Amethyst xD And maybe one of these days when I'm more in the mood. c:
Moshi's Mystical Muse? xD or if animals: Monk- *shot* Meerkat? xD
Neeeeeeeeeeeeeever heard it cx I wanna join nao D: This actually seems like fun even though I don't have a wonderful voice xD
So what song would it be when she responses to you? o:
Oooooooh xD Silleh me. I can be a baka at times.
Is it a fall song you sang alone? o: If it is, I can give it a shot.
Gahhhh more pics of my lovely~ <3 Even if you haven't slept, which you should D: , you still look marvelous! And I dunno why but I'm totes loving your hair xD
Currently, there are 539,280 germs living on your cell phone That's the equivalent of 108 toilet seats!
No thank you.... ; ~ ; Lost my appetite nao.
Dolan always makes me laugh <3
ahnecmlfendsekxfljmdlewk my lord, Dinny, these are just so incredible <3333 Gah thankies so very berry much. You have such a wonderful talent <3 Love you!
YESS!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! MAKAAAAAAAAA!! <33333 First Impression? Current? How would you fight off a pack of killer porcupine? You're lost in the woods for a full week with nothing on you but one item. What would that item be and how would you use it? What is your favorite thing to nom that contain potatoes? :3c How are things going with Cleverbot? xD If you were putting children to bed but they wanted you to sing, what song would it be? Which KHV members would you toss into a ring to duel til the death? Would you ever consider walking a tight rope to save a kitty? Normal question: What's you favorite food? 8D
You must clearly read the OP, Daddy cx BAKE IT! NAO!!!!
Haha I would offer to mix your lines for you but I dunno if that'd help you or her cx
So what's that KHV Idol thing do anyways? I'm curious o:
Flipping through the PYP thread xD Was talking to Hero but he hasn't responded so I'm freeeeee!!!
Oh wonderful! You has a nice voice and shizz 8D Hope you have loads of fun with it.
Yuuuuup~ SO it's nice to meet you, Miss Heart. :3 How are you, dear?
Yush! Enjoy them~ But I get to keep all my children! Even though Hero ate them all xD