Then it's a date.
By ending, do you mean the ending of the first book, or the ending of the whole trilogy?
I suppose we should eradicate them all then.
Do you want World War III?
To be quite frank, I hated Flowmotion.
By original anime, he means the original Xros Wars. Take a line from the Xros Wars anime for an initial audition, then you'd get some from the abridged script, if it was good enough.
Just thought I would mention that the instrumental link on the song "Gotta get back to hogwarts" is broken.
[you] is reading this.
But Feenie doesn't have anything to say about it. Therefore, it can be deleted.
I think you'll find that that was last week.
[you] will kiss it all better, you'll see.
Too bad your name isn't Jude. Then the title of the thread would have been Hey Jude :/ I am talking to you.
No I think you'll find they called me.
Oh, I should probably vote c: 1. Andrew: As I've said before, you are coming along really well with your Graphic Art. This entry is no exception to your great progress. It just looks great in every way, and there's a nice contrast between the black and white. 2. Misty: This looks really quite nice. You have some nice effects going on around the render that make it stand out quite a fair bit. As others have said, it does seem to be a bit too elongated, but it's not much of a major gripe for me. Good job! 3. Monochrome: It's very simple, but it works really well.
Adamina or Adana. I personally prefer the latter (assuming you pronounce it A-Day-Na and not A-Dah-Nah)
I was expecting bacon of the homosexual variety. Thankfully the Wicked Witch of the moshimoshi has shown mercy on me.
Now now, Moshi. I know you think that you're Sebastian, but you have to face the facts. You are a girl, and girls make sammiches. If you think becoming a Gender Bender will work then you're sadly mistaken. Everyone knows that Fruit Benders are the only ones who are successful in life. Which is why half of them are spending their days on a kid's forum.