other mainstream 'dark' music groups, which was detailed in Michael Moore's documentary Bowling for Columbine. Lead singer Manson stated on a VH1 interview that the band had cancelled three concerts in memoriam of the tragedy. When asked what he would have said to kids at Columbine or to the people in the community, Manson replied: "I wouldn't say a single word to them. I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did." --------------------------------------------- So there are sketchy detail but read up for yourself-I personally dont agree Manson is responsible but you tell me your opinions.....
Last Friday I was with my friends eating my lunch-and at this time I was wearing black fingerless gloves and a black and gray "checker" beanie and then a teacher comes over and says (His exact words) *See you with you big Emo hat" and then he walked off leaving 1st 2nd and 3rd years to laugh at me (even though Emos are cool-they are unpopular in my school) and on my way to class people where still laughing at me and yes I was hit with the odd paper airplane.... Today I told my mum and she says she is going to cause a total uproar-she wants a written apology and if its just "Im sorry" than she will get him done for-Slander,Stereotyping and Discrimination and Properly Racism (The teacher is black-im white...) then he will lose his job...(im not complaining) and what I wanna know do you agree with my mum for fighting against Slander,Stereotyping and Discrimination or do you think "But he only commented on his hat-its not like he start laughing" Oh and dont start saying im Racist because im most certainly not...
Dear Miyuki Im sorry to leave you but it his gotten too dangerious-I have found a way to stop it all..Tempereily-after a certain point my plan will fall-unless someone uses my keyblade that ive locked within Kingdom Hearts,Letting the keyblade build in power intil it can destroy darkness definativly-but in the wrong hands-could destroy life as we know it We will be ancients by the time this will happen but I do hope it works I Love You Yours most Sincerely in love and in death-Akanabe 1000 years after the Kingdom Hearts saga the war wages on-the worlds are decaying but the only things keeping them there is the Keyblade of Akanabe locked within kingdom Hearts-Both The Alliance of Dark Twilight and the Knights of Akanabe are close to obtaining the weapon and either Destroying or Restoring the universe... ------------------------------------------ Alliance of Dark Twilight * Kuroharu(Twilight)- * Harusa(Dark)- * Iwamatsu(Light)- * Morikawa(Fire)- * Kuroyoshi(Water)- * Aka(Thunder)- * To(Earth)- * Hirahoshi(Illusion)- Knights of Akanabe * Yamagin (Twilight)- * Yamamura(Dark)- * Kenkei(Light)- * Furu(Fire)- * Tafuji(Water)- * Saki(Thunder)- * Haramori-(Earth)- * Asanaka(Illusion)- ------------------------------------------ Username: Name (First, middle, last): Age (Between 12-40): Gender: Appearance: Side (The Knights of Akanabe or Alliance of Dark Twilight): Magic or Power-(Twilight,Dark,Light,Fire,Water,Thunder,Earth,Illu sion) Bio: Personality: Weapon (All of The Knights of Akanabe weild Keyblades): Other: ------------------------------------------ -No Godmodding. -No Powerplaying. -Keep it PG-16-ish. -Follow the site's basic rules. -Post Purple monkey Dishwasher in your first OC Form post. If you don't follow these basic rules three times, you're out of the RP.
I want to delete it but i dont know how...oh well I want to delete it but i dont know how...oh well
Dear "Mayfly" It seems that our dream of an Empire has crumpled before our eyes,Im sorry to abandon you but im taking the survivors and starting a convoy that will travil world to world to wipe out the Heartless,Nobodies and Xelighs. You are welcome to join us but you will have to find us... Yours Most Sincerly "Marilyn" ------------------------------------------- Characters- TheDeadGuy-Wesxtal The Merchant xxxLatiasxxx-Luke Resse Remember- This is after-WAY after kingdom hearts Everyone must have a nickname You will have to have a means of transportation in the rp-floating is prefered ------------------------------------------ Rules: No god-modding No power-playing Apperances must be URLs fights are exciting,lets face it, but keep it to a minimum... if you kill someone you will be expelled from the convoy write 'happy go go super baby' so i know you read the rules... ------------------------------------------ OC Form: Username: nickname: Age: Gender: Your one great flaw: Apperance: Transportation (describe or URL): Bio: Personality: Other: ------------------------------------------
well just a few minutes ago I was going onto the computer and-well this is what happened my freckin dosey little sister gets off the computer so I can get on at my scheduled time but she then suddenly desideds to come to a complete halt on the chair and starts frecking waving her frecking arms around-and when I say "When ever your Ready" (I was impatient cuz I had E-mails to send) my mother just suddenly desideds to wake up and shout "SHUT UP OR YOUR NOT GETTING ON IT!!!!" and at this point my sister is still waving her arms a-freking-bout and I try to tell my mam what had just happened she desideds to keep shouting "SHUT UP OR YOUR NOT GETTING ON IT!!!! SHUT UP OR YOUR NOT GETTING ON IT!!!! SHUT UP OR YOUR NOT GETTING ON IT!!!!" I wouldnt mind but my sister has been geting mee in ****ing trouble AAAAALOT recentlyy!!!! and im ****ing really pissed off!!!! So I get on the computer and go straight here to start this tread-Im still REALLY annoyed-but is it okay to get REALLY A FREAKING ANNOYED????? or a better question would be do you agree as to why im annoyed??