Haha nah keep Hero xD I just like being a meany pants with him and teasing him since he tends to play along. You can have DT too for that matter...
It's nice to be talking to you. :3 Sorry about messing with Palkia haha.
Nope .
Why the **** are you online? :3c
Spoiler: Trailer beware I used the first trailer because I thought it was more thrilling. lol creepy face~ So, this horror film is to be coming out on Jan. 18 and I wanted to try getting a discussion going before it's released. I know there have been so many cruddy horror movies coming out lately, in my opinion anyways, but this one has really caught my interest since my friend showed it to me a few months back.Although it seems obvious on what's going to happen, I just can't help but be caught into it. Parents dying. Children going mad. New environmental and guardians. I just want to know about what lead to all this and what will be done in the end. It may be a pleasant surprise [kinda like Sinister]. So what do you all think bout it? Who's actually going to go watch it?
Those cookies are the biggest nonos for me. I honestly can't stand white chocolate one bit. ><
No, not Cookiie xD Lately, I have no clue why, but I don't really like them much anymore. The smell is lovely and they sound so delicious but when I take a bite, I don't want them anymore. ; ~ ; What's going on with meeeeeeeee? D: I want to love cookies again *sobsob* That being said, what's kind of cookies do you all like?~ <3
Haiiiiiiiiiii Manaphy~ <3 xD
All zeros! They look awful and undeserving of points, you baka! jk~ <3 Avvy: 6.8/10 I feel it's missing something to stand out to me more o: Siggy: 8/10 I love how the txt and the pic blend in very well. And the pic is like she's staring at me... challenge accepted.
C'mooooon Makaaaaaa <3 She was tied for the last one. ; ~ ;
I go back on Feb. 4th. Excited but not looking forward to it. I'll be taking 6 classes, working and doing internship hours. Blaaaaah it's gonna be hell for me. ; ~ ; I'll probably have no time to come on with hw and everything.
Haha sorry guys. We got a bit out of hand with things. x3 Not to worry though, we shall be cutting down on the Pokemanz! Have fun, Spammies~! <3
Looks like my work here is done <3 Latrz, fagit~
Aaaaaah you take it like a bitch. c:
You know you still love meh~ <3
And my, how he was delicious~
Such a naughty Pokemanz you are, Pal-kun~ <3
No, you look more like a pen- *shot*
Ohai new Pal-kun thread~ <3 Time to get busy on ruining you life >:3 Starting with this~ I AM ABOVE YOU!