And then this thread was banished to the brinks of hell. Thanks everyone.
I'M JUST GOING TO BE A BUZZKILL RIGHT ABOUT NOW HAIHAI 1:32 you put Judge's name instead of Ashwin's. Oh Jayn, that was lovely. All my feels right now. You've been an amazing asset to the project Jayn. Thank you. You work incredibly hard on this and you don't even get paid! It's blasphemous! I'm so glad to have taken part in this. Keep up the good work guys!
I turn 15 on Thursday.
But why would we congratulate them? They've lost their right to moderate all the sex ;;
Making sweet love to Misty.
No, it's not. I knew it didn't the moment I became Prem.
I know ;; I guess I could try for another Phoenix Wright theme, maybe. Also, 284 more posts, Kellu. Gogogo!
I really need a new theme for this username. It's too bad I'm far too lazy to do anything about it.
Nothing, I hate it. But it's too much work D:
Same here. Just remember that a poem DOES NOT have to rhyme.
No. Xros Wars is Season 6. I think you're talking about Cross Evolution or whatever it's called.
Watch Xros Wars then.
Danu, I am sticking you to the forum with super glue.
When Misty comes online.
Shipping Chemistry and making jokes? Well I guess that's Potassium. Too bad all the good ones Argon.
Hurray! Off I go- FFFFF-
Just wondering, are you going to implement any more rules into this? Because I find it kinda unfair that quite a few of the new slots were taken up by the people who sang last time. /rantrantwhinewhinepoutpout
HELLO SPOILERS. Just saying, avert your eyes before this video Announces the Truth on your asses, causing the amazing soundtrack to play at a Moderate tempo, then moving up to Allegro until finally it has you Cornered, where you'll have to put your all into one final Objection.